I dont know who many of you remember, but ages ago when PuF started some one did a post like this. The problem was that no-one knew any one then so no-one could vote. But now is the time for the PuF awards

Make your vote for:
Best UT player: (dont repeat this person in any of the other game type awards , ie, AS, DM etc)
Spam award: (To vote for whoever has spammed the most in our sacred forums

Best CTF player:
Best DM player: (not 1 on 1 DM, thats a seperate catigory)
Best 1 on 1 player:
Best AS player:
Best DOM player:
Best LMS player:
Best Team DM player:
Best shock rifle whóre:
Lowest ping:
Highest ping:
Best HPB player:
Biggest Ego:
Most suicidal UT player:
Worst UT player:
Most annoying PuF:
Most helpful PuF:
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole
Most improved UT player:
Biggest m0:
Best Admin:
And the Grand award...<cue drum roll>
Best PuF
Yes I know its a lot of awards, but you dont have to vote for
all of them if you dont want to.
1) Vote
only for PuF.
2) Dont go writing a big explanation cos I'm the poor fool who's gonna end up counting the votes

3) Do
not vote for yourself
4) No, I will not be taking bribes.
5) Anyone found voting more than once will be nailed to the nearest tree by their ears

6) If you really cant make up your mind between 2 people, vote for them both, then they shall both get 1/2 a point
If you dont want to vote here, e-mail me at
[email protected] (hows that for an insanely long e-mail ad

or even tell me in #planetunreal who you want to vote for.
Now to get the ball rolling, my votes.
Best UT player: Voyd
Spam award: Xylene(Natai)/ TaskMaster
Best CTF player: Rooster
Best DM player: Xylene(Netai)
Best 1 on 1 player: Ritz
Best AS player: Soul Crusher
Best DOM player: ?
Best LMS player: ?
Best Team DM player: ?
Best Shock rifle whóre: CandyMan
Lowest ping: BloW_Smoke, (c'mon, a ping of 30!)
Highest ping: HuFlungDung
Best HPB player: BushWacker
Biggest Ego: PychoMoggieBagpuss
Most suicidal UT player: Matsumoto (from the 1st PuF vs OzUt match)
Worst UT player: Gouryella (he is techincally PuF

Most annoying PuF: Prophetus

Most helpful PuF: Rooster/Zaccix
Most liked PuF: Netai
Most improved UT player: Skumboy/Xylene(Netai)
Biggest m0: Blender
Best Admin: Yellow 5
Time for you guy/gals to vote now
VoteMaster|PuF aka LordKhaine