Eat_my_shorts said:
U2 had particle slamanders wheras UT2x has gay bubbles... U2 is better in all aspects of the particle thing

UT uses simplified stuff so lower system requirements are needed

What they're doing is trying to get HL out of a mariocart engine... And doing pretty good at it
I am inclined to disagree. I have made emitters that in many cases look as good as if not better than U2 ones. U2 ones just have a bit more options. Bubbles you say?
...andrelax said:
you had lotsa interesting points-constructively put too. fortunately they were mostly qualified with in-my-opinion, which is fair; i thought the jugger shell explosion was ok, and i liked the dirt, but that's just my opinion too. wonder if dirt appears when you shoot a metal surface..!
the dead vehicle mesh is a good point, i liked that too and it never got in the way cos it had no collisions round it.
i think the raptor thrust seems gentler than u2, but that's up to their scheme of balancing the vehicles.
iddQd, what's the hp thing you were talking about? i didn't get it.
all the fx are fluff though compared to gameplay issues and i'm dying to see that done first, which seems to be the consensus, hey.
Yeah that video didn't show much changes in the form of gameplay. The biggest differences I saw were particle effects, which I think still need work.
The Raptor boost was balanced just fine in U2XMP, I see no reason to change tradition. In the trailer it still has that really weak excuse for an afterburner (both particle-wise and force-wise).
Here's how it looks in U2, and I think the appearance and power should match.
The juggernaut explosion in the trailer is OK, but not exceptional. The explosion kicks up too much dirt, and all in one direction. Look, if a high kinetic-force shell EXPLODES on some dirt, it doesn't shoot it all straight up. Here in U2 you can see that the "dirt" seems more like gunpowder or explosive residue, but it fits well. The "dirt" is kicked up in more directions than just straight up. Also the shockwave fits in nicely to emphasize the power offered by the Juggernaut cannon. Finally, the U2 explosion actually encompasses better the area of effect. I personally don't like seeing an explosion (particle effects) 20 feet away and dying from it, like the UT trailer seems to show.
The thing that made the U2 vehicle disappearing to the destroyed mesh appearing so fluid is the explosion. It was large enough to cover the switch between vehicle and destroyed vehicle. That's probably the best way to approach this problem.
These are mostly particle issues, can't see much gameplay in the trailer :/