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Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Poor Almost :(

Was fun playing with you and the other Europeans that I don't know!


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Was fun. I just hopped more people will join. I'll be happy to arrange the next one :)

I wanted to get the new INFMOD_Nades ready for today, to get some new fun to it, give a little something new for the community, but that didn't work out sadly. I hope I can get it working the way I want soon™.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
True. You alone kept EAS alive a little more. That is so nice.

On related topic, I just got my new Nades working perfectly. I think that will be there last update before release if all goes well under testing. Too bad it wasn't ready in time for this little event.

Because of the slow developement rate (I am the only coder, no one but UN and I is testing the stuff - Lich is taking break for studies/work, the team as close to no leadership, etc.) I will probably push to have each finished packages released individually instead as in weapon packs. So in this case the release will be a new INFMOD_Nades package to replace the orginal WP 1.2 one. How does that sound?

edit: clarification - of course lich is helping testing too (actually he is doing most of the testing, for which I thank him), but he is, sadly, currently away for RL™ related reasons... slows things down considerably.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Yes, a grand total of 9 people showed up! That's how good I am. And I even managed to get myself spawnkilled by some dimwit exploiting a map issue. I thought we had gotten beyond that, especially when we get togehter just to have fun.

Oh well. Like I said, I'm not going to "arrange" another one. Instead, I'm taking some time off. Catch you all later.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
A more decent map rotation should be up next time around... if it's on the GD server (where else?) I can change the rotation to a more classic one with more enjoyable maps for everyone.

I just don't get it why everyone immediately jumps on sniper rifles on Road to Kandahar. Everyone agrees that it ruins all the fun on the map and makes it pointless, yet everybody takes them. I seriously try to avoid them, but when you have 4 PSG1 aiming at you from 500 meters, when else can you do?


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Make a better game or map? That might fix the issue...wink...

A 'no sniper' mutator won't make that map fun. That's all that map is - sit and wait until you see someone. On top of that - you have jets bombing their own troops - bunkers with ammunition, but no firearms, etc.

Or, you could just make the camos a little more fair for that map. Might make it a little better.

It's nearly impossible to spot the olive drab guys in the dark. I couldn't even see a guy three feet in front of me with a scope.

Black and white on the other hand...

I think it's better to be annoyed by certain weapons - than it is to be killed by circle-strafers and movement exploiters.

I can handle a certain degree of bullshit every now and then - but constant strafing is really the major issue in this game. Until that issue is resolved, I say - fuck hitboxes. And until people stop doing that shit - fuck playing.

P.S. Derelan - the message beep thing? Still not hilarious - as it turns out.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Camos can be fixed. No problem there crac. RtK-night could be replaced by RtK day. By the way, did you even try not playing this map as you discribe? Taking iron sights and going down in the action instead of sitting up top and sniping people exiting their spawn, obviously ruining the map (IMO)? You'll probably rediscover that map.

But yes, the night version, with bad camos and gamma whoring, is kinda bad. should be replaced for the day version in the end.

A stafe fix mutator exist and could be finished. easily. Might be tricky as it is a player class replacement, but it is quite doable in a few hours. Of course, it's easier to talk about it then to fix it, so I'll fix it for you :p


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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I was down in the action. Defending the CD carrier.

Did you not see the part where I said there was a guy coming at me - three feet away from my face? And I couldn't see him through the scope?

Yeah...I'd say those camos are effective...

As for the fixing? Hooray. Thanks.