Unreal Tournament 2003-2004 FAQ

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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
These forums are a gathering ground of all information regarding Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004 (hereafter abbreviated to UT2003 and UT2004). Both regular users and new players ask questions and/or answer these. The general audience is eager to help out on various problems, issues, questions and discussions with this game. As you can imagine, we (=the regulars and moderators) often get questions that are asked many times, by different new people. This thread is meant to counter at least the majority of these questions by providing an answer to them in advance. So...here goes:

The ut2004 tips and tricks thread | BuF Favorites: UT2004 Skins & Models

Where can I find the demo, patches and/or bonus packs?
For UT2004: page with essential files
For UT2003: page with all essential files

What's with all these versions of UT2004?
There are 4 different versions of UT2004. They all ship with the same game and UnrealED, the main editor:
  • CD version: contains the game, spread out over 6 different discs
  • DVD version: the same deal, but on a DVD
  • DVD Special Edition version: contains a second DVD with extra bonus material, like Editing Tutorial movies and a "making of the game" film
  • Editors Choice Edition: a repackaging of UT2004 with the addition of 11 top user-made modifications, six new playable characters, four new Onslaught maps, and three new vehicles (more info)
For some reason, I'm no longer able to install .U4MOD's, even though these files still have the UT2004 icon.
This is a known bug that appears after installing the ECE pack. The solution is simple: simply reinstall the latest patch on top of the ECE installation, and things should work again.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to set it yourself. For windows users, this means you should click the Tools option of an explorer window, then Folder options, then File types. Scroll down until you find .u4mod and choose "Editing actions".
in the "Action:" field put &Install this UT2004 module
in the "Application used to perform action:" field put C:\UT2004\System\Setup.exe install "%1"
(or whatever your UT2004 folder is)
Make sure the "Use DDE" check box is checked.
Finally, set the "Application:" and "Topic:" fields to Setup

Help! My computer randomly skips some seconds while I'm playing. My framerates are also horrible!
This is a known complaint. Some refer to it as computer freezing, others as 'offline lag'. The problem is caused by the memory not being able to catch up to what it's supposed to do. It happens to everyone with 256 RAM, and most players with 512 as well. Don't worry: you won't have to run to the hardware store to upgrade your hardware yet. First, try the following steps:
  1. Get the latest patch (version 3369 at the moment).
  2. Go to Settings, and then to the game tab. There, uncheck 'speech recognition and 'preload all player skins'. In the 'Audio' tab, uncheck the settings of 'Text to speech'. These are functions that are 'convenient', yet terrible memory hogs.
    • speech recognition allows you to order bots around by voice, provided that you have the (free) software and the microphone installed
    • preload all player skins loads every skin into memory while loading a map. The option prevents your computer to freeze for a split second when a new player joins (the skin has to be loaded in the memory). Disabling this option considerably shortens level load times.
    • Text to speech reads all written chat messages aloud. Though this might help online co-ordination, it might be a nuisance when playing with chat-happy players. It also takes up a big deal of memory.
  3. Go the Settings, in the Display tab. There, uncheck some settings and lower your details. The parts of the visuals you sacrifice will be rewarded in better framerates and a clearer visibility (less "cluttering" by fancy effects)
  4. if you're still having problems, it's best to visit Tweakguides. In 13 steps, it'll show you every UT2004 tweak out there, from driver and OS updates to getting rid of the NVidialogo intro movie.

How can I speed up loading times?
This is a very common problem for people with 256 RAM (the minimum amount of memory to play the game is 512 MB RAM. The minimum configuration on the box is simply wrong). Turning off text-to-speech and preload skins (previous question) helps, just as some settings mentioned in tweakguides (such as disabling as much background programs as possible). However, I strongly recommend upgrading the memory if you want quick loading times on assault and onslaught.

Where can I get some m...?
Say no more. We've got it all, ranging from 'first time effort' to 'retail quality'. Here's the selection:
Models and skins:
  • Skin city is the main gathering point; if you can't find it here, then ...ehm...look elsewhere
  • BuF favorites: UT2004 skins and models: what do you mean, you didn't notice the sticky? Go get there! It contains the best selection of selections
  • Voice-shrine; getting tired of hearing the same voices over and over again? Then get over here...
  • UnrealReviews; new site that reviews maps, mods and mutators
  • Insite; quality reviews by a quality team

I got what I wanted, but I'm having problems installing it...
First and foremost, you'll need winzip, Winrar, winace or any other program out there to extract a .zip archive. Once the archive is opened, you'll have two standard ways to install:
  • the U4mod way: .u4mod files are executeable by ucc.exe, and should normally be assigned to automatically run the installer by doubleclicking the file.
    Note that if you have installed the ECE pack after patching your game, this assigning doesn't work anymore for some reason. Simply rerun the latest patch again to get it back to working (patching doesn't disturb settings).
  • the manual way: some mods and about all maps don't come with a .u4mod, but with a bunch of 'random' files. You'll have to extract each one in its corresponding subfolder of UT. These are all the filetypes:
    *.ini files go in \System
    *.int files go in \System
    *.ka files go in \karma
    *.ogg files go in \Music
    *.u files gon in \System
    *.uax files go in \Sounds
    *.ucl files go in \System
    *.ukx files go in \animations
    *.upx files go in \prefabs
    *.usx files go in \staticmeshes
    *.ut2 files go in \Maps
    *.utx files go in \Textures
    I advise you not to install these manually, as it makes uninstalling something a tough job. Instead, get a program like Swedix' awesome UT2004Mi program. Among others, it automates (un)installing custom non-u4mod files.

After installing everything to the correct folders, most of the work is done. In the game, choose "Instant action" and select the gametype. In the lower left, you'll see a checkbox named "only official maps". Make sure this is unchecked, or you won't see any of the custom maps. It's also worth mentioning that unplayed custom maps are added at the bottom of the maplist; once you played them, they are added to the (alphabetical) map list.

If the map still doesn't show, it means that there's a file missing. Recheck whether all the files of the archive are in the correct directory, and check the readme of the map file. Some maps require additional content, like the ECE Onslaught Bonus pack. If you go to the \Maps folder and doubleclick on the map, UT2004 will most likely crash, giving you the error message of which file is missing.

I downloaded this awesome map from the server, but when I want to play it offline, I can't find it. What gives?
To prevent your UT2004 folder from cluttering up with custom material, everything that is downloaded is placed in the \cache folder of UT2004.
You can go to this folder and check the cache.ini file to see how you should rename the files there, but it's a lot easier to use a program for this (like the aforementioned UT2004Mi).
Note that downloading a map from a server won't download any custom music it contains.

I downloaded some demo files from matches. How do I watch those?
Normally, you simply put the .demo4 file in the \demo subfolder, start up UT2004, go to Community, click the Demos tab and doubleclick the demo. However, many demo files require additional mutators to work (something along "someunknownfilefile.u not found"). rK demowatcher is made to handle this: it automatically downloads all needed files when you run it.

I saw a model do a flip or cartwheel, or some kind of crazy dance. How do I do this?
First of all: not all characters are able to perform air acrobacy. Some do it only on walldodges (like the juggernauts), others never do it (eg. the Gen Mo'kai).
When you have the right character, all you have to do is double jump for the animation. When playing in first person you won't notice it, but if you use the 'behindview' command (default=F4 button), you can see what your character is doing.
All characters have a wide range of taunts as well; you can dance, gesture, sneer or throw insults at opponents. But beware...they generally don't like it ;)
You can learn more about this in -=Algol=-'s thread.

What are aimbots? Where can I find one?
Aimbots, or 'bots' in general (not to be confused with computer-controlled players) are external programs that allow players to cheat. Some move your crosshair around so it spots players, others make you see through walls, boost up your health, or any other possible advantage that you can get over enemies. These programs exist, but it happens far more that good players get blamed for using them while they are, in fact, very good players. Remember that about 95% of the accusations are false ones, so never blame someone until you've specced him in first person mode for a decent amount of time.
This kind of cheating is also consistently checked, both by Epic as by mutators like AntiTCC. If you get caught with an aimbot - or even if you had one installed - your IP address is noted, you're kicked off the game, and you'll have to purchase a new copy. Before considering your options, make sure you read some appeals by caught botters to know what you're going to get yourself into...
Don't bother asking for links to aimbots here. It's a sure way to make enemies on these boards. And even if someone would reply with a link (despite the forum policy), this would immediately result in the post being removed, the player getting banned and the link address being passed through, so the file is getting removed ASAP.
On the positive side, there are many ways to cheat offline: you can set the bots to novice. You can set 'auto aim' to true in the Game tab of the Settings menu (doesn't work online, of course). And of course, UT2004 comes with all the cheat codes just about any other game ships with. It may not be the same as kicking *** online, but it's a fun way to get rid of some stress :)

I started a clan and now I want to get some people to join it.
That's not a question. However, since it's fairly common that UT2004 clans advertise their existance on these boards, it's best to include the following in your introduction post:
  • Which region(s) is your clanserver located?
  • Which gametypes is the clan interested in?
  • What is the commitment/overall skill level of the clan? Is it for casual play, or are you going to play on ladders?
  • Are there any other restrictions? Common restrictions include maturity and sportsmanship behaviour. If you're one of those that require external factors (such as religion and body colour :rolleyes: ), make sure to mention it...and be prepared to be questioned about it by us ;)
  • Don't forget to post a link to your forums and/or website

I still have problems or questions...
Well...forums are here for this very reason. Last time I checked, there were a good amount of friendly players out here, all willing to help out just about everyone. But before you start posting away, please take these netiquette rules into account:
  • First and most importantly is the forum policy, explaining what you are and aren't allowed to post. With the basic common sence, you'll already know what to expect.
  • UT2003 and '04 are out for some time, so it's very likely that someone has asked the same question you're about to ask. Nobody's forcing you to read through hundreds of pages to find something, but a quick search on the correct keywords can solve your problems faster than waiting for a reply. It's okay to add posts to old threads, but if you reply to something someone said over 2 weeks ago, it's not likely you're going to get a reply as if nothing had happened. Oh, and start your post with the word 'bump', so we know it's the continueing of an old conversation.
  • Unlike inside the game, you can take your time to write out your posts. There's no rocket-wielding enemy chasing you, and nobody is going to blame you for idle-ing the forums. So please try to watch your grammar a bit, and type "Hi, can someone help me, please?" instead of "can sum1 help me, plz" Leetspeak is frowned upon here, so don't think you're impressing anyone with your "mad skillz" to use numbers instead of letters.
  • Read the manual first, will ya? As with most manuals, it doesn't contain much usefull info if you're familiar with the series. However, it DOES contain basic information like what the gametypes are and what the options in the menus represent. Oh, and in case you've lost your booklet: there's a .pdf format stored in the \Manuals folder of UT2004.
  • we're eager to help, but you have to help us help you. Give enough information about what is wrong, when it started, and if possible, what you did that caused it to start. If you have a problem that might be hardware-related, be sure to include your system specs.
That's about it. Welcome to BeyondUnreal :)
Last edited:


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Nicely done (minus those random carriage returns :D). Wish I felt like reading the whole thing. ;) BTW, aimbots move your field of view instantaneously to the nearest pawn within your line of sight (at least all the ones I've seen). I don't think the game's code would allow you to shoot somewhere your crosshair is not pointing, so the bots move your view for you.


Oct 4, 2004
New York City
What are aimbots? Where can I find one?

Ask Raffi. He has a really good one that also does the movement for you.

Useful info, but isn't all of this in your other faq?

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
Visit site
The FAQ looks good TW! The only thing I might suggest is to try to put things in a more logical order. Maybe use an outline format?

(me tries to steer the thread back on topic and away from the Raffi a$$ kissing)


Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
EDIT 1: rearranged questions a bit, removed the 'fearsome' carriage returns ;) and used a more consistent style of lists.
Added the link to the 2nd flag pack.
Updated some stuff about aimbots, but still not 100% done. IIRC, someone posted a link to a site that explained the technical details about them some time ago. Can anyone remember such link (or a similar one)?

@Tenkken: what do you mean with "my other FAQ"? My guides don't cover anything of what's going on outside the game...especially nothing in regards to this forum.


Strategic Military Services
Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Moscow, Russia
heh. I remember recently I played TDM 2x2 with my clanmate against two random players. We hammered them to 35:-1 and one of them repeatedly told us to "turn off aimbot" or he "will take measures". We couldn't do what he wanted, cause we had no aimbots and this idiot turned on aimbot himself. This ended on him being banned on our clanserver.


Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
_Lynx said:
Taleweaver, can I translate this FAQ and post it on my site for the russian UT community?
Absolutely :)

@Everyone: this page isn't copyrighted, so feel free to use them however you like as long as you're not charging money for them in any way (not that you'll find anyone to buy it, but that's a different matter). A link to BeyondUnreal and/or these forums would be appreciated though :)

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Taleweaver said:
Absolutely :)

@Everyone: this page isn't copyrighted, so feel free to use them however you like as long as you're not charging money for them in any way (not that you'll find anyone to buy it, but that's a different matter). A link to BeyondUnreal and/or these forums would be appreciated though :)
How'bout a 1337-style guide in the vein of my other 1337 UT guide. ;)


Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Dark Pulse said:
How'bout a 1337-style guide in the vein of my other 1337 UT guide. ;)
Okay...One extra question, just for you ;)

I just saw someone who had an unpronouncable name and typed insults at players he killed in a letters-and-numbers kinda language. How can I become a 1337 player like this guy?
Follow this link for step-by-step instructions


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
That's a great read, Taleweaver :tup:

BTW I thought you all knew RaffiB is an executable that randomly runs on FragBU it's not an actual person afaik :lol:


New Member
Mar 12, 2006
i really need help!!!

hi. bit of a strange question but here goes. im new to unreal and just bought 2003. however i cannot play online. can you still play online even tho its an old game?


Dead but not gone.
Jan 4, 2004
UT2003 (I believe) still should work online, but there are few to no servers left for it, and the master server is down so you will have a hard time finding them. UT2004 still has a fairly active online community, with a plethora of servers still avalible. If you want to play online, I would suggest UT2004 over UT2003.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
CyMek said:
UT2003 (I believe) still should work online, but there are few to no servers left for it, and the master server is down so you will have a hard time finding them. UT2004 still has a fairly active online community, with a plethora of servers still avalible. If you want to play online, I would suggest UT2004 over UT2003.
The ster server is most definitely not down :)