Teaser Video (Beta 2)

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Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
IndianPsycho said:
Yeah, it couldn't possibly have been damaged already ...

What I mean is that I rather have it turning into a bouncy wreck a while before it goes boom and theres just a weel and some other junk flying around. On the movie it looks like it goes boom and there's just air left...

In the last beta it has happened that you blow up a harbinger like that with an assault gun primary attack. Looks a little dull. Im commenting on this becaus the bouncy vehicle wreck thingy was really neat when it happened. It's always fun to get mashed by a flying juggernaut wreck.
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Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
it would be pretty and realistic but as with most games, once an actor is out of play you want it to stop being rendered - just like bulletholes and dead players. that's the real reason.
as for realism, i agree shooting anything with a rifle doesn't make it blow up (except in an arnie film) but this is a sci-fi game, so it doesn't have to be realistic. (remember the vehicles spawn out of thin air, so that's where they should disappear to..... i guess!)
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Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
well i was merely pointing it out. Since the vehicles in onslaught are kindof bouncy when they explode, and i really like that, when they bounce around you and the screen shakes etc, and I would like it to be like it should be in UTXMp as well. Right now the vehicle wreck in UTXMP has like... 5 hp? meaning if the car isnt blown up by a weak weapon... like the assaultgun (one shot), pistol or maybe gas there will be no bouncy wreck, it will just blow up like it did in the vid.

Anyone understands now what im trying to say? :)
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
bouncy/exploding vehicles would be nice... it is kinda cool in onslaught. if it would be somethign simple to tweak out then i see no reason not too ;) but no matter, i am way happy with what i have seen so far... my main problem was pan and his infailablly accurate turrets :) tatatatatat dead, then spawn, tatatatat dead again, and now 20 secs to spawn, spawn as gunner and take out one turret before tatatatatat dead again, then pan comes and lays down 2 more........ lol


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
oh i agree it would be better - way more dramatic, and entertaining if you're driving and it spins out of control.. i was just saying that i can live with it as it is.
and yes the harbie should be on fire in the vid really... the only thing i can think of is that it was being shot so rapidly the flame emitter on it didn't have time to start up. <shrug>


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
So... no more buildup of flames on damaged vehicles, or what?

Also, this is ut2k4 folks... not u2xmp. Renedering speed is nowhere near the painful crapass speed of u2xmp's cpu-hogging, un-tweaked, un-optimized engine..........So, you can have blown-up vehicles and dead bodies strewn all over the map... it doesn't hurt performance all that badly. If anyone has played a server with the GIBLIFE or STAYBLOOD or BODYSTAY mutators, you know what I'm talking about. It's actually quite cool to see mounds of dead bodies piled up.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Video is very nice looking. So are we completely skipping a 1b release, and just moving to Beta 2?


CaSuAlTy Of SoCiEtY
Nov 25, 2004
Bleeder said:
So... no more buildup of flames on damaged vehicles, or what?

Also, this is ut2k4 folks... not u2xmp. Renedering speed is nowhere near the painful crapass speed of u2xmp's cpu-hogging, un-tweaked, un-optimized engine..........So, you can have blown-up vehicles and dead bodies strewn all over the map... it doesn't hurt performance all that badly. If anyone has played a server with the GIBLIFE or STAYBLOOD or BODYSTAY mutators, you know what I'm talking about. It's actually quite cool to see mounds of dead bodies piled up.
indeed, lots of body piles looks crazy :D.


Lei STILL sux. It's true.
Jan 6, 2003
Fresno, CA
Visit site
iddQd said:
well i was merely pointing it out. Since the vehicles in onslaught are kindof bouncy when they explode, and i really like that, when they bounce around you and the screen shakes etc, and I would like it to be like it should be in UTXMp as well. Right now the vehicle wreck in UTXMP has like... 5 hp? meaning if the car isnt blown up by a weak weapon... like the assaultgun (one shot), pistol or maybe gas there will be no bouncy wreck, it will just blow up like it did in the vid.

Anyone understands now what im trying to say? :)

It may be nice, but theres roughly 685 things that are more important in XMP to me than flying vehicles wrecks. Game first. Pretty vehicles efffects much later.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
yep... utxmp looks good already and i cant wait to see the new effex... but the most important things are the gameplay issues. xmp is fun because of its gameplay and teamwork...


Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
theomniproject said:
yep... utxmp looks good already and i cant wait to see the new effex... but the most important things are the gameplay issues. xmp is fun because of its gameplay and teamwork...

all i gotta say is that the video makes me drool and is cruel and unusual punishment! WE WANT OUR PATCH NOW!!! STOP THE TORTURE!!! hehe


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Some of the movement still looks a little "fake" or "artificial," (like gravity is slightly low or the air is just a tad thick) however I can't really see for sure and of course it will become apparent when I actually play the patch. So not too sure about that point.

The Raptor boost still looks "like a campfire" in the words of my fellow XMP player. I am inclined to agree. In the movie, it appears the Raptor receives little or no thrust whatsoever from the boost! In U2, the boost seems much more powerful and it seems to actually work. I suggest speeding up the particle speed and lowering the particle lifetime, and then making sure that the thrust emitter only fires for a certain time that is dependent on the amount of "sprint" available upon the instigation of the boost. In addition, the boost seems too dark but that is just my opinion.

Next, the Juggernaut shell explosion still lacks the "punch" and feeling of power presented in U2. This could be just because the trailer edited out the explosion sound for the music. The screen also does not shake at all. Indeed, the explosion emitter looks like an enlarged version of the "SPMA Air Explosion" emitter, and that seems "off." An it isn't nearly big enough to cover the blast radius of a standard Juggernaut Shell in U2 (which I assume FMI is pertaining to). It also throws an excessive amount of dirt into the air, which in my opinion looks messy.

Also, there is the already mentioned issue of the Harbinger explosion. It seems to "disappear" and that isn't quite right. In U2 the death of a vehicle dropped a dead vehicle mesh crushed and burnt to a crisp, also the explosion particle salamander was explosive enough to cover the appearance of a "disappearing" vehicle. So make the explosion emitter bigger. The U2 vehicle deaths were large and awe-inspiring, with debris flying into the air leaving smoke trails and so on. Surely UT can handle as much in particle effects as U2 could?

Finally, the Swingarm Turret projectiles appear overly slow, but that may just be the perspective.

Good work, UTXMP is improving, but there are things that still need work from the trailer. :tup:

That clown is from Twisted Metal: Black.


Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
Fleury14 said:
It may be nice, but theres roughly 685 things that are more important in XMP to me than flying vehicles wrecks. Game first. Pretty vehicles efffects much later.

Well, I think all you have to do is change the value of the vehicle wrecks hp (though I might be totally wrong). Right now they're 5-15 something, and if what I said is to work it needs to be like 100.

But you're right, lots of other things are alot more important right now.
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Evil Clown
Oct 4, 2004
T-Shinzon said:
That clown is from Twisted Metal: Black.

The man knows his playstation2 games :) though it is time to remove that signature and replace it with my new one... no longer Competition staff... Moved on to Marketing :)


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
dutch_gecko said:
Actually... U2 had a better particle engine than UT. That's why UT runs faster.

I've found that I can create particle effects similar to or better than U2 in UT without performance drag. Basically my point is that FMI can definitely make particle effects as good as the U2 ones. Take for instance the vehicle explosion in U2. Impressive, large, doesn't seem too bad. You could easily replicate it in UT without an excessive amount of particles. Also for example look at the Juggernaut explosion. U2 didn't have to use a million particles to make that, UT could easily handle a similar particle effect. It also would look a lot better than the trailer one. U2 DID have a better particle engine in some aspects, like for instance per-particle damage dealing that UT does not have. But U2's particle engine is much buggier than UT, however that's besides the point.

Nothing on my other points?
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Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
T-Shinzon said:
Nothing on my other points?
you had lotsa interesting points-constructively put too. fortunately they were mostly qualified with in-my-opinion, which is fair; i thought the jugger shell explosion was ok, and i liked the dirt, but that's just my opinion too. wonder if dirt appears when you shoot a metal surface..!
the dead vehicle mesh is a good point, i liked that too and it never got in the way cos it had no collisions round it.
i think the raptor thrust seems gentler than u2, but that's up to their scheme of balancing the vehicles.
iddQd, what's the hp thing you were talking about? i didn't get it.
all the fx are fluff though compared to gameplay issues and i'm dying to see that done first, which seems to be the consensus, hey.