UT2Vote12 - Released 23rd Novemeber 2002
As Epic are having a Mutate command back in their patch, I have removed it from UT2Vote12.
So all you need now is the ShowVoteMenu which is normally defaulted to the X key.
For the Admin menu just add the word Admin - ShowVoteMenu Admin.
UT2Vote12 has had all the bugs sorted out, thanks to those Admins that tested it for me.
It now offers several Admin options.
Please read the UT2VoteConfigs.txt file.
Optional Game voting and an option has been added to Mutator voting.
At game end it now first monitors if players are typing messages before springing the menu.
Admins please observe the ServerPackages rule with mutators.
You can get the file and see all the changes and screenshots at:
Just released UT2Vote Version 1.2 - see the Maps and Mod releases
Direct download links:
UT2Vote13 - Released 14th December 2002
Fixed bug with not loading other mutators in ServerMuts.
Fixed bug in Level timeout when voting a new game.
UT2Vote14 - Released 16th January 2003
Version 1.4 has come a long way since 1.3 and many Admin and player requests have been met.. hopefully
It is now also totally xPawn and xPlayer replication free and should be comaptible with almost anything.
Extensive readme information also supplied with the package.
All the details, screenshots and download information can be found here:
Direct download link:
Version 1.5 - info not avalable
UT2Vote16 - Released 22nd April 2003
Please Note:
UT2Vote16 requires Patch 2199 or greater.
UT2Vote16 has been tested with UTSecure 211
UT2Vote16 needs the EpicBonusPack to be installed.
Do's and Donots
The UT2Vote.ini file, like any other ini file can be added to but NOT subtracted from.
Do not remove the default games supplied in the section:
If you wish to disable any of these just set the AllowVote=False
ClassNames cannot be changed.
You cannot have more than one game with the same ClassName.
That is why 8 "dummy" games are supplied with UT2Vote16
If you wish to create more games with different ClassNames then get GameMake:
--------- Fixes in Version 1.6 -------------
UT2Vote no longer restarts the server if it does not find itself in the ServerPackages.
It will now write a message to the log and just continue as normal.
Incompatible Game Files
This was a big fix.
This happened when a player using the UT2003 Browser, left a server using UT2Vote and joined another server, they would receive this message and be locked out the game.
I would like to thank Joe Wilcox at Epic Games who helped me fix this problem.
Arena Voting
UT2Vote will now look in the GameType Mutators= and in the ServerMuts=, and should an Arena be detected like InstaGib, normal Arena and InstaGib voting will be disabled.
Admin switching Mutators
This has now been fixed. An option has also been put in the Admin Menu to enable a single Player on a server to switch Mutators.
Switching Arenas
An option has also been put in the Admin Menu to enable a single a Player on a server to switch Arenas.
The problems experienced with the chatlog has now all been fixed and is functioning the way it should have doen in the first place. An additional option has now also been added to the Admin Menu to enable the logging of the Players Unique ID in the Chatlog.
This glitch has been fixed and is now working fine in 1.6
Tournament Mode
This has now been fixed and the game will now also revert back to normal after a ClanMatch using the Tournament mode.
In Game VoteTime
This routine has been re-written and is now functioning properly.
Level Change Lockup
This was becoming a serious problem as Admins add more and more Mutators to the Game commandline.
A whole new Server Level Change routine has now been added to combat this problem and an Option has been added to the Admin Menu to enable this Server Alt Switching.
It is highly recommended that this option remain checked and in use.
Vote Cancelling
The bug where a player could cancel a vote when using Random voting has been fixed.
------------ Additions in Version 1.6 --------------
Game Heading Seperators
An Admin can now add a Seperator in the Game Voting display by using a Game option as follows:
GameType=(GameName="<<<-- InstaGib Games -->>>",AllowVote=True)
In the Games Menu, should the first 3 characters be either <<< or *** then it will see it as a seperator.
An option to disable the Restart button has been added
Seperate Admin Menu
As the Admin Menu ran out of space for options a second menu has now been added.
This Menu is an Option Menu for the current Game that can be changed etc.
Assault Game
UT2Vote will now recognise an Assault Game and disable itself during this game.
Should players want to make a vote, the VoteMenu needs to be called manually.
Clan Match Status
A Team winning Status Display has been added for Clan Matches - see the last pic in Screenshots
Kicking Players
This has been changed to selecting the number of levels you need to kick a Player for from 1 to 99.
The Admin has the option in the UT2Vote16.ini file for setting the minumum and maximum levels here.
Should an Admin use the KickMenu he has the option of setting the number of levels to zero (0) and this will kick the player on a permanent basis.
Always Kick Option
An option has been added to the Admin Menu for Always Kicking.
Basically with this checked on, when the ingame Voting time expires and a player now calls the VoteMenu, the KickVote Menu will popup, so as to always be available.
Logon Logo
The UT2Vote logo has benn replaced and is now drawn to the screen with a 7 seconds fade.
Mutate UT2VoteClient
This has been added so a player can call up the Client Settings after ingame voting limit has timed out.
Due to the hassels caused by UTSecure the AltRedeemer and AltRocketLauncher has been removed from UT2Vote.
A seperate AltRedeemer Mutator has now been made and can be downloaded and added as a Custom Mutator to UT2Vote.
Demo Recording
This has been added mainly for Clan Matches, where an Clan Admin can select this option in the SetupMenu.
The entire match played (all levels) will now be recorded Serverside and the files will be stored in the form:
Normal games can also be recorded as there is now a DemoRec button in the AdminMenu.
Should an Admin not want any Demo recordings to take place on his server, there is an option in the Adminmenu to disable this function.
Please note, this will only disable recordings that the Clan Admin tries to make.
Show Spectators
The client now has a option to view up to 8 Spectators in the scoreboard.
These will be displayed in the lower left of the screen.
Mutator Voting
When a player now votes for a Mutator or an Arena it will display its name now instead of just Player voted for a Mutator.
Dummy Games
3 more "dummy" GameTypes have been added to accomodate the Bonuspack for Instagib purposes.
UT2Vote16.vInvasion - UT2Vote16.vMutantGame - UT2Vote16.vLMSGame
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote16
Yakomo - Hellcat - MikeDr - NexXxus - UTroll - =]DBoZ[=
UT2Vote17 - Released 9th August 2003
Direct Download: http://www.unrealza.co.za/files/mods/ut2vote17.zip
Please Note:
UT2Vote17 requires Patch 2225 and the EpicBonusPack to be installed.
Manual in English or German see: http://www.1337noob.de/ut2vote/index.html
For more detailed information see: http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
------------------------ Installation ------------------------------
The following files need to go in the UT2003 System folder:
UT2Vote17 needs to be added as a Mutator in your Server startup commandline as follows:
You also need to add UT2Vote17 as a Serverpackage in the servers UT2003.ini file:
------------------------ Brief Setup -------------------------------
No other Mutators or ? commands should go in the Server startup line.
UT2Vote requires this information to be entered at the following places:
Any Mutators that you would normally add to your Server startup commandline, must go here.
For example:
Any commandline commands that you need for all games must go here, for example:
If the Games on your server requires ALL players to logon with a Game Password, that password should be entered here.
This is the Main Admin password and will give this Admin full rights to accessing anything in UT2Vote.
This password is for Clan Leaders who can setup the server for a dedicated ClanMatch.
This Admin will not have access to the general Admin settings of the server.
Whatever you choose to be your Server DefaultGame needs to be entered here.
If you leave it blank, UT2Vote will enter the game from which your Server first starts up in.
Example: DefaultGame=XGame.xDeathMatch
When players have all left your server and it is not in a default state, UT2Vote will switch your server to this Default Game State.
You are now ready to startup your Server.
Once your server is running, join the Game and login as Admin:
Mutate UT2VoteLogin (the VoteAdminPass)
Press the Map Menu Hotkey (normally set on the ScrolLock Key) and once the Menu is up, click on the Admin button and you will start seeing the world at your fingertips.
NB.. All Admin changes will need a level restart.
-------------------- Fixes in Version 1.7 --------------------------
Fixed the small bug which prevented the MapLimits not working correctly in 1.6
Fixed where a Clan Match switched back to a default game the PlayersMustBeReady remained.
Clan Game Password
Fixed the conflict between the Game passwords when a Clan Match was being played.
Fixed where sometimes when a Clan Admin switched to another game, the password remained.
Fixed the map title being displayed at the wrong time in the ChatLog.
Wrong map in wrong game
Fixed when an Admin could switch to the current map when a new Game had been voted.
This for instance caused a DM map to be played in a CTF game.
Admin Spectator
Fixed where an Admin logged in as a Spectator, he now gets the proper Map Option and Menus.
New Game Mutators
Fixed when a new game was voted and the Mutators were not being reset.
Fixed the UT2Vote GameType MapLists not working correctly.
Game Seperators
Fixed where an Admin could edit a Game Seperator in the Games Menu.
Game Speed
Fixed where the GameSpeed would sometimes default to 50%.
Setup Menu
Fixed where the Setup Menu would sometimes display incorrect settings.
3 Player Vote Pass
Fixed when a Player would get his vote passed during a game if there where 3 Players on the Server and no one else voted.
Game Button
Fixed where Game Button was not disabling after a new game had been voted.
Fixed where all Games showed in WebAdmin even if they were set as AllowVote=False.
Fixed where a Instagib or Arena would show in the Menu if an InstaGib game was already being played.
TTM Detection
Fixed where UT2Vote would not load its defaults when starting a game using TTM.
This fix may cause other problems with TTM, especially during a TTM Warmup.
-------------------- Additions in Version 1.7 ----------------------
A new catergory has been added to the Ini file for ini file only settings.
Chat Line
A Chat line has been added to the Map Menu Option window for players to chat while voting.
NB.. This Chat line is not buffered so it does not remember what you last entered.
Admin GameMenu
A new Game Menu has been added where all variables and commands are now in click and set format.
An Admin can also edit any GameType from the Game Menu by clicking on the new Edit button.
Chatlog Commands
An Admin can now disable or enable the Chatlog during a game.
From ingame:
Mutate UT2VoteChatOff or Mutate UT2VoteChatOn
From WebAdmin Console:
Say UT2VoteChatOff or Say UT2VoteChatOn
This was done so Admin can download the current Chatlog via remote FTP.
Clientside Demo
A Player can now start a Clientside Demo from the Client menu.
Mutator List
All Mutators are now in a single List which can hold up to 50 Mutators.
These include all the default Mutators as well and are displayed in alphabetical order.
Multi Mutators
An Admin can now select as many Mutators as he wants at any time.
Clan MapList
The maps in the Clan Maplist has been increased from 10 to 20
The same map can now also be listed twice in a Game.
Hourly Auto Gameswitch
An option has been added to the ini file where your server can switch to a new GameType at any time.
At 12:00 UT2Vote will now switch your Server to a DeathMatch game.
The switch at 21:00 will not take place because DoSwitch=False
The switch at 22:00 will take place however.
When using this new option, make sure your server PC is set to 24 hour time.
NB.. UT2Vote will set this new game as its current Default Game.
UT2Vote will ONLY switch to the new GameType if the server is empty.
WARNING! Make sure your GameClass is correct else your server will Crash!
This can be found in the Ini file and if set to False, it will not display the message:
< Recording Started > when an Admin starts a Demo recording.
UT2Vote vGames
As these special Games did not show in the UT2003 Browser they have all been changed to xGames.
Except for Invasion they are now as follows:
Map Opinion Vote
Players can now vote an opinion on the current map being played.
This is so Admin can see which are the more popular maps on the server.
Players can also view the Top 20 maps by either clicking on the View button before voting an Opinion or by bringing up the Client Menu and doing it from there.
Players can also vote for one of the Top 20 Maps but selecting one and clicking on Submit.
Once a Player has given his Opinion Vote, the Opinion extended Window will no longer display for him.
The Admin can view the percentage Opinion in the Ini file under:
If this is set to False, it will disable the Map Opinion Vote option in the Map Menu altogether.
If this Ini option if set to True, the maps will be sorted in their Opinion order rather than Maps Voted order.
This can be found in the Ini file and if set greater than 0, UT2Vote will use this as the required percentage to pass a Vote.
If set as VotePercent=0 then the old way will be used.
EndGame Button
The DefaultGame button in the Setup Menu has been replaced with a EndGame button.
This will now set the current game to its original and remove all ClanMatch configurations and Clan Password.
A GamePassword= has been added to the Ini file for Admin to enter the common Game Password needed for their Server.
NB.. The Game Password should only be entered here as this has priority over any other place.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will now have the ChatLog appended to the MapName.
In this way you can have a Chatlog for every map rather than one big Chatlog.
Also makes it easy to view other ChatLogs during the game by an Admin.
MapLimits per Game
The MapLimits are now set for each GameType rather than each Map Type.
This is because namy GameTypes use the same MapType and if a MapLimit has not counted to zero, that map would not show in the new game.
Rejected Maps
Rejected Maps are now also per GameType as with MapLimits.
Server Restart
When a Server is started, it no longer adds itself to the number of MapsVoted count.
Map Menu
The Map Menu Options window has been moved up to allow messages to be seen while the Menu is open.
The Painter weapon will now also be disabled when the Redeemer is disabled during a ClanMatch.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will display the current Vote tally in voted order.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will display the current Vote tally in the Mapmenu but only after the player has voted for a Map Opinion or the Opinion is disabled.
The Tally will only display at GameEnd and in Random voting.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will disable the UT2Vote Clan Warmup if TTM is being used.
Clan Warmup
When a player now is Ready - he will go into Spectator mode.
When everyone is ready a Countdown will start with the Match doing a Game restart and no longer a Level restart.
Also added in the Setup Menu and if set to True, the above "warm" Game Restart will take place else if set to False, the normal Level restart will happen.
Clan Warm Time
Also added in the Setup Menu and indicates the time required for a Clan Warmup session.
All standard Game HUDs are now catered for and all Clientside options, including Hud Transparency.
NB.. Huds will be disabled if TTM is running.
--------------------------- Credits ----------------------------------
Thanks go to the following for all the help and testing on UT2Vote17
Yakomo - Socke - NexXxus - MikeDr
Clans: =]DBoZ[= - [TDW]
Also thanks to all those people who sent their inputs and requests.
UT2Vote18 - Released 14 September 2003
--------- Fixes in Version 1.8 -------------
If the ClanWarmTime is now set to 0 (zero) the Warmup Time will be unlimited.
ClanWarmTime Display
ClanWarmTime will no longer display if its not Clanmatch.
Fixed the bAllowMuts which was not working.
Admin Games
Fixed where an Admin could not open the GamesMenu if bAllowGames=False.
VoteTally Order
This was the wrong way around and is now in correct order.
VoteTally Display
This is now toggled in the Map Image Window after an Opinion Vote (if enabled).
Mutator List
This will no longer crash if the list is greater than 50 Mutators.
Top 10 List
A map under a MapLimit can no longer be voted for.
Kick Problem (as per forum)
This has now been fixed - sorry for the hassels it caused some Admin.
Vote Percent
The Vote Percent has been set at a minimum of 50%
Should an Admin request less it will lock at 50%
If the Admin however wishes the old system (UT2Vote15) then set VotePercent=0
Game Overflow.
The Games replication would overflow depending on the number of characters used in the GameNames.
This in now no longer the case and is fixed at 50 Games - any character length.
Top 20 List overflowing to Client when MapLimits are set.
Made it a Top 10 List to reduce the Replication strings.
------------ Additions in Version 1.8 --------------
When a Player request for someone to be kicked, this request will now display in the ChatLog.
If an Item is doubleclicked in Maps - Mutators - Games - Top 10 - SetupMaps then a Submit or Select action will take place.
Added Min and Max Player Setting for Maps in UT2VoteMapInfo - Example:
In this way an Admin can define how many players are needed for certain maps.
For instance if you have 7 players on a Server and dont want anyone to vote for a 1on1 map then set that maps MinPlayers=0,MaxPlayers=4
Now that map needs 1 or more and 4 or less players for it to be selected.
The same goes for a large map MinPlayers=10,MaxPlayers=50
For this map to be selectable your server needs between 10 and 50 players.
Anyone voting for one of these maps will get a message:
< Map is not suitable for 7 Players >
His Map menu will immediately be re-opened and this will not count as a vote.
Added that during Random Voting at GameEnd any Player can now Vote twice.
If he votes for the same item twice, he will just loose his second vote.
Any Player can now call his Map Menu to view the Voted Display.
MapMenu Stays open at GameEnd if Map is voted in Random Vote.
NB. This is only the case with a Map and not for other votes.
If GameVoteTime=0 (no ingame voting) or GameVoteTime expires, then when hitting the Hotkey (default ScrolLock) the ClientMenu will open.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote18
Yakomo - Socke - MikeDr - NexXxus - PoW - =]DBoZ[= and [TDW]
[email protected]
Download UT2Vote18
UT2Vote19 - Released 30 October 2003
This is just a bug fix release with no major additions.
-------------- Fixes in Version 1.9 ----------------
1. Fixed ServerTraveling bug for AntiTCC
2. Fixed Kick menu not available after voting timeout
To get to the KickMenu now after timeout a KickButton will appear in the Clientmenu.
3. Fixed All Hud and resolution scaling and tied counter to Elapsed time.
4. Fixed Bottom weaponbar display not present in Transparent mode.
5. Fixed Local time display in Hud.
6. Fixed Clan Setup Display configuration not displaying correctly.
7. Fixed No Bot in ClanPractice if Instant Action Game.
------------ Additions in Version 1.9 --------------
1. Added bCheckMaps in the IniOnly section for checking clients maps and leave out those he\she does not have.
2. Added bDisMapCon in IniOnly section for possible disconnection bug.
This is mainly for the guys who get disconnected when the MapMenu pops up - it may or may not help them.
3. Added Clientside Screenshot option in Client Menu.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote19
Yakomo - Socke - MikeDr - NexXxus - PoW - =]DBoZ[= and [TDW]
Also thanks for the bug reports from everyone.
[email protected]
Download UT2Vote19
UT2Vote20 - Released 4 January 2004
Sorry for the slight delayed release but through various requests and demands UT2Vote20 has undergone several major changes, the main ones as follows:
Voting System
All Voting systems of previous versions of UT2Vote have been scrapped and replaced with a simple Majority Voting System. Players vote till a timeout is reached and the item with the most votes wins. If no Majority was reached and several tied, a random choice out of the ties will be chosen. If however no tie was reached either then a random choice of all votes will be chosen.
Ingame voting will need a percentage majority as stipulated by the VotePercent= in the ini file under the IniOnly section.
At Game end, players also have the option of changing their vote once.
Player Disconnections
A lot of efford has been put into UT2Vote20 to try and eleviate this problem.
Although this problem only happens on a small percentage of servers, UT2Vote20 has tried to accomodate the unstable switching problems these servers have.
Servers that suffer severe disconnections can set bNoDisconnect=True in the IniOnly section.
For detailed information on other changes and additions there is quite a comprehensive documentation with the release - UT2Vote20_Readme.html
This documentation can also be viewed here.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the work and testing on UT2Vote20
Socke - Yakomo - PoW - Imaginos - sh0V3L - CvRoy - Nikki
Clans: [TDW] and .:vVv:.
Download UT2Vote20
UT2Vote21 - Released 13 February 2004
Some of the main changes in 2.1
Voting System
A seperate Voting heading has been added in the UT2Vote21.ini file:
The total amount of time allowed before Voting timeout for 2 Players.
The maximum Voting time allowed regardless how many players are on the server.
The additional time allowed for every Player that joins the Server after the VoteMinTime.
After everyone has Voted, this is idle time waited for someone to change there vote.
If no further votes are made the VoteMaxTime will be forced and the vote will be decided.
If however someone makes a vote a further Idle Time will be set.
This allows players to change their vote once during a voting session.
This is the accepted percentage to pass a vote ONLY during game voting.
The number of votes a player can make during a game.
This is the time in minutes allowed from the START of a game that players can call a vote.
There is also another new heading in the UT2Vote21.ini file:
Packages=(MutClassName="Whatever.Whatever", ServerPackages="Whatever")
Admin can add Packages for large Mutators that they dont want players to download everytime they join a server.
When one of these Mutators are voted or added to a GameType, only then will the Package be added to the ServerPackages and downloaded to the client if they dont already have it.
Once the Mutator is removed, the ServerPackage will also be removed.
All Mutators that you want added to the ServerPackages need to go here.
The ServerPackages= section can have multiple packages seperated by commas.
Clan Setup
The Setup Menu can now be accessed regardless what Game is currently being played.
Up to 3 Games can be configured in advance for a Clan Match.
Several new options are now also available.
The manner in which the Menus are displayed has been updated to fit the client better.
Things like the Escape key now works on 99% of them also.
Some items in the Admin menus have been removed to save replication space and over crowding.
For detailed information on other changes and additions there is quite a comprehensive documentation with the release - UT2Vote21_Readme.html
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the work and testing on UT2Vote21
Socke - Yakomo - PoW - Imaginos - sh0V3L - CvRoy - Nikki - Cartman
Clans: [TDW] and .:vVv:.
Download UT2Vote21
UT2Vote12 - Released 23rd Novemeber 2002
As Epic are having a Mutate command back in their patch, I have removed it from UT2Vote12.
So all you need now is the ShowVoteMenu which is normally defaulted to the X key.
For the Admin menu just add the word Admin - ShowVoteMenu Admin.
UT2Vote12 has had all the bugs sorted out, thanks to those Admins that tested it for me.
It now offers several Admin options.
Please read the UT2VoteConfigs.txt file.
Optional Game voting and an option has been added to Mutator voting.
At game end it now first monitors if players are typing messages before springing the menu.
Admins please observe the ServerPackages rule with mutators.
You can get the file and see all the changes and screenshots at:
Just released UT2Vote Version 1.2 - see the Maps and Mod releases
Direct download links:
UT2Vote13 - Released 14th December 2002
Fixed bug with not loading other mutators in ServerMuts.
Fixed bug in Level timeout when voting a new game.
UT2Vote14 - Released 16th January 2003
Version 1.4 has come a long way since 1.3 and many Admin and player requests have been met.. hopefully
It is now also totally xPawn and xPlayer replication free and should be comaptible with almost anything.
Extensive readme information also supplied with the package.
All the details, screenshots and download information can be found here:
Direct download link:
Version 1.5 - info not avalable
UT2Vote16 - Released 22nd April 2003
Please Note:
UT2Vote16 requires Patch 2199 or greater.
UT2Vote16 has been tested with UTSecure 211
UT2Vote16 needs the EpicBonusPack to be installed.
Do's and Donots
The UT2Vote.ini file, like any other ini file can be added to but NOT subtracted from.
Do not remove the default games supplied in the section:
If you wish to disable any of these just set the AllowVote=False
ClassNames cannot be changed.
You cannot have more than one game with the same ClassName.
That is why 8 "dummy" games are supplied with UT2Vote16
If you wish to create more games with different ClassNames then get GameMake:
--------- Fixes in Version 1.6 -------------
UT2Vote no longer restarts the server if it does not find itself in the ServerPackages.
It will now write a message to the log and just continue as normal.
Incompatible Game Files
This was a big fix.
This happened when a player using the UT2003 Browser, left a server using UT2Vote and joined another server, they would receive this message and be locked out the game.
I would like to thank Joe Wilcox at Epic Games who helped me fix this problem.
Arena Voting
UT2Vote will now look in the GameType Mutators= and in the ServerMuts=, and should an Arena be detected like InstaGib, normal Arena and InstaGib voting will be disabled.
Admin switching Mutators
This has now been fixed. An option has also been put in the Admin Menu to enable a single Player on a server to switch Mutators.
Switching Arenas
An option has also been put in the Admin Menu to enable a single a Player on a server to switch Arenas.
The problems experienced with the chatlog has now all been fixed and is functioning the way it should have doen in the first place. An additional option has now also been added to the Admin Menu to enable the logging of the Players Unique ID in the Chatlog.
This glitch has been fixed and is now working fine in 1.6
Tournament Mode
This has now been fixed and the game will now also revert back to normal after a ClanMatch using the Tournament mode.
In Game VoteTime
This routine has been re-written and is now functioning properly.
Level Change Lockup
This was becoming a serious problem as Admins add more and more Mutators to the Game commandline.
A whole new Server Level Change routine has now been added to combat this problem and an Option has been added to the Admin Menu to enable this Server Alt Switching.
It is highly recommended that this option remain checked and in use.
Vote Cancelling
The bug where a player could cancel a vote when using Random voting has been fixed.
------------ Additions in Version 1.6 --------------
Game Heading Seperators
An Admin can now add a Seperator in the Game Voting display by using a Game option as follows:
GameType=(GameName="<<<-- InstaGib Games -->>>",AllowVote=True)
In the Games Menu, should the first 3 characters be either <<< or *** then it will see it as a seperator.
An option to disable the Restart button has been added
Seperate Admin Menu
As the Admin Menu ran out of space for options a second menu has now been added.
This Menu is an Option Menu for the current Game that can be changed etc.
Assault Game
UT2Vote will now recognise an Assault Game and disable itself during this game.
Should players want to make a vote, the VoteMenu needs to be called manually.
Clan Match Status
A Team winning Status Display has been added for Clan Matches - see the last pic in Screenshots
Kicking Players
This has been changed to selecting the number of levels you need to kick a Player for from 1 to 99.
The Admin has the option in the UT2Vote16.ini file for setting the minumum and maximum levels here.
Should an Admin use the KickMenu he has the option of setting the number of levels to zero (0) and this will kick the player on a permanent basis.
Always Kick Option
An option has been added to the Admin Menu for Always Kicking.
Basically with this checked on, when the ingame Voting time expires and a player now calls the VoteMenu, the KickVote Menu will popup, so as to always be available.
Logon Logo
The UT2Vote logo has benn replaced and is now drawn to the screen with a 7 seconds fade.
Mutate UT2VoteClient
This has been added so a player can call up the Client Settings after ingame voting limit has timed out.
Due to the hassels caused by UTSecure the AltRedeemer and AltRocketLauncher has been removed from UT2Vote.
A seperate AltRedeemer Mutator has now been made and can be downloaded and added as a Custom Mutator to UT2Vote.
Demo Recording
This has been added mainly for Clan Matches, where an Clan Admin can select this option in the SetupMenu.
The entire match played (all levels) will now be recorded Serverside and the files will be stored in the form:
Normal games can also be recorded as there is now a DemoRec button in the AdminMenu.
Should an Admin not want any Demo recordings to take place on his server, there is an option in the Adminmenu to disable this function.
Please note, this will only disable recordings that the Clan Admin tries to make.
Show Spectators
The client now has a option to view up to 8 Spectators in the scoreboard.
These will be displayed in the lower left of the screen.
Mutator Voting
When a player now votes for a Mutator or an Arena it will display its name now instead of just Player voted for a Mutator.
Dummy Games
3 more "dummy" GameTypes have been added to accomodate the Bonuspack for Instagib purposes.
UT2Vote16.vInvasion - UT2Vote16.vMutantGame - UT2Vote16.vLMSGame
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote16
Yakomo - Hellcat - MikeDr - NexXxus - UTroll - =]DBoZ[=
UT2Vote17 - Released 9th August 2003

Direct Download: http://www.unrealza.co.za/files/mods/ut2vote17.zip
Please Note:
UT2Vote17 requires Patch 2225 and the EpicBonusPack to be installed.
Manual in English or German see: http://www.1337noob.de/ut2vote/index.html
For more detailed information see: http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
------------------------ Installation ------------------------------
The following files need to go in the UT2003 System folder:
UT2Vote17 needs to be added as a Mutator in your Server startup commandline as follows:
You also need to add UT2Vote17 as a Serverpackage in the servers UT2003.ini file:
------------------------ Brief Setup -------------------------------
No other Mutators or ? commands should go in the Server startup line.
UT2Vote requires this information to be entered at the following places:
Any Mutators that you would normally add to your Server startup commandline, must go here.
For example:
Any commandline commands that you need for all games must go here, for example:
If the Games on your server requires ALL players to logon with a Game Password, that password should be entered here.
This is the Main Admin password and will give this Admin full rights to accessing anything in UT2Vote.
This password is for Clan Leaders who can setup the server for a dedicated ClanMatch.
This Admin will not have access to the general Admin settings of the server.
Whatever you choose to be your Server DefaultGame needs to be entered here.
If you leave it blank, UT2Vote will enter the game from which your Server first starts up in.
Example: DefaultGame=XGame.xDeathMatch
When players have all left your server and it is not in a default state, UT2Vote will switch your server to this Default Game State.
You are now ready to startup your Server.
Once your server is running, join the Game and login as Admin:
Mutate UT2VoteLogin (the VoteAdminPass)
Press the Map Menu Hotkey (normally set on the ScrolLock Key) and once the Menu is up, click on the Admin button and you will start seeing the world at your fingertips.
NB.. All Admin changes will need a level restart.
-------------------- Fixes in Version 1.7 --------------------------
Fixed the small bug which prevented the MapLimits not working correctly in 1.6
Fixed where a Clan Match switched back to a default game the PlayersMustBeReady remained.
Clan Game Password
Fixed the conflict between the Game passwords when a Clan Match was being played.
Fixed where sometimes when a Clan Admin switched to another game, the password remained.
Fixed the map title being displayed at the wrong time in the ChatLog.
Wrong map in wrong game
Fixed when an Admin could switch to the current map when a new Game had been voted.
This for instance caused a DM map to be played in a CTF game.
Admin Spectator
Fixed where an Admin logged in as a Spectator, he now gets the proper Map Option and Menus.
New Game Mutators
Fixed when a new game was voted and the Mutators were not being reset.
Fixed the UT2Vote GameType MapLists not working correctly.
Game Seperators
Fixed where an Admin could edit a Game Seperator in the Games Menu.
Game Speed
Fixed where the GameSpeed would sometimes default to 50%.
Setup Menu
Fixed where the Setup Menu would sometimes display incorrect settings.
3 Player Vote Pass
Fixed when a Player would get his vote passed during a game if there where 3 Players on the Server and no one else voted.
Game Button
Fixed where Game Button was not disabling after a new game had been voted.
Fixed where all Games showed in WebAdmin even if they were set as AllowVote=False.
Fixed where a Instagib or Arena would show in the Menu if an InstaGib game was already being played.
TTM Detection
Fixed where UT2Vote would not load its defaults when starting a game using TTM.
This fix may cause other problems with TTM, especially during a TTM Warmup.
-------------------- Additions in Version 1.7 ----------------------
A new catergory has been added to the Ini file for ini file only settings.
Chat Line
A Chat line has been added to the Map Menu Option window for players to chat while voting.
NB.. This Chat line is not buffered so it does not remember what you last entered.
Admin GameMenu
A new Game Menu has been added where all variables and commands are now in click and set format.
An Admin can also edit any GameType from the Game Menu by clicking on the new Edit button.
Chatlog Commands
An Admin can now disable or enable the Chatlog during a game.
From ingame:
Mutate UT2VoteChatOff or Mutate UT2VoteChatOn
From WebAdmin Console:
Say UT2VoteChatOff or Say UT2VoteChatOn
This was done so Admin can download the current Chatlog via remote FTP.
Clientside Demo
A Player can now start a Clientside Demo from the Client menu.
Mutator List
All Mutators are now in a single List which can hold up to 50 Mutators.
These include all the default Mutators as well and are displayed in alphabetical order.
Multi Mutators
An Admin can now select as many Mutators as he wants at any time.
Clan MapList
The maps in the Clan Maplist has been increased from 10 to 20
The same map can now also be listed twice in a Game.
Hourly Auto Gameswitch
An option has been added to the ini file where your server can switch to a new GameType at any time.
At 12:00 UT2Vote will now switch your Server to a DeathMatch game.
The switch at 21:00 will not take place because DoSwitch=False
The switch at 22:00 will take place however.
When using this new option, make sure your server PC is set to 24 hour time.
NB.. UT2Vote will set this new game as its current Default Game.
UT2Vote will ONLY switch to the new GameType if the server is empty.
WARNING! Make sure your GameClass is correct else your server will Crash!
This can be found in the Ini file and if set to False, it will not display the message:
< Recording Started > when an Admin starts a Demo recording.
UT2Vote vGames
As these special Games did not show in the UT2003 Browser they have all been changed to xGames.
Except for Invasion they are now as follows:
Map Opinion Vote
Players can now vote an opinion on the current map being played.
This is so Admin can see which are the more popular maps on the server.
Players can also view the Top 20 maps by either clicking on the View button before voting an Opinion or by bringing up the Client Menu and doing it from there.
Players can also vote for one of the Top 20 Maps but selecting one and clicking on Submit.
Once a Player has given his Opinion Vote, the Opinion extended Window will no longer display for him.
The Admin can view the percentage Opinion in the Ini file under:
If this is set to False, it will disable the Map Opinion Vote option in the Map Menu altogether.
If this Ini option if set to True, the maps will be sorted in their Opinion order rather than Maps Voted order.
This can be found in the Ini file and if set greater than 0, UT2Vote will use this as the required percentage to pass a Vote.
If set as VotePercent=0 then the old way will be used.
EndGame Button
The DefaultGame button in the Setup Menu has been replaced with a EndGame button.
This will now set the current game to its original and remove all ClanMatch configurations and Clan Password.
A GamePassword= has been added to the Ini file for Admin to enter the common Game Password needed for their Server.
NB.. The Game Password should only be entered here as this has priority over any other place.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will now have the ChatLog appended to the MapName.
In this way you can have a Chatlog for every map rather than one big Chatlog.
Also makes it easy to view other ChatLogs during the game by an Admin.
MapLimits per Game
The MapLimits are now set for each GameType rather than each Map Type.
This is because namy GameTypes use the same MapType and if a MapLimit has not counted to zero, that map would not show in the new game.
Rejected Maps
Rejected Maps are now also per GameType as with MapLimits.
Server Restart
When a Server is started, it no longer adds itself to the number of MapsVoted count.
Map Menu
The Map Menu Options window has been moved up to allow messages to be seen while the Menu is open.
The Painter weapon will now also be disabled when the Redeemer is disabled during a ClanMatch.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will display the current Vote tally in voted order.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will display the current Vote tally in the Mapmenu but only after the player has voted for a Map Opinion or the Opinion is disabled.
The Tally will only display at GameEnd and in Random voting.
In the Ini file, setting this to True will disable the UT2Vote Clan Warmup if TTM is being used.
Clan Warmup
When a player now is Ready - he will go into Spectator mode.
When everyone is ready a Countdown will start with the Match doing a Game restart and no longer a Level restart.
Also added in the Setup Menu and if set to True, the above "warm" Game Restart will take place else if set to False, the normal Level restart will happen.
Clan Warm Time
Also added in the Setup Menu and indicates the time required for a Clan Warmup session.
All standard Game HUDs are now catered for and all Clientside options, including Hud Transparency.
NB.. Huds will be disabled if TTM is running.
--------------------------- Credits ----------------------------------
Thanks go to the following for all the help and testing on UT2Vote17
Yakomo - Socke - NexXxus - MikeDr
Clans: =]DBoZ[= - [TDW]
Also thanks to all those people who sent their inputs and requests.
UT2Vote18 - Released 14 September 2003
--------- Fixes in Version 1.8 -------------
If the ClanWarmTime is now set to 0 (zero) the Warmup Time will be unlimited.
ClanWarmTime Display
ClanWarmTime will no longer display if its not Clanmatch.
Fixed the bAllowMuts which was not working.
Admin Games
Fixed where an Admin could not open the GamesMenu if bAllowGames=False.
VoteTally Order
This was the wrong way around and is now in correct order.
VoteTally Display
This is now toggled in the Map Image Window after an Opinion Vote (if enabled).
Mutator List
This will no longer crash if the list is greater than 50 Mutators.
Top 10 List
A map under a MapLimit can no longer be voted for.
Kick Problem (as per forum)
This has now been fixed - sorry for the hassels it caused some Admin.
Vote Percent
The Vote Percent has been set at a minimum of 50%
Should an Admin request less it will lock at 50%
If the Admin however wishes the old system (UT2Vote15) then set VotePercent=0
Game Overflow.
The Games replication would overflow depending on the number of characters used in the GameNames.
This in now no longer the case and is fixed at 50 Games - any character length.
Top 20 List overflowing to Client when MapLimits are set.
Made it a Top 10 List to reduce the Replication strings.
------------ Additions in Version 1.8 --------------
When a Player request for someone to be kicked, this request will now display in the ChatLog.
If an Item is doubleclicked in Maps - Mutators - Games - Top 10 - SetupMaps then a Submit or Select action will take place.
Added Min and Max Player Setting for Maps in UT2VoteMapInfo - Example:
In this way an Admin can define how many players are needed for certain maps.
For instance if you have 7 players on a Server and dont want anyone to vote for a 1on1 map then set that maps MinPlayers=0,MaxPlayers=4
Now that map needs 1 or more and 4 or less players for it to be selected.
The same goes for a large map MinPlayers=10,MaxPlayers=50
For this map to be selectable your server needs between 10 and 50 players.
Anyone voting for one of these maps will get a message:
< Map is not suitable for 7 Players >
His Map menu will immediately be re-opened and this will not count as a vote.
Added that during Random Voting at GameEnd any Player can now Vote twice.
If he votes for the same item twice, he will just loose his second vote.
Any Player can now call his Map Menu to view the Voted Display.
MapMenu Stays open at GameEnd if Map is voted in Random Vote.
NB. This is only the case with a Map and not for other votes.
If GameVoteTime=0 (no ingame voting) or GameVoteTime expires, then when hitting the Hotkey (default ScrolLock) the ClientMenu will open.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote18
Yakomo - Socke - MikeDr - NexXxus - PoW - =]DBoZ[= and [TDW]
[email protected]
Download UT2Vote18
UT2Vote19 - Released 30 October 2003
This is just a bug fix release with no major additions.
-------------- Fixes in Version 1.9 ----------------
1. Fixed ServerTraveling bug for AntiTCC
2. Fixed Kick menu not available after voting timeout
To get to the KickMenu now after timeout a KickButton will appear in the Clientmenu.
3. Fixed All Hud and resolution scaling and tied counter to Elapsed time.
4. Fixed Bottom weaponbar display not present in Transparent mode.
5. Fixed Local time display in Hud.
6. Fixed Clan Setup Display configuration not displaying correctly.
7. Fixed No Bot in ClanPractice if Instant Action Game.
------------ Additions in Version 1.9 --------------
1. Added bCheckMaps in the IniOnly section for checking clients maps and leave out those he\she does not have.
2. Added bDisMapCon in IniOnly section for possible disconnection bug.
This is mainly for the guys who get disconnected when the MapMenu pops up - it may or may not help them.
3. Added Clientside Screenshot option in Client Menu.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the testing on UT2Vote19
Yakomo - Socke - MikeDr - NexXxus - PoW - =]DBoZ[= and [TDW]
Also thanks for the bug reports from everyone.
[email protected]
Download UT2Vote19
UT2Vote20 - Released 4 January 2004
Sorry for the slight delayed release but through various requests and demands UT2Vote20 has undergone several major changes, the main ones as follows:
Voting System
All Voting systems of previous versions of UT2Vote have been scrapped and replaced with a simple Majority Voting System. Players vote till a timeout is reached and the item with the most votes wins. If no Majority was reached and several tied, a random choice out of the ties will be chosen. If however no tie was reached either then a random choice of all votes will be chosen.
Ingame voting will need a percentage majority as stipulated by the VotePercent= in the ini file under the IniOnly section.
At Game end, players also have the option of changing their vote once.
Player Disconnections
A lot of efford has been put into UT2Vote20 to try and eleviate this problem.
Although this problem only happens on a small percentage of servers, UT2Vote20 has tried to accomodate the unstable switching problems these servers have.
Servers that suffer severe disconnections can set bNoDisconnect=True in the IniOnly section.
For detailed information on other changes and additions there is quite a comprehensive documentation with the release - UT2Vote20_Readme.html
This documentation can also be viewed here.
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the work and testing on UT2Vote20
Socke - Yakomo - PoW - Imaginos - sh0V3L - CvRoy - Nikki
Clans: [TDW] and .:vVv:.
Download UT2Vote20
UT2Vote21 - Released 13 February 2004
Some of the main changes in 2.1
Voting System
A seperate Voting heading has been added in the UT2Vote21.ini file:
The total amount of time allowed before Voting timeout for 2 Players.
The maximum Voting time allowed regardless how many players are on the server.
The additional time allowed for every Player that joins the Server after the VoteMinTime.
After everyone has Voted, this is idle time waited for someone to change there vote.
If no further votes are made the VoteMaxTime will be forced and the vote will be decided.
If however someone makes a vote a further Idle Time will be set.
This allows players to change their vote once during a voting session.
This is the accepted percentage to pass a vote ONLY during game voting.
The number of votes a player can make during a game.
This is the time in minutes allowed from the START of a game that players can call a vote.
There is also another new heading in the UT2Vote21.ini file:
Packages=(MutClassName="Whatever.Whatever", ServerPackages="Whatever")
Admin can add Packages for large Mutators that they dont want players to download everytime they join a server.
When one of these Mutators are voted or added to a GameType, only then will the Package be added to the ServerPackages and downloaded to the client if they dont already have it.
Once the Mutator is removed, the ServerPackage will also be removed.
All Mutators that you want added to the ServerPackages need to go here.
The ServerPackages= section can have multiple packages seperated by commas.
Clan Setup
The Setup Menu can now be accessed regardless what Game is currently being played.
Up to 3 Games can be configured in advance for a Clan Match.
Several new options are now also available.
The manner in which the Menus are displayed has been updated to fit the client better.
Things like the Escape key now works on 99% of them also.
Some items in the Admin menus have been removed to save replication space and over crowding.
For detailed information on other changes and additions there is quite a comprehensive documentation with the release - UT2Vote21_Readme.html
For full information please visit http://www.unrealza.co.za/proasm
Thanks go to the following for all the work and testing on UT2Vote21
Socke - Yakomo - PoW - Imaginos - sh0V3L - CvRoy - Nikki - Cartman
Clans: [TDW] and .:vVv:.
Download UT2Vote21