Unreal Texture Unreal site and S3TC releases

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New Member
Well, seem that the old thread is gone, and no clue where it went ?

So i thought i just start a new one, as there is an update in the S3TC textures.

I may re-add more info to this innitial post on a later moment.
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New Member
DecayedS S3TC 2009 Christmas update


As you all might know, i started out working on the DecayedS package last year, and i got the package half done in a short matter of about a month. After that i simply was to ill to continue on the package.

And this year, i decided to release the package as is, with a few updates since everybody already had to wait too long.....

There is a downside to this. The plan was to create all the textures, and add rust, moss, etc. to it temporarelly. After i had finished the entire package, i was supposed to go over all textures to test the rust and moss ingame, because they easelly look overdone, and needs tweaks to make it look right. That i couldnt do anymore, so there is a risk that rust and moss, is either lacking or overdone. Apologise for that....

I always thought DecayedS is totally boring package and only fills in needed gaps in the other packages. And this is also the reason i was not really tempted to go work on the package. But last year i made the decision to work on it, because its a widelly used and important package.

And to my surprise, when i finished up alot of textures, i looked ingame. And i honestly can say BORING NO MORE :D :D :D, the textures look friggen awsome ingame :), with alot of different colors in the concrete, and lots of other goodies to look at :D

So even the package is not entirelly done, i hope you all agree with me, and they are as good as i think.

Here are the downloads:

High End 294 Mb: HighEnd_DecayedS.zip

Low End 176 Mb: LowEnd_DecayedS.zip

Merry Christmas everyone :)
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Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia
Hi DieHard,

I downloaded and installed the HighEnd DecayedS texture package. Could you provide some information as to which maps use the textures? I started to play Unreal, but I had no idea where to look to see the new textures.




New Member
As for screenshots, i invite others to make those, because that would add a truckload of work for me, and i am already too buzy with the release itself and bugreports.

For Unreal, you could check DmDeck16, DmHealpod and Terraniux. as for Usemade maps, DmAgoniser.

Probably the perfect map to see the textures is DmRetrospective but you need to have patch 227 installed since that map has tons of 227 features.

I am still uploading another large file to a mirror site, but when done ill upload Dmretrospective and ill post a link here.


New Member
In the meantime i uploaded DmRetrospective, and that map by itself is an awsome piece of work and certainly one of the best releases ever, made by Krull. He made great use of the textures at his hand, and the result is real cool, and it shows the upadted textures perfect.

As said, you need to have patch227 installed, otherwise the map wont play.


Cryox is an awesome example.

But isnt that a UT map ?


Jan 20, 2008
Cryox is one of the Unreal Beta maps. Converted version available for both Unreal and UT.


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia
Die Hard and All,

I played Terraniux, DMRetrospective, and DMHealpod. I love those textures. I already had the prior HighEnd texture releases installed, along with 227F. I have two computers. One runs Vista, with a Core2 Quad (Radeon X1650 card, 256 MB) using OpenGL, and the other runs WinXP with a 3.01 GHz P4 (Radeon 9600 card, 256 MB) using DX9. OpenGL don't work right on the WinXP machine. Don't know why.

The High End textures work properly on both computers. I think I'll pass on the Extreme End textures. The High End textures look good enough.

Thanks for the great work.



New Member
There is an update available for DecayedS that has all bugs fixed.

- Missing grates have been added to the sewer textures.
- Missing S3TC wall textures have been added.
- A few more extra S3TC textures have been added.
- All laser textures have been removed due to an unsolvable rendering problem.

The removal of the laser textures is not that a big loss, since i already doubted if they would add anything significant to the package as they are simply colored beams. And i am talking about the textures that GP mentioned above post that surface in Terraniux and SkyTown.

Here is an example:

Normal textures

S3TC textures

(screenshots are courtessy of GP from OldUnreal)

The error is again related to the procedural textures, and actually added a new problem to them. Now this problem is not really a problem for this package, but does cause problems(future wise) in other packages. So for now its not really a loss they have been taken out. And for Unreal there is a good chance it can be solved in patch 227. But for UT this might be a more serious problem in the future.

I had planned to release this update last sunday, but i decided on thursday that the site needed a big overhaul to properly accomodate all the new types of packages i am releasing. And i had to redo the entire Unreal and UT texture section. And in addition tho that i changed the entire name convention for the files to prevent people inadvertently switching Unreal and UT files. And that explains the delay.

I also wanted to prevent that people had to go through great lenght to obtain the files(as what happened a week ago), so the release was also held back till all files were uploaded to all mirror sites.



Well, enjoy :)


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

Thanks for the textures. I downloaded and installed them (including the three Extreme end files), as you recommended.

Can anyone provide some guidance in which map or maps we can view these textures? I'd like to know what these look like.



Later Edit: OK, I've already noticed some texture improvement. Near the beginning, in Ny Leve's Falls, the way in the background mountains are now much improved in appearance. I noticed it right away. What next?
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New Member
For this update its really dificult to tell where the textures show up. But in any case you want to check on the mountains you can see in the distance. Apart from those, you have to look up and look for all the planets, nebulas, and galaxies.

And indeed the mountains can be seen in Nyleve(2nd map) and the sky stuff, lots of it can be seen in Skytown. But also in Endgame.


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

Thanks, I get the idea. Keep up the good work. Let's hope people make some donations to show their appreciation for all the hard work you've devoted to this effort.



New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
DieHard, do you have any recent plans to s3tc this texture: "NaliCast.Mask.Grate1-m".
I saw an older game with a similar texture, used there as a grate factory floor. Could make a use out of it anywise.


New Member
DieHard, do you have any recent plans to s3tc this texture: "NaliCast.Mask.Grate1-m".
I saw an older game with a similar texture, used there as a grate factory floor. Could make a use out of it anywise.

Actually NaliCast has an awsome set of textures, i really like the way they used the metal and wood combinations. And they made a real cool looking metal, and the same goes for the wood, with really cool detail and greate use of colors.

And its a package i really would love to do, and i might be able to do the wood, but i still havent found a good and solid metal that i can use. The stone in the package i already found 2 years ago, because a church in my town has pretty much the same stone as been used i the package.

And that is always the problem. Most packages really have 3 to 5 bases which are used to build the entire package. So once i have the bases than i can make the actual textures. But it also means if i dont have the bases, than theres no point in starting to work on the packages, except for extracting all the shapes.

And if i borrow a texture somewhere else, than i can only use that to make that specific texture. But i am still in the progress to see what package will be next on the list, and those are Starship, SKaarj and indeed maybe NaliCast as secondary project as that package is not that large(153 textures). My favorite at the moment is Starship because its widelly used in Unreal in alot of maps. But for all goes, i still miss out on several bases.