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Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Well, since I read several post on gameplay before I actually played myself (and played several hours) - I assume there were quite some more players than 9 involved.

Not that bad, but sad to be assured: despite early announcement, we are no longer enough to fully fill up a server :(

But it reminded me of the obvious EAS problems: playing with no mapknowledge is close to useless (unlike DTAS) - you are more of a handycap to your team. Most maps beyond simple CD extraction need specific training and coordination - spontanious matches aren't really possible. And once all know the map by heart it's getting boring due to predictive and repetitive gameplay...

P.S. And P^R members shouldn't whine about exzessive strafing - some of you do it all the time!


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
cracwhore said:
KW does it - and he's in the process of being removed from the clan. Thank you.
LMAO, I don't always do it, but I strafe more than a real soldier would. Crac is just angry right now because he came straight here after we were playing EAS.

I decided to fool around and play matrix style, in the process I strafed around a corner and headshotted crac while he was crouched and waiting for me.... he promptedly quit and came here to post that hehe.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing EAS. There weren't a ton of people, but enough to have some very good games. I think we played through the entire GD map list.

PS: Geo, a problem I remember with strafewhorenomore, was that you could simply tap forward or backward and still strafe side to side very easily. If that was fixed it would be much better. I would also strongly recommend lowering the strafe and backpeddle speed by 20-30%.


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Mar 7, 2003
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I had fun althou first few maps I was too drunk to play properly (sorry for the tks :) ). Also had issues with getting lost on some maps...been a while since I played some of those maps.
RTK night was er...different. Too bad you can gamma whore on these dark maps. And sorry for the excessive sniping...not that I hit that many :/
Anyhow, I'd prolly join another time if something gets arranged. DTAS would be great too.

Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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I don't like the 'new-wave-spawn' mutator (or whatever it's called) and the silent capture. They do add to gameplay for clamatches, but for public with poor preparation & communication I prefer standard.


Jan 27, 2002
MP_Lord_Kee said:
And sorry for the excessive sniping...not that I hit that many :/
Well, you got me a lot. I've quit right after been sniped 4 or 5 times in a row just coming out of the spawning points by KW and you.

I haven't fired a single shot on that map :p