Some of the movement still looks a little "fake" or "artificial," (like gravity is slightly low or the air is just a tad thick) however I can't really see for sure and of course it will become apparent when I actually play the patch. So not too sure about that point.
The Raptor boost still looks "like a campfire" in the words of my fellow XMP player. I am inclined to agree. In the movie, it appears the Raptor receives little or no thrust whatsoever from the boost! In U2, the boost seems much more powerful and it seems to actually work. I suggest speeding up the particle speed and lowering the particle lifetime, and then making sure that the thrust emitter only fires for a certain time that is dependent on the amount of "sprint" available upon the instigation of the boost. In addition, the boost seems too dark but that is just my opinion.
Next, the Juggernaut shell explosion still lacks the "punch" and feeling of power presented in U2. This could be just because the trailer edited out the explosion sound for the music. The screen also does not shake at all. Indeed, the explosion emitter looks like an enlarged version of the "SPMA Air Explosion" emitter, and that seems "off." An it isn't nearly big enough to cover the blast radius of a standard Juggernaut Shell in U2 (which I assume FMI is pertaining to). It also throws an excessive amount of dirt into the air, which in my opinion looks messy.
Also, there is the already mentioned issue of the Harbinger explosion. It seems to "disappear" and that isn't quite right. In U2 the death of a vehicle dropped a dead vehicle mesh crushed and burnt to a crisp, also the explosion particle salamander was explosive enough to cover the appearance of a "disappearing" vehicle. So make the explosion emitter bigger. The U2 vehicle deaths were large and awe-inspiring, with debris flying into the air leaving smoke trails and so on. Surely UT can handle as much in particle effects as U2 could?
Finally, the Swingarm Turret projectiles appear overly slow, but that may just be the perspective.
Good work, UTXMP is improving, but there are things that still need work from the trailer. :tup:
That clown is from Twisted Metal: Black.