Yes you are starting to get the picture
bUseUniqueIDs has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Chatlogs, ChatIDs, chatting or what have you.
bUseUniqueIDs is directly attached to DoUplink=True in the UT2004.ini file and anything to do with Voting, kicking or banning uses the bUseUniqueIDs.
If DoUplink=False and bUseUniqueIDs=True then UT2Vote will get very confused when players join the game with the same CD-keys.
It will allow it but when a player votes for instance, everyone using the same CD-Key will now be seen as voted and will also loose the option to change a vote.
So in other words, if there are 6 players and they all using the same CD-Key, only one person will be allowed to vote and the vote will have to go to timeout.
It is for this reason that DoUplink= and bUseUniqueIDs= should always be the same.
Like I say, the only problem now is a player thats been banned or kicked just has to disconnect and come back again so playing with DoUplink=False on a public server is not advisable.
We do mainly on ClanServers where you know cheaters wont appear as the server is password protected.
Just looking at the code, the only way you can get no chatlogs or very little is if UseChatIDs=False and several players are using the same IP Address also.
Here is where UT2Vote gets its PlayerID's from:
function string GetPlayerIDType(PlayerController Sender)
if (bUseUniqueID)
return Sender.GetPlayerIDHash();
return string(Sender.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID);