True. You alone kept EAS alive a little more. That is so nice.
On related topic, I just got my new Nades working perfectly. I think that will be there last update before release if all goes well under testing. Too bad it wasn't ready in time for this little event.
Because of the slow developement rate (I am the only coder, no one but UN and I is testing the stuff - Lich is taking break for studies/work, the team as close to no leadership, etc.) I will probably push to have each finished packages released individually instead as in weapon packs. So in this case the release will be a new INFMOD_Nades package to replace the orginal WP 1.2 one. How does that sound?
edit: clarification - of course lich is helping testing too (actually he is doing most of the testing, for which I thank him), but he is, sadly, currently away for RL™ related reasons... slows things down considerably.