"Thick" water

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is there a zone property that i can adjust somehow to make a water zone seem drudgey... like the player will walk slower through the wading pool cuz its somewhat grimey...

does that question make sence?
p.s. if it is possible, im not gonna make the player go to slow, i know thats lame to slow down flow... i just want to make the player contemplate the worth of some power up.

anyhow... thanx in advance...


Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
You mean ZoneFluidFriction? :D Yup, of course. It's found under zoneinfo property.

BTW, have you ever tried to set ZoneGroundFriction to zero and then duck and walk? Bungeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by RigorMortis
is there a zone property that i can adjust somehow to make a water zone seem drudgey... like the player will walk slower through the wading pool cuz its somewhat grimey...
Yes, it is the fluid friction ... :)
Have you ever tried using a Tar Zone?
I have made some traps which are surrounded by
shallow tar pits. (along with dark fluid textures)
Can be fun fragging those bots/players
while they're stuck in slow mo'. ... :lol:




Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Originally posted by Aggressor
You mean ZoneFluidFriction? :D Yup, of course. It's found under zoneinfo property.

BTW, have you ever tried to set ZoneGroundFriction to zero and then duck and walk? Bungeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Ya, it's a nice bug that. I made a map the size of the board and tried this just to see how fast you could go :)


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
You have to put [b] to start typing bold text, then put [/b] to stop bolt text. Same goes for and all the other tags.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Bot_40
You have to put [b] to start typing bold text, then put to stop bolt text. Same goes for and all the other tags. [/B]

Thanx again Bot_40.
Soon after I asked, I realized that I ommited the "/" in
the ending sequence. :lol:
I have to learn to look & think more before I post. :lol: :lol:




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Seco_In_The_Bushes
Hmmmmm. . . .

Anyone know how deep you have to be in a zone for its properties to take hold? I mean, if you had a 16 deep tarzone would you be slowed down
That is a very good question! :)
I wanted to know too, so, I went into my Septagone
map and moved the sheet brush up and down to see what depth
was the mimimum that would still affect the bots/players.
The answer: **64 grid units** :D
(which was about belly high)
This brings up another question ...
How small can a zone be?
Must the "Zone Info" actor fit entirely inside the zoned area
or would just put part of the "Zone Info" actor be enough to
achieve the desired effect?


bummer... my water is only 16 units deep. (shallow pool, just for effect) what if i made invisible, non-solid walls on either side, 64 units high and zoned it off making the fluidfriction high in that zone... would it affect the "footsteps" on the waterzone below?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Originally posted by LXIXGTO

This brings up another question ...
How small can a zone be?
Must the "Zone Info" actor fit entirely inside the zoned area
or would just put part of the "Zone Info" actor be enough to
achieve the desired effect?

As small as you want. The sprite that you see for a zone info is just that. The zone info acts at a single point. You can see this by setting the drawscale to 0.1 or something, then zooming in on it, then setting it to 0.02 and so on, you can allign it more presisly each time.

But...why would you want a zone smaller than 16 anyways? :)


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by RigorMortis
bummer... my water is only 16 units deep. (shallow pool, just for effect) what if i made invisible, non-solid walls on either side, 64 units high and zoned it off making the fluidfriction high in that zone... would it affect the "footsteps" on the waterzone below?
:hmm: ... not sure what your final objective is but ...
If you extended the water zone upward with the non-solid
brushes too far, the players would start swimming in mid air
above the shallow pool.
Therefore; we would need to know what is the maximum
depth we can have before the players start to swim.

And, if you turn the fluid friction up, the players would move even
more slowly (obviously) than a normal water zone.
Since you want to be able to walk through the side brushes,
I'd suggest you use invisible sheet brushes instead of non-solids
(if at all possible) to extend the water zone upward.
Again, not sure what your final objective is but, ...
Since we already know that we can make a pool 64 units deep
to impede their walking and still not swim, :)
you could extended the zoned sheet brushes (or non-solids) up
above the sides of the pool and put the water surface brush at
64 units high.
In real life, water which is more shallow than belly deep
(about 64 units) affects the way we walk.
A good idea you had there. :D




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Bot_40

But...why would you want a zone smaller than 16 anyways? :)
I wanted to make an acid puddle next to some overturned barrels. :)
I didn't want it too deep, just enough to make an acid zone
to affect the players health value as they walk through
the shallow puddle.
I tried making the puddle 4 units deep but I couldn't get it to
zone right. :(
I thought that maybe the zone info actor had to be completely
contained within the zone area. :hmm: :eek:
I might be able to use RigorMortis' idea of extending the
sides upward with invisible zone brushes. But I'll try your
suggestion first Bot_40. :D




you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by LXIXGTO

I wanted to make an acid puddle next to some overturned barrels. :)
I didn't want it too deep, just enough to make an acid zone
to affect the players health value as they walk through
the shallow puddle.
I tried making the puddle 4 units deep but I couldn't get it to
zone right. :(
I thought that maybe the zone info actor had to be completely
contained within the zone area. :hmm: :eek:
I might be able to use RigorMortis' idea of extending the
sides upward with invisible zone brushes. But I'll try your
suggestion first Bot_40. :D



if it were me i would make the tar a simple sheet brush slightly hoving over the floor, and place a specialevent actor that causes hurting. this is most bsp-friendly.