GoAt said:
no one ever offers a logical rebuttal
It's not like those conversations made much logical sense in the first place. You didn't even ask the first person when they thought the troops should leave. You seem to have implied the person said the troops should leave immediately, because they are dying. Then you refuted that claim by saying
it isn't safe to leave the country in its current state.
"so everything was better off with sadam in power?"
I love to hate this question. I don't think you could answer it. It also implies that the ends justify the means, a line typically associated with terrorists.
Consider the fact that some Iraqi clearly see the U.S army as an invading force. Why would someone anticiapte complete order to arise from this situation
before the U.S army leaves?
Some people are probably better off, but unless you have had your head in the sand all this time you would realise that parts of Iraq have been destroyed. Clearly
some of the country is not better off, is it? But that's apparently not very relevant since your govt has created its own moral obligation to stay in Iraq with an occupying military force until some form of
order is established. It's a "screaming success" I tells ya.
The best we can hope for is that the new Iraqi govt can form a coalition that works for the people and doesn't exasperate sectarian divisions to the point where groups start to declare independence from Iraq and each another, and then start fighting over territory. ie a full-blown civil war