The Sniper Rifle.

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BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
there are few maps in UT99 where you can copletly whore th SR because their to small and you could mess people up with the other weapons, liandri is a classic example.

maybe making the lighning gun only a sniper wepon in zoom mode would work out better as the shock alreeady does the scanhit stuff well enough.

maybe a chainlightning weapon for primaryfire or multiple weak eletrical bolts and sparks thogh the linkgun kind of does this


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
I was able to whore Sniper on every map if ping allowed. I went godlike on Agony, in 5 on 5 man TDM.

Whether your good at it or not, the fact remains, hit-scan weapons are the easiest weapons to learn. It's point and click. People think just because of area of effect that boomy projectile weapons are easier, but just because you are doing some damage, doesn't mean you are doing lethal damage. Getting to the the point where you are doing lethal damage with projectiles consistantly takes much more practice, and it also more dependent on your targets ability to dodge.

Heck, I'm not even that great at hit-scan, but that's because I configre for the other stuff, and don't excessively practice it, but I know when I am on with it, it's way too powerful.

The projectile can be fast enough, that "dodging" it would be rare, and matrix like, with no real Neo's out there. The rest of this thread explains already what would have to happen to the LtG if it were to return. As is, both it and shock are too powerful.


Jun 23, 2004
[DF]phalanx said:
enforcers ruled u could do 25 dmg if ya hit the rite places in UT99, the AR was like shooting a pea shooter at a tank :/
The assault rifle is pretty effective for being a weapon you spawn with. Sure it's not effective in ws on DM, but in ws on DM the biggest goal is to get to a weapon. A good player can shave 100 health real fast on a newer player that has a better weapon. AR served it's purpose in ut2k4. The double assault really added more depth to TDM as well. If I can freakin own with a weapon I spawn with, it makes weapon bases pointless. A starting weapon is supposed to by crappy. It better not be hitscan and accurate with a deadly rof, because that would really blow and would crap up the game. The "double" weapon thing adds a lot to the game. So if you spawn with one enforcer your teammate that didn't want to give you another weapon for whatever reason could just drop his enforcer so you'd have twin enforcers. That adds a lot to the game.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wasnt there the rumour that the first shot from the assault rifle is always spot on, and its only when you hold it down that it starts spreading?


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
what do you mean wait till its relaxed... i dont ever see the gun 'relax' or anything? or you mean like what happens in some games when you can see the crosshair get bigger after you shoot to show you how inaccurate the gun is and you wait for the crosshair to get smaller, except in ut2k4 the crosshair doesnt change...


Nov 12, 1999

carmatic said:
or you mean like what happens in some games when you can see the crosshair get bigger after you shoot to show you how inaccurate the gun is and you wait for the crosshair to get smaller, except in ut2k4 the crosshair doesnt change...

If Epic stick recoil into UT I will be heading for Raleigh with a can of petriol and a box of matches. Leave that to Counter-Strike et al...


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
yeah, i was asking about the accurate-assrifle trick... im pretty sure that conformist weapon behaviour will not be a thing in the UT universe, but like, since people were talking about the assrifle, i might as well clear up some things about it for myself...


BUF Refugee
May 5, 2005
Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
indeed it's not real tournament or counterstrike, leave that **** to the realworld or join the f#cking army if people if you like real weapon behaviour so much, screw conformist weapon behavoiur!


frog steering expert
May 6, 2001
Visit site
There could always be a Lightening Gun that fired a little metal bullet of some sort and fired lightening into it on contact with a target. Like a taser with no wire.

This addresses the possibility of a non-hitscan Lightening Gun.


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
-AEnubis- said:
As is, both (LG) and shock are too powerful.

Nah, weapon balance in UT2k4 is the best I've seen yet. It's true they're the best guns in the game, but the disparity ain't that much.

Compare the shock and LG to rox and flak.

First of all, shock and LG get owned by the shieldgun... LG is absorbed, shock is actually reflected. Many's the time I've hoisted the shield in a spawnraping shock ho's face only to be met with visible confusion as his shots come back at him... a lot of times, the guy will actually stop shooting for a few seconds while considering what the hell to do now. Pretty funny, says I. Flak primary, however, carves right through the shield and flak secondary and rox simply go around. Against a shieldwhoring EFC, rox and flak are my choice every time.

Vehicles: air vehicles definitely want the hitscan weapons because they're so fast... and I'll admit that shock's ability to push vehicles is a little unfair. Against heavier ground vehicles, however, flak and rox will make things go much quicker for you.

When you're going mano- e- mano, it's painfully obvious: hitscan weapons have the advantage at range but the spamguns rule cqb. If flak can outthink LG for 5 seconds he can score the frag. If he can't, he's toast.

Shock combo: slower ball = closer effective range. Slower ball also = easier dodge. At midrange, throw rox at Mr. Shock Ho's feet and he'll be too busy dodging you to combo except by luck. In the meantime, you're doing damage and he's not, while at the same time you're advancing and he's retreating. Wait for him to lodge on an outcropping and finish the poor bastidge.

You can make it on hitscan weapons alone in exactly one place: DM-Asbestos' upper floor. The central corridor is a tool which anybody can use to tear spammers to shreds, and that's what makes that map crazy... gimmick 100a jump be damned.

The narrower choke on the UE2 flak gives it a surprising amount of range, let's not forget.

The shock rifle has an oft- forgot spam component: you can hurl a ton of shock balls willy- nilly at a closing opponent, and it's dangerous as all hell. But most shockwhores never do that. Why? Because it doesn't fit in with the hitscan whoring mentality... it's "lame" to those guys. Balls are for combos, and that's it. If you can remember to spam the secondary, shock is just crazy powerful... but then, it's pretty much THE Unreal Tournament signature weapon. It's the gun no other game has, and as such it's got a right to be a cut above IMO. If you think it'll be put in a wheelchair for the next UT, think again. ;)

And then you've got the outsiders: pulse and goo. They've both got a surprisingly deadly spam component, and goo has the hilarious alt- fire that nobody in their right mind laughs at... well, they wouldn't if they could help themselves. Anyway, when you see one of those guns come out you most likely instantly think, "n00b." Alas, that's not always the case. Those guns are always discounted and therefore always dangerous.

In short, the guys at Epic seem to have the weapon- balance thing pretty well down-pat by now. I'd be full- well interested to see a hitscan- only vs. projectile- only 1v1, and no I wouldn't be placing a bet. Next UT? Who knows... I'm pretty sure it'll be good, though. :)

*edit* Oh yeah, then you've got the BS kill. You know the one, there's some wiseacre camping on a pillar somewhere and he cops the headshot on you when you think the coast is clear and you're not dodging. Well, fine... you've also got that #$%@ n00b who runs face- first into you around a corner and smacks you with 100% of a flak burst. The cheese all evens out as well.
Last edited:


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Well, there is a few things you neglect to mention...

ASMD prime has push, making it exceedingly difficult (map dependent) for you to close a gap, even with the SG. You can only block about 3 shock beams with it, and you have to deal with "swimming up-stream". LtG also has the capability of shooting around the SG, since it's not cover for a full 180º.

On the converse: Flak, Rox, and Combos against an experienced SG user can not only be fully blocked, but used as momentum projection. The main difference is the damage is bigger on all of them, so it's not that they "go through", it's just that they deplete it.

...and you need tell me nothing about shock. I core juggle, and multi-core combo my fair share. I know the dangers of shock. I think a lot of the problem is maps. Seems the most popular maps online, Grendel, Rankin, Antalus, Waisten, Goose, Deck and other similar maps are very open, and cater to said weapons.

Lightning switch away time is another element that makes trying to close the gap almost silly. It is faster then SG switchaway time (feels like it, though I haven't tested it), and hence makes SG charging to make another weapon more effective, almost pointless, if said opponent has a weapon for said range. I can't tell you how many times I've close that gap, damage free, only to find flak to the face, before I get a shot off. I can't blame flak for that, because it was the weapon for the distance. How fast he got to flak though, is the issue, especially when I switch out right as a LtG shot is fired.

I still agree that this game has a more balanced weapon set then any other I've ever played, and was preaching it's glory, despite sceptics all through the life of 2k3, and it's even better in 2k4. Those weapons are simply way too efficient none the less.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
The biggest problem with the shock, IMO, is the knock-back. Sure, the RoF and the damage may be a bit too high, but the transfer of momentum is way too damn much, and it makes the other two properties I've mentioned impossible to deal with. If I, a hitscan nub, can land three straight shock primaries because the other guy can't move away, we have a problem. Yeah, yeah, shield gun, blah, blah, blah. The shield gun seems like a cop-out to me, like they knew they couldn't balance the hitscan weapons, so they threw in a shield as a balance hack. On an average level of play, no one uses the shield gun. No one. Just look at FragBU. It has a decent sampling of player skills, and rarely does anyone pull out a shield gun to reflect shock primaries, because everyone wants to kill and not run away. Running away isn't weapon balance. There should be a counter for it via weaponry, and really, your only hope is to hitscan them to death before they get you.

The link gun is a piece of crusty ass. The primary is all but useless except in random occasions where you can fry someone at a very close distance with four blasts really easily. Bring back the RoF of the pulse gun and make the shots not so powerful and the gun will actually be useful again. The secondary fire is fine, but I'll be damned (or completely out of options) if I ever shoot a link plasma at someone when I'm not playing AS-Junkyard.

Additionally, I would like it so that point-blank headshots are impossible to pull off. Those things are always luck-of-the-draw anyway. Same with though-the-ass-out-the-esophagus headshots that you get sometimes when you're below an opponent.

Now it is time for bed.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
i once shot at someone in a scorption from behind, and somehow got a headshot... hm, must be all that metal on it... but quite a few times i got headshots by shooting straight at the person inside , it just happens i hit them on their head...


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
Running away with SG up is a bad assumption. Have you seen me use it for offense yet? My problem is, the beams are so fast, and push, so like a TAM game I had last night, where 4th element entered the equation, and I wanted to drop a level, and couldn't because I got beamed as I moved towards a ledge, and hence could fall. Then again, and again, and before I knew it, I was almost dead. Beams happen so fast, that you really don't have time to react to them, especially in situations like that. I think I finally pulled SG, dodged off, and escaped with less then 20 health.

SG rushing is the greatest. You can also sometimes pull it just to force your opponent to switch weapons, which is almost just as effective. Usually if it looks like I'm running away with SG, it's only because I'm re-positioning, for eliminating a weapons usefullness, or multiple targets.

That, though, is something you just have to practice. Just because you pull the SG out, doesn't mean you have to run. Somtimes vs a full <insert weapon you plan to block with SG here>, you gotta run, but in TAM or othe r places where you know they have more limited ammo, charge, charge away.


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
Turns2Ashes said:
If I, a hitscan nub, can land three straight shock primaries because the other guy can't move away, we have a problem.

That only happens because your target is either a newbie or a vet having one of those moments where his brain falls out (I'm well familiar with that one) -- what happens is, you nail him once and he tries to run in a straight line toward you. And yeah, that's funny.

Closing the range on a shock rifle isn't really that hard (against a like- skilled individual, anyway), provided you remember two things: lateral/ diagonal dodging and spam. He might peg you once or twice, but as long as you keep some kind of obstacle at your back he won't push you that far... and the spam will force him to move.

Re: link primary. I've come to actually prefer it to secondary under the right conditions. If your target isn't in too open of an area, strafe back and forth in a tight circle with the occasional single- dodge thrown in while spamming away relentlessly. This has three effects: it makes you a hard target for hitscan shots, it covers a broad area with your spam (and link primary's damage isn't inconsiderable), and the opacity of the plasma makes it really hard to see... so you've got kind of a weaponized smokescreen going on. Link primary has surprised the crap out of me before, and I've learned to use it.

Re: rox/ flak boost effect on shieldgun. That happens when you go for the direct hit... why would you do that? Splash is the answer there.

Re: nobody uses shield. Well, that's their fault, isn't it? And it's not just about running away, a lot of times it's about buying time... it's really great for letting miniman blow off all his ammo and then pulling out the flak vs his not- so- hot other gun.

I don't think it would hurt anything, really, to tone down the shock a little bit. But at the same time, a good judge of a whoregun is whether or not you'd be willing to use it exclusively. And yeah, there are times when a shock is all I want (see DM-Corrugation: the shockwhore's paradise), but they're not that often. And by the same token, there are plenty of times on Face where I'll head out to the enemy base with nothing but rox and do a fair bit of damage. Shock is strong in 2k4, yes, but I don't see it as a deal- breaker at all.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
i like the link gun primary fire, it works alot better on real players while the secondary fire is only good on bots... just blanked the area with it, and up close its almost impossible to dodge, and if your opponent is trapped somewhere far away, he'll be trapped there if you use the link gun primary on him...