Unreal Texture UT site and S3TC releases

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New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Ok, after many hours of testing .... whatever is causing the 'freeze' glitch in some maps is in High End Package 5 .... hope that helps you figure it out.

If its just a single file would greatly appreciate a repack. I can't do with out my beauties now :)


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

Could the following comments by Diehard (on previous posts) be applicable to your problem:

"And in general, and it was already said, but here it is again:

NEVER EVER use the 2nd CD or the UTRP S3TC textures on a server, ALWAYS use the normal 1st CD textures for those. Safest way to proceed is, get the packages from this page: UT Server Packages If correct and you use these packages for your server and overwrite everything thats there right now, the problem should be gone.

And that also includes, if you installed any type of mod that came with the stock textures, again, after installing the mod, overwrite all excisting textures packages with the texture packages offered on that download page. Simply put, whatever you do on the server, the last thing to do is overwrite all stock textures with the offered download(s). Only than you are sure all packages are the correct ones.

And here is that page again: UT Server Packages"

The above comment is something I noticed on previous posts about this type problem. I'll let Diehard take it from here.


Later Edit: Here is the link to UT Server Packages that didn't copy over in my above post:

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Jan 20, 2008
Server packages? I think he stated it quite clearly that S3TC are clientside only, and any S3TC installed on a server will cause major issues. Simply revert to the stock textures.


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
I am aware of the proper way to install server textures .... and was instrumental in testing the first Utrp packages for server use.

I have tried removing and using cd1 and the Utrp Server packages to fix the problem ..... as well as multiple clean installs clientside.

The 'spawn glitch' has been reported elsewhere (unreal admin) ...... however as far as I know this has been the most exhaustive/comprehensive analysis so far. Some file or files in the Highend/Extreme packages is causing this bug.

Will replace the textures in High End Pack and add them one at a time until the offending file/s are found.


New Member
Server packages? I think he stated it quite clearly that S3TC are clientside only, and any S3TC installed on a server will cause major issues. Simply revert to the stock textures.

He ment the safe for use server packages i offer on this page: S3TC Server Packages

And i asume the link was added after he did edit his initial post. And indeed you guys are both correct, the serverpackages offered there are the 1st CD textures including a few addons.

however when I spawn in ctf-Face for instance I am unable to move. My mates though see me skating across the map. Ping also skyrockets and stays that way.

Has this bug been reported to you ?

That is very odd, certainly because its all clientsided. I simply fail to see how a clientsided issue could affect networking. And no, its the first time i hear this. Its also weird that the map it happens on is a map(ctf-Face) that presumably is played alot.

I just tested this, and i went to your server, to see if i could pin it down to the file causing it, and interestingly enough its the XpbFX package(already had a feeling). And indeed, my ping is without the package 175, and with the package 275.

Seeing the fact its this package causing the problem, there could be 2 reasons, either its still due to the non-conform, or the new mergertool messes things up. I guess i could try to see if i can make this specific package conform to see if that solves the problem.


New Member

Read post below this one first, cause i made a tool to fix the problem entirely. People that dont want to run the fix could still download the fixed file in this post, but anyone thats up for it, dont, and read the post below this one !

Good news, i was able to follow the instructions that Paperk(he did the testing and co-found the cause) gave me a few weeks ago, and it seems succesfull. I made the XbpFX package conform the net textures, and i tried the file by joining your server, and i could move again.

I only made the High End version conform, so the Extreme End have to wait till tomorrow. and as we speak i am uploading the fixed version. And since its a crucial update i suggest that everyone downloads it to replace the current Low, High or Extreme End version you have. As said ill try to release an Low End and Extreme End version tomorrow, or later this night(but asume tomorrow).

Here is the link: UT_HighEnd_XbpFX.zip

And to prevent confusement, this fix only aplies to UT, as Unreal doesnt have the problem.

Of course thanks for Paperk to solve the issue, and Protos for reporting the issue and for providing the server for testing.

But why this works is still a mystery, from the looks it works, but i still dont know why its possible that it actually fixes the fix. But the result counts, and thats the important issue. Let me know here if it solved everything.
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New Member
Important update !

I made a batch file that should repair all S3TC files and makes them conform the net textures.

Be aware, this fix will ONLY work if your UT installation is:




If your Unreal Tournament is located in a different location than you cannot use this fix. In that case wait till i release the fixed packages, or you alter the bat file yourself by altering the paths to your unreal tournament. Since it contains alot of lines, you should use the option "--> Edit--->replace" in the notepad.

Here is the download: UTRP_Skating_Player_Fix.zip

- Download the zipfile
- Unpack(or unzip) the zipfile
- Place the folder NetTextures within your Texture folder(C:\UnrealTournament\Textures\)
- Place the batfile AAA_Do_it_Yourself.bat within your System folder(C:\UnrealTournament\System\)
- Run the bat file.

If correct it will start process all the S3TC texture packages in your Texture folder. And if correct the "Date Modified" should change to the current date and time(only aplies to S3TC packages). On my system it took about 160 seconds to process the files, so lets asume it takes about 3 minutes before its done and completed.

Since i did all this fast, its kinda at own risk, but i did run it on all my textures, and i could safelly go online.

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New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Hi downloading files now... thank you very much for the quick fix ;)


Will this batch file work on the Extreme Xbpfx file ???
Would you be so kind as to release a fixed Extreme end version please.

Will test and report back.


New Member
If you run the fix, it will fix any S3TC file, regardless this is the 2nd CD textures, UTRP Low End, UTRP High End, UTRP Extreme end. The fix will fix them all.

As for releasing the fixed Extreme End XbpFX file, this has to wait till tomorrow. Its already 1 hour after midnight overhere, and i have been working all evening to fix this, and i have not eaten yet. But ill try to have that specific package fixed as well tomorrow, since that package now is know to actually cause th glitch. And in the upcumming days (and week) ill try to replace all downloads.

But you have to keep in mind this is tons of work because i have to proces all Low, High and Extreme End package(and fix the masking and non-tiling clouds), repack them all and upload them to all mirror sites. And effectivelly i have re-upload some 30-40 gig of data. And that on itself can take days or a week to do.

But as said, ill work on XbpFX package to have that fixed immediatelly. But all that, is alot of work.


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Fix is confirmed working. Good Job !
I shall try the batch tool on the extreme end Xbpfx.

Many thanks for all your efforts. We owe you BIG.:)


New Member
My bad, made an error in the fix post.......

You could do that, but i just realised an error i made in the post, and i already fixed it. But it only works if its installed on the C drive, which than makes it only work for:




But as said, you can alter the paths in the batfile yourselves if you ar up to it. And you simply could right click on the bat file and choose "edit" and change the paths, its not that complicated really. But if not, than indeed you have to wait till i release the updates.


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Edited bat file but it still did not work for me on the Extreme End Xbpfx.

I saw no errors in the console .... unless it was just a split second before the window closes.


New Member
Technically theres zero difference between the Low, High and Extreme End packages. The only difference is the size of the textures themselves, but apart from that they were created in the exact same manor with the same base files and tools.

Maybe re-check if the theres not missing a character in the path or filename.
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Jan 20, 2008
Diehard, you can easily solve your path problem by using variables. At the top write set UTPath=C:\UnrealTournament and then replace every absolute path you have there with %UTPath%. Then whoever uses your batch file will be able to change the path by simply altering one line.


New Member
Thanks GreatEmerald for the input :) I changed the bat file accordingly.

This is the top part of the bat file:

set UTPath=C:\UnrealTournament

ucc conform %UTPath%\Textures\Ancient.utx %UTPath%\Textures\NetTextures\Ancient.utx
ucc conform %UTPath%\Textures\city.utx %UTPath%\Textures\NetTextures\city.utx
ucc conform %UTPath%\Textures\Coret_FX.utx %UTPath%\Textures\NetTextures\Coret_FX.utx
ucc conform %UTPath%\Textures\CTF.utx %UTPath%\Textures\NetTextures\CTF.utx

And it asumes that your Unreal Tournament location is: C:\UnrealTournament And to alter it to a different loaction, and lets say you have it installed on:


than simply change the top line to:

set UTPath=D:\UnrealTournamentPlaying


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

This fix using the .bat file is for online use only, right? If one doesn't go online, one doesn't have to apply this fix, right?

If the above statement is correct, then one can just wait for the updated textures to become available and just install those, right?



New Member
Correct, if you dont play online, you dont have to worry about it. And i know you also play Unreal, and in that case you can even mix all textures for Unreal and UT. And in that case i suggest use the UT textures for both Unreal and UT, as the the UT textures also contain all Unreal textures, but the downloads for Unreal do not contain all UT textures.

So if you always download the UT textures, simply use those for both games. But of course if you ever go online, keep it in the back of your head you did do that !!!

And at this moment i am reprocessing all packages for UT, and hopefuly i will be able to upload the first results in a couple of hours. I decided to skip on the Extreme End XbpFX package, because it leads to an overly amount of extra work and errors that can slip in.

So i am working my way up from Low End to High End to Extreme End. All packages will have a new timestamp, being 05-20-2010 This way everybody can track down if they have the latest version or not.


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

Wow, I didn't know one could install UT textures in Unreal. I'll go ahead and do that, but I have a question or two: Should I install only those UT textures with names different than those already installed in Unreal?

For example, if Unreal already has the texture named Mine.utx, then I wouldn't install the UT texture with the same name, right?

Also, if an UT texture has a name that doesn't exist in Unreal, then would I install it in Unreal anyway? I suppose such conditions exist, but I don't know for sure. Just asking.



New Member

This really is ONLY under the assumption you play Single Player alone, so everybody keep that in mind !!!

Both games need to have the renderer set to S3TC True, so they are capable of running the S3TC textures. Than simply download all UT S3TC textures and overwrite the excisting textures in Unreal and UT.

So yes, you have to overwrite whatever is there. And for Unreal, you will end up with a few extra packages that Unreal doesnt use. If you got the hardrive space leave em there, they wont harm. If you lack space than you could remove them.

But plain and simple said, get the UT files, and overwrite anything in Unreal and anything that is in UT.

As said, this ONLY and ONLY aplies if your are Single Player !
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Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

This is getting more complicated than I intended :lol: . OK, I've already downloaded and installed all S3TC Hi-End textures for both Unreal and UT, dated March 7, 2010. Both games and configured correctly and running properly. Also, I'm a single player.

Now, I want to install the UT S3TC Hi-End textures into Unreal, as you suggested. I already have those textures on-hand archived on CDs.

Now, can you answer my prior posted questions, as follows:

Should I install only those S3TC UT textures with names different than those S3TC textures already installed in Unreal?

For example, if Unreal already has the S3TC texture named Mine.utx, then I wouldn't install the S3TC UT texture with the same name, right?

Also, if an UT S3TC texture has a name that doesn't exist in Unreal, then would I install it in Unreal anyway? I suppose such conditions exist, but I don't know for sure. Just asking.

OK, your last post answered the last question: I may have a few extra textures, but that fact doesn't matter (if I have the space).

Do these issues make sense?
