UT2007 Hardware Requirements?

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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
yeh, we should wait at least until a month or two before the expected release date...........or dare I say it..........two weeks before.;)


RaptoR said:
nearly a year before their game's due for release

dont put it like that, that just hurts. how about "only two months until 2006, and thats the year when ut2k7 comes out!!!"


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
SirYawnalot said:
What Yoshiro said. From what I hear, the leaked version of Doom 3 played far worse (performance-wise) than the final version- and considering Carmack finished the engine long before then, it gives you an idea of just how far through the development the optimisation processes goes.

Haha its true i played the leaked version of Doom3 which came out like a year before the full version and it ran like ****e. I Also played the leaked version of UT2k3 and it was butt ugly and totally wasted, even the map (A CTF-Lavagiant remake) didnt make it into the final game. I wonder if someone will leak UT2007 some time soon....


hella lurker
Mar 14, 2003
Why does everyone always get so upset about system specs for games? Like "OMG MY CARD IS LIEK 3 MONTHS OLD AND IT MIGHT NOT RUN OMG WHAT AM I GIONG TO DO". I don't see how a company could make a game that wouldn't run on cards less than two years old.

Considering that there are going to be SM3.0 elements, you are probably going to want to have a 6600 series to get the full whizbang of effects. Considering you can a 6600GT for less than 150 right now, it should be dirt by the time UT2007 comes out.
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New Member
Jun 3, 2004
DAMN! my comp is way to old to run that.. guess my family won't be getting any christmas presents.. i need the cash for a new computer.


Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
RaptoR said:
It is indeed the real Rein.

We all know how quickly technology moves on, and UT2007 isn't due for release until mid-2006 at the earliest, so yes it is to early to predict. Chances are current builds of the game are unoptimized and therefore do not represent the performance you'll get out of the box. If Mark did what you asked and predicted system specs now, you'd be bitching in a year's time when the hardware you bought based on that prediction ran UT2007 like crap.

The bottom line is no sane developer is going to give you a pre-emptive minimum/recommended spec nearly a year before their game's due for release. That's just common sense.

hence i said they could at least put a disclaimer on the specs to keep the news whores happy. there is nothing worse than not hearing anything about a game you are waiting for :p