Where to start... There's so much going on in this thread
Here are some of the things that people have been asking for....
A demo derby game type
Random ball respawn locations for Billiards
Turbo, or boost
A rear view mirror for the rally car
Team versions of kball/ctf
1, I am considering replacing KOTH with a sumo/deathmatch/last man standing kind of thing, as I don't think KOTH is very fun right now, and people seem to enjoy beating eachother up
2, I'll impliment a multiple ball start location thing for the next version.
3, Yup.
4, Not sure what you mean? Why only the rally car (which rally car?). I tried a rear view mirror a while ago, there were 2 problems, the first being the mirror was backwards, making it rather more confusing than useful, and the second being it doubles the number of polygons being drawn, so it effectively halves your FPS.
5, YES TEAM GAMES!! I want to get these working ASAP too.
1.More polished maps, any map that is easy to get lost in (UWRC-Hilltop), will either make everyone leave the server or instantly start voting for another map. Also any map that doesn't look like a good amount of time and effort was spent on it will have people desribing UnWheel with four letter words, I'm sorry to say this Project X, but many of your maps aren't too popualr, Hilltop was one, Aldreas was another, RedPlanet also. Some need to be scraped and others just need more polish. I'm not saying people don't like all of your maps PX, ironicly one of your most simple maps, Avalanche, seems to be very well liked.
I agree to some extent, though most of the problems I have with PXs maps is the checkpoint layout, the track goes one way, but the checkpoints are located in the opposate direction. Checkpoints are meant to lead the players (and now, especially bots) around the track, currently I find it quicker to just leave the track and go off-road over some hills directly to the next checkpoint, defeating the point of having the track anyway.
2.There seems to be problems with the spawing system, people spawn on top of each other even when the playstarts appaer to be correct.
3.Players vehicles need to be removed from the game when they leave, this can become a big mess on a bussy server.
4.There also need to be changes to the way race and rally games start, the way it is now, whoever picks their car first gets to start racing first.
2, Yup, most of this problem comes from the older maps, which were designed withthe KVehicles and very low player numbers in mind. We just need to review many maps and add more startspots. I'll also do some work on prevention of this even on low startspot-coutn situations.
3, Okies.
4, This was an error on my part, and has been fixed already.
I and several others came upon what appears to be a glitch while playing in the UWCTF-aquanum map, after awhile of play we began to experience what appeared to be delayed response time between ourselves and our vehichles, and even over exagerated responses.
This sounds to me like lag, caused either by network traffic on the LAN running the server (someone copying large files to/from the server perhaps, maybe someone accessing the FTP), or the server was struggeling under the load, and was maybe performing some background task (with Windows, who knows what it's doing most of the time
). There could also be something in the map causing some build-up of errors or something.
setup some type of anti camp over the CTF goals, people tend to just sit at the goals and wait for someone to come along and try to score, only to end up slamming into these people who camp right on top of the goals and then THEY get the point.
I'll definitely look into this to prevent goal camping.
either this is a bug or this guy was cheating. Someone in a viper GTS out-accelerated and out-top-speeded the smarmobile. Since the smarmobile is almost 50% faster than the flair F1 this can be considered a bug.
The SmarMobile is actually a lot slower than the racing cars (slightly slower than the monster trucks even), it just has very good accelleration. Like Jerdaygo says, it's all to balance the vehicles up a bit.
and in future versions we should aim to try and have the same score limit applicable to all the gametypes (i.e. turn up amount of points for K-Ball, turn down for Big Air, drastically turn down for rabbit, etc.). Obviously we couldn't change race and rally but the others could do with tweaking.
That wouldn't really work, as all the gametypes have vastly different scoring methods and gameplay. It's like saying UT CTF should have a higher score limit and DM should have a lower one to balance them off, doesn't really work. Over time we'll be able to better judge how long a match takes etc, and we can set up the servers and defaults accordingly.
One thing that we might want to consider is adding overhead maps similar to the Onslaught maps,
Hmm, might be an option...
Not the biggest fan of cars flipping head to tail...
I'll see about improving that.
and highscores should be saved for each server
when someone makes a lap record that record should be saved until someone else beats that record ! (and then the new record will be saved)
I've been looking into doing something like this for a while...
you can only see 7 players on the scoreboard
Hehe, I never expected so many people to play UnWheel at once
edit: and there shouldnt be tabs for every gametype in the serverbrowser, just 1 for unwheel that shows all servers and gametypes
That's really a UT limitation on the way it handles server browsing on a per-gametype basis, not much I can do about that right now.
Or put us in the community menu, then have the unwheel gametypes there. It would be less cramped because we wouldn't have to scroll through deathmatch, CTF, etc.
I have seriously considered using the -mod features in UT2004, but there are next to no ways UnWheel would benifit, except for having only our gametypes displayed, and a fancy main menu graphic. UnWheel is currently merely a gametype, it uses all UT2004's standard game setup, player setup, control setup, graphics, sound, maplists, etc. At the moment I don't see enough benifit, other than looking fancy, to warrent fighting with UT2004's GUI system for weeks (which could/should be spent improving the actual gameplay, vehicles, maps, fixing bugs, adding features, etc) to end up simply duplicating the exact options UT2004 currently offers, with a new look.