UnrealEd taking the piss

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Jan 21, 2004
Birmingham, England
I've started to learn UnrealEd (3.0), and have a problem.

When I place lighting, either it looks fine in the Perspective View, or the ceiling and/or the floor are pitch black (bearing in mind this is a small cube map). It gets better. When I run the map, there is no sound, and no lighting. :mad:

I can see my gun, and hud, and the impact of bullets shows up on the walls, and if I stand close to a wall and shoot, I can just make out the texture. I followed the tutorial to the letter, and the tutorial is for the right version of UnrealEd.

Can somebody please shed some light on this?


Devil's Advocate
Jan 23, 2004
Try turning off UTHardwareTL in your advanced options...

The_Creator said:
I've started to learn UnrealEd (3.0), and have a problem.

When I place lighting, either it looks fine in the Perspective View, or the ceiling and/or the floor are pitch black (bearing in mind this is a small cube map). It gets better. When I run the map, there is no sound, and no lighting. :mad:

I can see my gun, and hud, and the impact of bullets shows up on the walls, and if I stand close to a wall and shoot, I can just make out the texture. I followed the tutorial to the letter, and the tutorial is for the right version of UnrealEd.

Can somebody please shed some light on this?


Jan 21, 2004
Birmingham, England

What are you on about, advanced options? Do you mean build options (not there) map properties (not there) object properties (not there). I have seen no such thing.

Reading over this I look unfrateful, trust me, I'm not, just a bit irate that I wasted quater an hour looking, because you haven't been clear.

This is driving me mad ! I can't get past the first basic cube map tutorial, and I am a very enthusiastic mapper.

Anyway , can someone please help. :)


Jan 21, 2004
Birmingham, England
Thanks. That really helps. Any 1st person editor I've ever tried to learn have always had problems at the early stages, so I've been stuck with Star/Warcraft editors. I hope this breaks the spell.

Anyway, lets get mapping.