UT2Vote5x : Some maps not in vote list

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New Member
Jul 27, 2005
Hi all
I'm a french ut2k4 admin server
My server is runing on a Linux RedHat9
Some maps are missing in the vote list :(

- bMinMaxMaps is set to False so this is not the problem

Same if a add them manually int the [UT2Vote51.UT2VoteNewMaps] section

If i add them in the UT2004.ini, in the [Default DM MaplistRecord], i can switch to these maps via WebAdmin, and every thing work fine.

Any idea of the problem ???

Note : on WinXP, i can launch a server, choose the game type, and i correctely see ALL maps.


New Member
Jul 27, 2005
Found the reason

I auto-answer :)
The reason is the number of maps. It seems you can't exceed 254 maps. And i was in this case. So i delete some maps, and hidden maps reappear.

Feature request : is it possible to allow more than 254 maps for a GameType?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
No it is not a feasible idea to allow more than 254 maps.
Itr takes up far to much code and we will loose Whitelisting status if we go above 600k and increasing the number of maps to 511 which is the next step will take the code to around 700k.


New Member
Jun 28, 2005
254 maps!??!!? Who in the hell would want an ungodly number of maps like that, let alone 511?!?!? I bet that 65% of them would never even be played!!! It would just make looking for a good map in the list take a lot longer!