The Chronicles of SpellBorn Screenshots

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New Member
Nov 29, 2003
This has been in development for sometime. It really needs to get out there soon I think.


I really hope this game isn't going to lose customers due to the dated graphics. On the upside it probably can be run by just about any PC by now.


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
Yup, this game could be the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Duke Nukem Forever if they don't hurry it up a lil' ;)

I still did like the over all graphic style of the game but putting it next to e.g. Guild Wars makes it look less colourful. None the less I hope the project will succeed after all :)


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
Well they are even talking about it on other gaming sites. I don't know how it will be received being based on what is now considered an old engine with lots of technical limitations. Good luck though. I still say you folks should just port all of this to UE3 and then release it. UE3 isn't going anywhere so even if it takes you three years you still have a engine that is being used and your work will look closer in detail (and lighting) to the other games being made in that genre. I could see if UE4 was due out sometime in the next couple of years but its waaaay off.


Mar 6, 2008
The Woodlands, Texas
hmm, i have to disagree with some of these statements. world of warcraft, huge install base because of the technolgy used. its low poly and mainly uses diffuse maps from what i can tell where ue3 uses material based textures. so wow has great gameplay and art that sells it really well.

i think maybe this project was initially about graphics possibly i don't know but theres nothing wrong with it shifting to something with great art and solid gameplay. i'm still playing rocket arena 3 for quake 3 and of course ut2004 over ut3 because it has solid gameplay that i like over the other offering. if its a great game regardless it will do well. look at things like portal as well. people are looking for a great experience and i don't think you have to use the latest tech to do that now.

there are about 50k beta testers for quake live because its a solid great experience. im looking forward to it.


Now known as Luos_83
Jan 13, 2001
Its the textures and lighting that I liked in that engine :p

I kinda have given up on tcos ever since it got delayed for the 1000th time.. its a shame though.. this game should deserve all the mmo-geeks on the planet.
But.. i dunno..
That time might be long gone..

Lruce Bee

Transcending to another level
May 3, 2001
Sherwood Forest
It's a shame but the fact is it's looking very dated and there are plenty of decent MMO's out there with great gameplay and graphics to match unfortunately.



Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
It's a shame but the fact is it's looking very dated and there are plenty of decent MMO's out there with great gameplay and graphics to match unfortunately.


That is the point I was making. No one is saying it has to be MGS4 level or Gears 2 level but there are better looking MMOs and graphics do count for something. If they didn't people would still be playing old games and not looking forward to advances in all areas of the next gen of gaming. Looks included. But I do want this to succeed because the people involved are pretty good folks based on my experience and I do hope that the gameplay does make people say to heck with the graphics. But with Huxley coming soon and other MMOs using more advanced engines coming ... its hard to say for certain. Its really the same deal with people still playing UT2K4 based on an older engine instead of the much better looking but maybe not as fun to play UT3. So it will be interesting to track the sales of this game. It will tell us all to an extent, of what people expect from MMOs in the second of 2008.