i am using open gl 3.7 it is still grainy. i get a little bit of mouse lag. things dont look right...
i am using open gl 3.7 it is still grainy. i get a little bit of mouse lag. things dont look right...
Probably a multicore processor ?
AMD or other one and what model.
Take this http://unrealtournament.99.free.fr/utfiles/index.php?dir=UT_Demo/&file=WarConfig.rar install only :
It is under opengl but you can select d3d9 ..the two are optimised.It resolve sound distorted and many other bugs.
If it goes again too fast take that http://unrealtournament.99.free.fr/utfiles/index.php?dir=Patches/&file=UT99_ver436_MultiCoreFix.zip
If someone read this take the UT full optimised UnrealTournament-V3 for not go one by one for optimised your UT.
I don't think downloading some shady modified warez version of Unreal Tournament is as elegant as googling utglr and tossing in some dx9 dlls and ints into your legit copy's System/ folder.
I've never had to download anything else to enjoy UT on multiple cores.
There is also a different DirectX 10 renderer for UT, but it doesn't support higher lightmap samples (relatively dark maps) and it has screwed up FOV last time I tried. Don't know if that's all fixed by now.
This is a light version online player.
I help the community for not to throw this game in the trash after 5 min test.
You seek to destroy you without knowing.