I'm also pretty sure Skillz wasn't obligated to tell anyone. He owned it. How dare he shut down something he owned and didn't tell anyone!
You should've backed it up when the site was still up if you wanted backups so badly. You should also know these sites for a dead game won't last forever. And if for some reason you think they will, take a look at the title of this thread.
Don't give me that crap, Al. I can't see everything and I don't have the means to back everything up from every freaking site that hosts UT's files.
Now, was it in his right to shut it down? Sure. Just as someone has every right to blare stupid music in the middle of the day. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And Skillz DEFINITELY shouldn't have. But he did.
He contributed a lot to the UT scene but if he keeps this up, the memory of him shutting down the site without any prior warning when it had people's files donated to it will taint the contributions he has made to the scene and maybe even override them. And don't tell me it won't. I've seen it before. People don't like getting shoved off to the side especially when they've contributed their work to something.