UT2Vote51 Released !

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life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
Also try and remove ALL the mutators you run in the ServerMuts= just as a test as it could be some mutators clashing with each other.

question is it possible for the mutes i use to have a conflict with ut2vote? or was that what you were trying to say in the first place?


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
well midway through my second game i crashed.is there another version i was reading about that just has a mapvote and nothing else. i have no problems with my mutes when i dont run vote. i think if all the mute stuff was left out of it it would be fine. i dont really want people voting for mutators anyway that only causes more issues. and all the clan stuff is or should be done through comp as well as hit sounds and bright skins. i have been working on this for three weeks now when i was fine prior only because of the requests of people on my server. all i want is the map vote portion without all this extra mute stuff as the game pushes them out there just fine on its own. this constant crashing is ruining my traffic flow. can you look things over one more time to see if i did something wrong so i can get this either stablized or out of my game cause it is killing me here? thnx


New Member
Oct 23, 2003
post your server.log or attach it to the post. the log will 99% of the time tell us why its crashing


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
re: my server.log

ok im not sure what you are asking for so im attaching a user, server and ut2004 log. i hope this can make heads or tails of this mess! BTW thanks for helpin


  • server log.txt
    21.1 KB · Views: 16
  • user log.txt
    24 KB · Views: 15
  • ut2004 log.txt
    4.9 KB · Views: 15


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
These logs you got when the server was still running.
To retrieve a log you must STOP the server.
Also we need the log after a crash.
We are in the process of making a UT2VoteLite which is only a mapvote and nothing else but will be another week or so.


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
That's quite the commandline there before UT2Vote even comes into the picture. I see tons of warnings too. Normally I surpress all that unless I am looking for trouble.

i am sorry i did not understand your comment, seems thats always half my problem. anyways i am sorry i havent gotten back to this poat as of yet i did notice tweaktool and the deemer(SL) was seemingly having a cuople issues myself as well as a missing package for KD barnburner. again though this has run seemlessly for monthe but with even more mutes than i am now pushing. originally i was running alot of mutes as they differed from gametype 2 gametype, i think there was a total of 28 but i cut that down considerably because i didnt think ut2vote could handle it. hey it just crashed again but i didnt catch it in time before firedaemon took over and restarted it again =(. well i turned firedaemon off and restarted it again through the game itself os next time it crashes i can get you what you want. please though be very specific as to what you are asking for as i am not that knowlegable with these things. you say server.log???? is what i had last attached even what you wanted?? if so which one? ro do you want every one again?? thanks and again sorry i have just been too buisy at work to deal with this the past couple days + when i get home it usually has people playing in it and i hate to shut down to turn off firedaemon. as they will just assume i have crashed again, that all said thanks for helpin out and i cant wait for the lite version and do you need beta testors or do you do all that yourselves?


New Member
Oct 23, 2003
with ut2vote the only mut in your commend line should be ut2vote as it handles the mutators and ignores any other muts in the mutators= in your start up . i think you need to take the time to read ut2votes read me and understand how it works. as for the log all we need is server.log but we need it from when it crashes


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
how do you think i f got the ini right in the first place... BY READING THE README. as far as my start up ill change it later that is only in the picture the first time it runs. where the heck is "server.log". there is no such item in my ut2004 ini or system folder, thats why i said be specific. again if this mute didnt over reach its bounds there would be no problem with it at all. if you dont want to help then say so, dont sit here and insult me with this crap about the readme file when it is obvious i have done just that. as far as the log I KNOW YOU WANT IT WHEN IT CRASHES. as i said i have been busy as of late , firedaemon is back on as i dont have all day to sit here waiting for the enevitable to happen. and im not going to come home to a crashed server which might have been off for hours just for your Server.Log (which is seemingly no where) file. please read my last post again or if you didnt take the time to read it in the first place please do so and answer the questions i have asked. thats the info i need to get you the info you need or again just say you dont want to help and not be back as ive already had it up to here with this crap.


New Member
sh0V3l is right, you need to take all the mutators out of your command line & put them in UT2Vote. The only mutator you should have in your command line is UT2Vote.

According to the server log you posted, this is your command line:

Command line: VCTF-1AGREENMILE?BonusVehicles=false?Game=XGame.xVehicleCTFGame?Mutator=edo_chute1.edo_MutChute,Ejection.MutEjection,NoCTFSpiders.NoCTFSpiders,NodeRunnerFinal105.NRmut,NoSkilzV1beta5.MutNoSkilzReplacer,PingCompensation2.MutPingCompensation,PresentsUT2004V10.Presents,Radar2004.RadarDB,XGame.MutRegen,SentinelsRcBeta3.mutSentinels,SkillUp.MutSkillUp,SpiderSteroids.MutSpiderSteroidReplacer,StrangeLove.StrangeLoveOldSkool,ServerExt.mutTeamBalance,TweakTool2004.MutTweakTool,XGame.MutUDamageReward,UT2Vote51.UT2VoteX,utcompv15a.MutUTComp,VehicleStuff.VehicleStuff,XxxXTransV3a.MutXxxXTranslocator?RedTeam=XGame.TeamRedConfigured?BlueTeam=XGame.TeamBlueConfigured -server -log=server.log

Is this correct? If not, post your command line so I can see what it is calling.

Now, in the UT2Vote51.ini you pasted into a previous message, your mutators called there for all gametypes is:

ServerMuts=SetCache2k4.SetCache,XxxXTransV3a.MutXxxXTranslocator,TweakTool2004.MutTweakTool,PingComp ensation2.MutPingCompensation,SentinelsRcBeta3.mutSentinels,ServerExt.mutTeamBalance,SkillUp.MutSkil lUp,edo_chute1.edo_MutChute,AVRiLMKII.MutAVRiLReplacer,utcompv15a.MutUTComp,XGame.MutRegen

I see a potential issue here. You are calling mutators twice when it should only be done once.

Try this for a command line:
ucc.exe server VCTF-1AGREENMILE?BonusVehicles=false?game=XGame.xVehicleCTFGame?Mutator=UT2Vote51.UT2VoteX?RedTeam=XGame.TeamRedConfigured?BlueTeam=XGame.TeamBlueConfigured ini=UT2004.ini log=server.log

Now, If you want specific mutators to run all the time, place them under the heading below in UT2Vote.


If you want the mutator to run only for a specific gametype, find the heading:


Replace "None" in Mutators="None" with the muts you want only in that gametype under the heading. Just find the gametype there & put them in their proper place instead of putting the muts under:



Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Actually UT2Vote ingores EVERYTHING after itself in the command line.
All you need is:
ucc.exe server VCTF-1AGREENMILE?Game=XGame.xVehicleCTFGame?Mutator=UT2Vote51.UT2VoteX ini=UT2004.ini log=server.log

Then in the UT2Vote51.ini file:


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
ok i just walked in from a job and have to leave to go to another. so ill be brief, i have noted what was said about the command line. the only place i use it is at start up and if it crashes then it restarts itself with that command line. i have noted what was said and will address this issue, however the problems do not occur upon start up they happen when the game switches maps "usually" sometimes mid game. this is only one of my issues and i have all but redone the whole ini at this point but i have not used the new one as of yet. i am wondering if i just make my own gametypes and add them in and hide all the ones that come with ut2vota(not delete but hide) if it would help to solidify things. this is why i have been starting from scratch. also i was wondering about my ut2004 ini, i had several gametypes set up thruogh server rules>gamecype configuration. when ut2vote took over that section of the gui dissapeared but all the info was left behind in the ut2004 ini. late last night i removed the references to those games from the ini thinking that that may be an issue... is this true??? and if so what else in said ini could interfear?? and what about the xvoting references should that still be the stock voting handeler or is there a line other than that that should replace it?
aalright i gotta jam.oh 1 more thing servermutes= is a global setting.. i understand this. i read the readme. nothing there is referenced in the gametypes nor vice versa i get how important it is to the mute not to double reference. cya


New Member
[pbg]BlockHead said:
late last night i removed the references to those games from the ini thinking that that may be an issue... is this true?

No need to remove the references, for they will not cause any conflicts I think. Also, I see no need to "hide" the other gametypes, unless you don't want players to vote other gametypes. If they vote for Mutant gametype for example, then leave the server (leaving it empty), after 3 minutes the server will switch back to the default gametype you have set (VCTF in your instance under the [UT2Vote51.UT2VoteConfigs] heading).

Here is where the time limit for a server to switch to the default gametype is:



life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
okay, question .. how come i lose weapons in ons??? this doesnt happen in vctf bombing run or mutant only ons. if you look at the ini you will see it is hidden due to this issue. every game this happens and i cannot make heads or tails of it. i asked this about two other times but the crashing thing took main priority as well it should have. i am going to do as i said in the last post and see if anything changes. as far as the voting thing that is exactly why im gonna hide them"unless you don't want people to vote for other gametypes" i really only want to run ons, vctf, mutant, and bombing run as our east coast server runs most of the others. thanx


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Regarding your crashes, you say it happens later during map changeover, well it is very possible because of your commandline at startup.
Remember that commandline gets used by UT on EVERY map change, not just at server startup.
So maybe whats happening in your case is by the 10th map change you have the same mutators loaded 251 times and when anything in UT is loaded over 250 occurences your server WILL crash.

Regarding the weapons in ONS, thats is strange and bad as ONS is very popular and one does not want to hide it.
The only thing I can possibly think of is one of your muts is causing this by removing the serverpackage for it. (just a guess)

Try playing with a vanilla server (remove all muts except UT2Vote) and see what happens.
You can then add muts till it screws up.

Can you also post your UT2Vote51.ini file

Remember with UT2Vote you can add games, but you CANNOT remove any.


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
hi, ok here is the nitty gritty of it all. i figured out the issue with ons, this was caused by spider steriods having a conflict with the no-skilz link gun. i removed them and it seems to be fine.
regarding the crashing, i have removed all references to mutes other than utvote. i still have crashing issues though. i have re-done my ini with custom games and have hidden all the ones supplied with utvote. this seemed to make it better but i still crash way too frequently. i could understand it if it were every week or two but this happens between 2-20 games. it happened to me lastnight but again firedaemon restarted to quickly for me to stop it, i didnt realize what had happened in time. anywayi had to control alt delete to get disconnected from my server which another player said he had to do also. that kind of stuff has a tendency to irritate people. i have deleted nothing from the ini merely added to it and hidden the others. i am more interested in ut vote lite at this point. as i believe there are conflicts between ut2vote and ut2004's own inner vote system, i have been talking to a lot of other admins about this and the ratio you quoted is way off nearest i can tell. even the ones that are running it tell me they have similar issues with regards to crashing. i have had like ten people look at my ini and everyone says it is right so im over it. this has been the most frustrating december i can remember. the only thing the players would like is pictures of the maps so they can see them when they vote for them, beyond that they dont care. i thank you for all your invested time but im probably gonna re-format the thing within the week cause it is just too much, when i say that i mean too much in one mute, it takes over everything. erases and adds lines to your ini, for crying out loud why even have ut at all, why not make a whole new game and just call it ut2vote. it doesnt have to be this way, it could just show you pics and be a simple thing with no errors or ediots like me wasting your saturday afternoon, great it just crashed again!!!!!!!!!!\
thank you


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
by the way it crashed yet again, still i havebnt caught it in time to keep the ilogs from being overwritten, proving my point that sometimes it is 1 game sometimes it could be ten but it is for sure ut2vote to blame as i never had this problem before, it has always been the same startup lines prior to ut2vote and never an issue now all of a sudden it is???? i dont think so. i changed them anyway and it did nothing!


life sized action figure
Jan 8, 2006
this is a copy of the new ini - passwords and stuff so you can pick through it if you want, id be surprised to have you tell me something is wrong with it


  • my ut2vote ini.txt
    19.7 KB · Views: 16
Hi, just a thought, i've been testing ut2vote intensive some time ago to discover possible limitations and bugs before running it on my server.

An important limitation of which i couldn't find any reason for is that, with ut2vote, you can run a maximum of 17 mutators a time, incluiding servermuts, voted muts and Gametype bound muts. exceeding this limit always caused the server to crash. in some cases it won't crash immediatly but some mutators won't work properly and effect the game on a weird way. a mapchange will then make the server to crash without giving any reason, most of the time the log will stop there where packages of the 18th mutator are added. when testing i made sure the mutators where able to run all together properly without ut2vote.

the fact that your servermuts + gametypestring muts for onslaught exceeds the limit of 17 plus the fact that i had the same problems reminded me of that issue.

I could be totally wrong or it can be a totally different problem, as the tests where only made on one server, dedicated and listen, but i think it might be the cause.

try limitating the sum of running mutators on your server at once (servermuts + gametypestringmuts + voted muts) to 17 (or 16 to be sure as 17 is a limit, but 17 should be ok) and inform your players about the limit so they dont vote multiple mutators at the end of game, resulting in more then 17 mutators to be loaded by ut2vote which makes it crashing.

ut2vote is not incluided in the limit, it are just the mutators that are specified in ut2vote.ini.

I did that on my server and since then never had a crash with ut2vote.

hope this helps,

Good luck
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