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New Member
Apr 17, 2001
NE England (We hang monkeys)
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Just to clarify on the fuller/bloodgroove thing.

Yeah, bloodgroove is purely to allow for easy extractrion of the blade by reducing suction.

The fuller is an earlier invention used on heavy broadswords rather than knives. It was to reduce weight while keeping rigidity.

(The bloodgroove is typically quite narrow and deep but a fuller is not as deep but is usually wider - almost the full width of the blade)

In dark-age/early medieval times, it was also found that the fuller aided with extracing the blade (although the bloodgroove is more efficient) but since the broadsword was more of a hacking weapon than a thrusting weapon it was really just a bonus.

More than that, to avoid swords from being pulled form the hand - the pommel was a big factor - and often there was also loop attatched to the grip which went around the wrist so that even if the weapon was dropped, it wasn't lost.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
If you're referring to 40mm grenades (Such as fired by the M203, HK 69A1, etc), it's not heigt, but distance that needs to be reached before they arm.

I believe it's either 40m or 40 yards before a grenade is armed. This is done so as to prevent to shooter from getting hurt by his own grenade.


Back in black
Nov 2, 2000
AFAIK all AKM's should be able to accept a supressor (made for the AKM ofcourse) as the improvements over the original AK47 included a different muzzle design which could accept a supressor.
Actually it was a "typo" I meant you should not shot the rifle WITHOUT the flash hider.
In other words, always fire the weapon WITH the flash hider attached.
The only time I fired my G3 without the flash hider was firing blanks in certain situations. There is a blank firing adapter, which often still doesn't help, the bolt fails to recoil strong enough. However, if you remove the adapter, the report is substantially louder :). Since there is no bullet travelling through the barrel when firing blanks, you do not have the aforementioned problem.

@Gryphon: So what I said was right, for the European way of measuring... Thanks for the additional info.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
5.7x28mm is not rifle ammunition. The P90 is a submachine gun. The Five seveN is a pistol. Absolutely none of them is available to an ordinary civilian anywhere in the world, per FN's edict.

You can buy 12 gauge adapters for 40mm launchers to fire shotshells.

You can suppress any AK, and there have been several factory suppressors made along with the appropriate subsonic ammunition (and in one case, a matching rear sight).

AR-15 in Canada requires you to have your FAC/PAL and be eligible to possess restricted weapons.

Short shotgun barrels make your pattern open up more quickly and help in CQB maneuvering. People want to ban them because they look evil. No one said gun grabbers were intelligent.

Who gives a damn about blood grooves. Things that go bang are more interesting anyways. :)


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
Short shotgun barrels make your pattern open up more quickly and help in CQB maneuvering. People want to ban them because they look evil. No one said gun grabbers were intelligent.

I'd say the gun grabbers are intelligent (well, I'd use terms like cunning ... shifty ... sneaky ... crafty ... sly ... evil).

Many parts of the so-called "Assault Weapon" ban of 1994 are based purely on aesthetics ... things like "pistol grips" on rifles and "bayonette lugs" (when was the last time anyone heard of someone committing a crime using a bayonette). :rolleyes:

it's called incrementalism

Here's an interesting article on the issue ...

You know how to boil a live frog?

Well you don't try to toss him into a pot of boiling water ... he'll just jump back out and get away.

What you do is you put him in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the heat ... by the time the water starts boiling it'll be too late for him to escape.


Soon! ©
May 27, 2001
Originally posted by Gryphon
5.7x28mm is not rifle ammunition. The P90 is a submachine gun. The Five seveN is a pistol. Absolutely none of them is available to an ordinary civilian anywhere in the world, per FN's edict.

100 P90 disapeared from the factory of FN Herstal...

None have been used in robberies so far. My guess is they may have been sold to mercs or something related...


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Well of course there's my personal Five seveN, but I couldn't help you with P90's. My, I mean, sleuthing skillz, aren't quite that good.



New Member
Mar 18, 2000
damnit, you just dont see the elegance of things, gryphon.

and the guard running from the top of the hilt to the pommel is just that, a guard. it is NOT to help you catch the sword if you drop it.

and there is no ****ing way, you could win the argument if you tried, man. that little son of a bitch wire on my rapier has saved me several times.


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
NE England (We hang monkeys)
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Originally posted by owlodoom
and the guard running from the top of the hilt to the pommel is just that, a guard. it is NOT to help you catch the sword if you drop it.

and there is no ****ing way, you could win the argument if you tried, man. that little son of a bitch wire on my rapier has saved me several times.

Nahh, you misunderstand. The loop I mentioned is a loop of leather thong or thin rope which was attatched to the sword and went around the wrist, so that if the sword was dropped/knocked out of the hand in the middle of a heated battle (or even worse from horseback), you didn't lose it.

Yeah, the guard (quillon) is just to stop you from getting hit. That 1" thick guard on my broadsword has saved me a few times too. The dark-ages/medieval swords I mentioned only have the cross-type guard - no curved effigy running to the pommel ;-)


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
NE England (We hang monkeys)
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Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me!

I have a question. I can tell you all you need to know about medieval swords + armour - but I havn't a clue with guns....

So here goes.

Are Silencer ans Suppressor two different things or are they two different names for the same thing? What's the difference?

Also what actually is a carbine?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Gryphon- this picture must get on your nerves a lot
Not particularily. I think it's pretty damn funny myself. Except someone should have turned the Glock sideways. Word up. :cool:


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Silencer and suppressor are usually thought to be interchangable, although one source defines a silencer as a device which reduces the velocity of a bullet in addition to suppressing the muzzle blast, in order to eliminate sonic crack. A suppressor merely muffles the muzzle blast and subsonic ammunition needs to be used with it to avoid sonic crack.

A carbine is a short-barrelled rifle.


Sergeant (Reserve), IDF
Jun 19, 2001
Rehovot, Israel
Suppressor and silencer are two different things to my knowledge... suppressor functions by providing gases exiting the weapon some enclosed expansion space to drop the noise level when they break free, I have no clue how actual silencers work though. Most effective way of shooting silently is using closed rounds, like the russian SP-4:


A carbine is simply a shortened version of a rifle. M16A1 with it's 20.5" barrel is a rifle, XM177 with it's 14.5" barrel is a carbine.