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I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
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I dont know who many of you remember, but ages ago when PuF started some one did a post like this. The problem was that no-one knew any one then so no-one could vote. But now is the time for the PuF awards :) Make your vote for:

Best UT player: (dont repeat this person in any of the other game type awards , ie, AS, DM etc)
Spam award: (To vote for whoever has spammed the most in our sacred forums :))
Best CTF player:
Best DM player: (not 1 on 1 DM, thats a seperate catigory)
Best 1 on 1 player:
Best AS player:
Best DOM player:
Best LMS player:
Best Team DM player:
Best shock rifle whóre:
Lowest ping:
Highest ping:
Best HPB player:
Biggest Ego:
Most suicidal UT player:
Worst UT player:
Most annoying PuF:
Most helpful PuF:
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole
Most improved UT player:
Biggest m0:
Best Admin:

And the Grand award...<cue drum roll>

Best PuF

Yes I know its a lot of awards, but you dont have to vote for all of them if you dont want to.


1) Vote only for PuF.

2) Dont go writing a big explanation cos I'm the poor fool who's gonna end up counting the votes :(.

3) Do not vote for yourself

4) No, I will not be taking bribes.

5) Anyone found voting more than once will be nailed to the nearest tree by their ears :).

6) If you really cant make up your mind between 2 people, vote for them both, then they shall both get 1/2 a point

If you dont want to vote here, e-mail me at [email protected] (hows that for an insanely long e-mail ad :)) or even tell me in #planetunreal who you want to vote for.

Now to get the ball rolling, my votes.

Best UT player: Voyd
Spam award: Xylene(Natai)/ TaskMaster
Best CTF player: Rooster
Best DM player: Xylene(Netai)
Best 1 on 1 player: Ritz
Best AS player: Soul Crusher
Best DOM player: ?
Best LMS player: ?
Best Team DM player: ?
Best Shock rifle whóre: CandyMan
Lowest ping: BloW_Smoke, (c'mon, a ping of 30!)
Highest ping: HuFlungDung
Best HPB player: BushWacker
Biggest Ego: PychoMoggieBagpuss
Most suicidal UT player: Matsumoto (from the 1st PuF vs OzUt match)
Worst UT player: Gouryella (he is techincally PuF ;))
Most annoying PuF: Prophetus :p
Most helpful PuF: Rooster/Zaccix
Most liked PuF: Netai
Most improved UT player: Skumboy/Xylene(Netai)
Biggest m0: Blender
Best Admin: Yellow 5

Time for you guy/gals to vote now

VoteMaster|PuF aka LordKhaine


New Member
Mar 24, 2000
Glasgow, UK
I haven't played with any of you in a while so I won't be voting for every award listed.

Best UT player : Voyd
Spam : IceHawk
Best DM Player : Voyd
Best 1 v 1 : Voyd
Highest Ping : LK
Biggest Ego : Rooster ;)
Most Helpful Puf : Rooster / Wanderer (not sure if he counts as a PuF)


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


i havent played anyone yet...

i know i know but i am moving so cut me some slack...

but from what i have seen...

rooster BY FAR is the most helpful...


Best UT player: Voyd
Spam award: Natai/TaskMaster
Best CTF player: Rooster/Cookie
Best DM player: Voyd
Best 1 on 1 player: Voyd
Best AS player: ?
Best DOM player: ?
Best LMS player: ?
Best Team DM player: ?
Best Shock rifle whóre: ?
Lowest ping: BloW_Smoke (I'd agree with LK on this one)
Highest ping: ? But LK and HFD are both UHPBs
Best HPB player: LK
Biggest Ego: LK
Most suicidal UT player: ?
Worst UT player: (I would say me, but I can't)
Most annoying PuF: LK ;)
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: ?
Most improved UT player: Skumboy
Biggest m0: Blender
Best Admin: All of them (Note: this has NOTHING to do with me trying to get hosting at PU, nothing AT ALL, just wanted to make that clear ;))

Best PuF: I wouldn't like to say.

PS&gt; Girlyfella is NOT a PuF!


PuF: Come play dying.

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff and have your say!


Jan 18, 2000
Visit site
I haven't played with very many of you but I have one question about the inital list.

From what I understand Rooster only plays defense...How could he possibly qualify for "best ctf player" when he's so one dimensional.

Correct if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that he only plays defense. Not that there's any wrong with that but it is easier to rack up points on defense thus giving off the impression of being "godlike" than it is on offense.

[This message has been edited by C¥BER PETE (edited 05-31-2000).]


Argh I hate voting for people :eek: Voyd's hooked on Ever-Crack and Ritz is a MUDaholic so I'll try to pick some more active players ;)

Best UT player: Voyd (had to do it once)
Best DM player: TheReaper
Best 1 on 1 player: Spyder913
Best AS player: Khaine of course
Best DOM player: People play DOM? :eek:
Highest ping: Khaine
Most suicidal UT player: OSIRUS(aka Ashram)!!!!
Worst UT player: Blender
Most annoying PuF: SpideyBat
Most helpful PuF: Da Roostah
Biggest m0: Yellow5!!!!!!
Best Admin: Yellow5!!!!!!

Best PuF: WAnk!!!!!!!!!!!!


&lt;WAnk|Drunk&gt; hand + ass = erotic


2345 Posts
Mar 14, 2000
HEY!!! I PLAY DOM!!! Grrrrr... It's actually fun!!



"If you don't stink, you're not -={F4RT}=-"

"Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't either."
- Joseph Fischer

"To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target."
- Ashleigh Brilliant


Would you like to see me dance?
Feb 19, 2000
Liverpool, UK
Best UT player : Voyd,
Best 1 on 1 player : netai or voyd (the best 2 ive played anyway)
Lowest Ping: I'd say Blow_smoke too
Highest ping: LK
Best HPB player: as much as it pains me to say this : LK
Biggest ego : A tie between LK and PMB
Most helpful PuF: Roost
Most annoying PuF : LK :)
Biggest m0 : blender
Worst UT Player: Blender (for an LPB he sux)
Most liked PuF: Netai
Best admin : not saying :)


"If sneezing produces the same sensation as an orgasm in a fraction of the time, then I need a cold!" - Zaccix

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff, home of the world-famous Llama Farm



Former WeeDHead
Mar 7, 2000
Visit site
Best CTF player: Dunno yet.
Best DM player: hmm, difficult, till now i won of all puffers i played
Best 1 on 1 player: Candy, he beated me in the PuF 1on1
Best AS player : dunno never played it
Best DOM player : Ditto as AS
Best LMS player: Dito as AS
Best Team DM player : LordKhaine (i was stunned by his teamwork on his tryout for Ci
Best shock rifle whóre : Candy again
Lowest ping : Can i vote for myself
Highest ping : Lordkhaine
Best HPB player : LK
Biggest Ego : Boom
Most suicidal UT player : Me
Worst UT player : Me
Most annoying PuF : all PuF spammers
Most helpful PuF : rooster
Most liked PuF: Xylene/jenny/any a.k.a of her
Best newcomer : Lady_ruiner
Most improved UT player: lady_ruiner


The 707th Silver Dragons squadron is ready for action

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff , home of the world-famous Llama Farm!


OK here R my votes...

Best UT player: Rooster
Spam award: Why|Bot
Best CTF player: hmmm???
Best DM player: BloW_Smoke
Best 1 on 1 player: err??
Best AS player: ummm???
Best DOM player: BloW_*****
Best LMS player: wha?
Best Team DM player:
Best shock rifle whóre:
Lowest ping: Rooster
Highest ping: ME!
Best HPB player: lurdkandy
Biggest Ego: hmmm...
Most suicidal UT player:
Worst UT player:??
Most annoying PuF:
Most helpful PuF: ??
Most liked PuF: Prophetus (LK hates him but hey!)
Most improved UT player: ??
Biggest m0: ??
Best Admin: ??


Check out The RaptoR's Lair

[This message has been edited by [PuF]RaptoR (edited 05-31-2000).]


Ok here goes.

Best UT player: Voyd
Spam award: Xylene/Netai/Jen
Best CTF player:The cookie monster (though I only saw him when I was gatecrashing Ci)
Best Team DM player:LK (all those bloody keymaps he's got)
Lowest ping:BloW_Smoke - BASTARD!
Highest ping:LK (though I have pinged higher than him)
Best HPB player:LK
Biggest Ego:errrr.....MonkeyCustard :)
Most suicidal UT player: Have to say Osirus/Ashram
Worst UT player:Gouryella/Valhalla
Most annoying PuF:Diablo &lt;---------
Most helpful PuF:Rooster
Most liked PuF: Rooster/Netai
Most improved UT player: Skumboy
Biggest m0:WAnk!!!!!!
Best Admin:Yellow5

PuF-Beware of stupid people in large groups


AKA PM_Bagpuss[PuF]
AKA Armadillo Dragon of the -=UDIC=-
Wielder of the Sacred Blackrock Baguette
"If there is anything bigger than my ego. I want it caught and shot"


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
Visit site
whoah whoah whoah whoah..

Hold on just a second.

I'm seeing Spyder's name up there for best 1on1 player. Of course, this would be the very same Spyder that I have to fight soon for my first ever title defense match.

/me cracks his knuckles.

Alright, I'm up for the challenge, but if I win I expect to be acknowledged as the most improved player ;) My training will be over on August 15th. I'll be ready to defend my title anytime after that.

Anyway, as of now, I'm really not good enough to vote for "best" players. For example, Mr. Smallberries and WAnk have both beat me in 1on1 so bad that I ended up in negatives. So how could I possibly say who is better? And unfortunately, Voyd is never ever ever in #planetunreal, so I've never even seen him play :(

Also, I had heard that Netai real good at 1on1 and DM, but I didn't know she was considered "the best" by so many PuFers. Next time I see The_Other_Girl in #planetunreal, I'm calling out a challenge ;)


Clan [Boom]
The undisputed, world champion, 1on1, UT clan.
Mar 6, 2000
Best UT player: Voyd
Spam award: Netai
Best CTF player:CookieMonster
Best Team DM player:LK (the guy needs a bigger keyboard)
Lowest ping:BloW_Smoke - UTTER BASTARD!
Highest ping:psychoMoggieBagpuss
Best HPB player:LK
Biggest Ego:errrr.....PsychoMoggieBagpuss
Most suicidal UT player: Osirus/Ashram (I love those backflips into the lava he does in CTF-Lavagiant)
Worst UT player:[K7]Gouryella
Most annoying PuF :Diablo <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Diablo:Fuck off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Most helpful PuF:Rooster
Most liked PuF: Jen
Most improved UT player: Skumboy
Biggest m0:WAnk!!!!!!
Best Admin:Yellow5

PuF-Beware of REALLY stupid people in large groups


Alternate ego of CallMe[PuF]Daddy.
First Disciple of GrandMasterPMB|PuF
A Guiness drinking, dope smoking, llama hunting misbegotten son of a motherless whoremonger
"As funky as a dogs testicles"

[This message has been edited by MonkeyCustard|PuF (edited 05-31-2000).]


Apr 7, 2000
Visit site
i haven't been here too long and i haven't played with a lot of the other PuFers so ill just do it to the best of my knowledge

Best UT player: Rooster
Best CTF player: Ashram/osirus
Best shock rifle whore: Ruff
Lowest ping: yea it's gotta be BloW_Smoke
Best HPB player: Ruff
Most suicidal UT player: myself
Most annoying PuF: Diablo
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most improved player: Boom

Best 1on1 player: have only played a handful of PuFers so i wouldn't know
Best DM player: haven't played with anyone reg. dm although i usually stay clear from that anyway


"nice shot"
aka. [SBL]-Cobra

[This message has been edited by ~Cobra~ (edited 05-31-2000).]


New Member
Mar 27, 2000
well i haven't played much with you PuFfers (i gots to hang out in #planetunreal more often, dang it!) but here are a few selections based on my experiences...

Best UT player: all of you are better than me...
Spam award: Boom (his beautiful Spam poem is yet to be defeated :))
Best CTF player: Azmo (in CTF-Face, that is.)
Best DM player: -
Best 1 on 1 player: Rooster (he totally whupped my sorry a$$!)
Best AS player: -
Best DOM player: -
Best LMS player: -
Best Team DM player: -
Best Shock rifle whore: Rooster again ;)
Lowest ping: -
Highest ping: -
Best HPB player: -
Biggest Ego: -
Most suicidal UT player: -
Worst UT player: -
Most annoying PuF: *censored* ;)
Most helpful PuF: the whole PuF community, but Rooster and hal in particular.
Most liked PuF: i like every single one of you.
Most improved UT player: -
Biggest m0: -
Best Admin: Yellow 5/Stallion/Rooster


Biggest instagib whore: me ;)



"I don't pay attention to politics."
"You should. It's bareley less important than your own heart beat."
"I don't pay attention to that either."


hmmm well *sigh*

I guess i just suck to much :(

Me and Cookie would go Under: Best Shock Whore, but hes a little better then me ;)

/me go and sits in a corner crying....


Temporary Account

Temporarily Permanent
Jan 25, 2000
Awww...poor Nigma :)

Honestly though...all the people who I would probably consider the "best" of the PuFs rarely seem to hang out in #planetunreal anymore, so it's been ages since I've played with any of them. I'll vote a few that I can think of though.

Most Improved: Xy/Netai/Jen
Shock Whore: Cookie
Spam: Xy
Ego: LK ;)
Suicidal: Definately Osirus

I don't have enough info to make realistic votes in any of the other categories.


<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>

"A stalking ground without prey - a flash of superstition whimpering like a crippled animal -
Dogs of the Soul-Crusher - Pulling closer like the blue steel jaws of hell"
-- Soul-Crusher/WhiteZombie

"Blood on the stone I do not surrender - Wait'n for someone I do not remember"
-- Cosmic Monsters, Inc./White Zombie


Your Man In Havana
Dec 11, 1999
First, LK thanks for the honorable mention :)
High praise indeed, but you really do deserve
the Best HPH award.

Best UT Player: Voyd/Rits
Best PuF idea: BadAss
Best impression of Don Rickles at a Vagas
roast: Prophetus
Most helpfull PuF: The Forum
(HMs to The Bird,Z,Pro,HU,Wolf_B,LiZ,Mats,Morgan,Lk,6,the list goes on)
Most Liked: BlenDer
(he's a good sport, but seriously folks {snare kick} I think your all part of the
Best UT forum on the W3.)

The band plays Prophetus back on the stage.


The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
Yet again, the beloved Dopefish is under rated. :( The problem here is that not everyone gets seen by everyone else so these awards are pointless unless we see each other in action. If I deserve to get any awards, it's Rookie of the Year.


a.k.a. The Dopefish
QuickICQ: 70291071

&lt;The_Dopefish|PuF&gt; One minute you think someone's gay, the next, they're British.
&lt;The_Dopefish|PuF&gt; Damn sneaky bastards.
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