In the past i often wanted to contact texture artists to get the files(never had the time to try though). But last years i came back on that, because no matter what they have, its mega unlikelly they have High End, let alone Extreme End versions. So at the end, i still have to redo them from scratch...
I guess that is true, but then again it is good to have the originals or the exclusive textures, as you know the original crypt2 was a lot different from standard crypt and we never got the original package and I would need it for the project.
If a procedural texture uses another texture as base texture, and that texture is an S3TC texture everything goes bad. You cannot use an S3TC texture as base for procedural textures because they either turn completelly black, blue or red or the scalling gets corupted and they it might even look distorted.
With the stock textures for Unreal and UT this already ment that a few textures never can be updated like the procedural crate texture with that wet spot(Nyleve), or the blood stained floors in Vortex Rikers. Especially the crate texture is a big shame, and its un unsolvable problem(which was explained by Smirftsch and Creavion). The sad that is, the problem is limited to basically like 10-15 textures.
This tutorial however describes how make more procedural (using stock textures) and actually in the S3TC perspective this is a very, very bad idea and simply should never be done. If so, than the used base texture should ALWAYS be put in a new utx package including the procedural version. or also included in the MyLevel. Because its simple, the more MyLevel procedural textures there are made the more the problem grows, and the more textures that are being turned S3TC, than too the problem grows.
And i cannot go start taking out textures that have been used in MyLevel textures. Thats an endless story.........
At best i would advise re-doing those maps and take out the MyLevel part and throw the base and its procedural counterpart in a utx file, or add the base texture to the MyLevel. And that is a better option than going to strip the S3TC packages.
In that respect, i didnt read the actual tutorail, but it would be a smart idea to addapt the tutorial to prevent further mishaps. All together i always though MyLevel is bad, due to the impossibility for S3TC updates. And this now adds to that even more..........
That is very unfortunate then, well the genfluid stuff really shoudln't be updated at all then because even if some texture is not used as procedural in unreal other packs might use them such, but the problem begins when there is other texture as base, as you mentioned the blood stuff or simply the stuff as icetexture as in the prison map or scripted playrshp texture in case of ISVD. Both use SourceTexture a texture that has been S3TCed, so that nails it down I guess.