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surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
JaFO said:
See ... that's what I don't hate.
I don't mind playing the same map for an hour or so, because I love (nearly) endless games.

On top of that is my feeling that it makes it easier to join a game in progress.
In any other gametype there's a good chance that you'll join the game a few minutes before it ends. It wouldn't be much of a problem if connecting to servers and changing maps didn't require so much time.

btw : if you hate long games now then I expect you to really dislike the conquest-gametype ...

Hehe, c'mon JaF. What I'm driving at here is that if you hop on a server for an hour and a half's worth of ONS-ThatMapYouLove, then you're in business. If you jump on a server for an hour and a half's worth of ONS-ThatMapThatGivesYouHives, you're probably going to do some serverhopping. I think that's true for most people... although since you can see it right there in the serverbrowser you probably don't have that happen too much :lol:. But you know what I mean.

On the other hand, if it's a server I like I'll probably be more willing to suffer through 15 minutes of CTF-SuckFest to get to 20 minutes of CTF-ThisMapPwnsJ00_SE, followed by 20 more minutes of CTF-FP-HeyYouKnowThisMapAin'tBadEither, and so on.

But anyhow, yeah, if it's a killer game (with no $%@!! spidermines in it, or at least not too many) then sign me up for all of that you've got. ;)


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
First off I have to state that it's pointless telling rhirud how to deal with spider mines as he is possibly one of the best ONS players on these forums.

I use spiders a lot, and I don't agree with you rhirud that they are there just for new players to get kills as in many ways they are one of the easiest weapons to counter. In the situation you're taking about on Severence, I personally take them out with tank shells or 'bender sky-mines.
Spiders are a brilliant strategic weapon (I even once took a low flying raptor out with one once by jumping and shooting it like a flak secondary :)), but can be irritating when people use them to camp (like dropping them all over the base in Arctic when the action is else where on the map. This is basically cheap kills and adds nothing strategic to the game..it's just ****ing annoying.

So, while I would love to see them stay in the next UT, I wouldn't mind them being nerfed a little without ruining how much fun they are to use. Perhaps having them do slightly less damage (30 or 40) so it takes three to kill someone, or limiting the amount that a player can drop (maybe 5). I also think Rhirud's idea of making them destroy the mines of other players (even on the same team) will stop spam over-load....

..but please keep them in because they are SO MUCH FUN

EDIT: Just to add my two-penneth in on Primeval. It's just a **** map..no more or less. It's a map where spiders just make it too spam-my, added to the fact that people just park the 'bender behind the tree and spam across the node with the sky mines constantly...AND the fact that on pubs people just ride the manta through the base spawnkilling...and it all adds up to a ****e map.

Primeval in clan matches or tournaments (like the recent Jolt 3v3 tourney) don't have spiders....and the map is better for it (but not much).

EDIT 2: @Tournament0. It says you've made 233 posts in this forum, and pretty much every one I've seen has been a pointless one-liner that says absolutely nothing.
To say "I don't think anyone will use spiders mines" is mind-numbing in its irrelevence. Please tell us, WHY do you not think no-one will use spiders. What made you arrive at this conclusion.
As it is, you posts are just spam.
Please try to give a little more depth to your statements otherwise people will just not bother reading anything you write.
Last edited:


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Just to clarify my point of view, I don't mind the idea of some sort of "mine" weapon which is actually genuinly used as a mine weapon. It's just the fact that while I am trying to destroy the mines of someone that's throwing them at me from 2000-3000 units away, someone else simply runs over me in a manta cuz I'm too busy killing the mines. It's damn frustrating because it has absolutely nothing to do with skill. As far as I'm concerned may as well just code something into the game which kills a random player every 20 seconds :con:


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Israphel said:
EDIT 2: @Tournament0. It says you've made 233 posts in this forum, and pretty much every one I've seen has been a pointless one-liner that says absolutely nothing.
To say "I don't think anyone will use spiders mines" is mind-numbing in its irrelevence. Please tell us, WHY do you not think no-one will use spiders. What made you arrive at this conclusion.
As it is, you posts are just spam.
Please try to give a little more depth to your statements otherwise people will just not bother reading anything you write.
Maybe he's actually that UNR3AL guy that spammed 140 posts with no point whatsoever in one day and got banned. :p

I don't mind the mines, but they can be annoying. I think limiting them to four per player will help ease up on the spam and make it more like AS-Junkyard where you only get four mines from the weapon lockers.

Dodge-launching them should probably be disabled too. It works for things like the ass. rifle grenades, but being able to fling mines so far makes them too easy to use offensively against infantry.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Well limiting it to 4 mines at a time wouldn't make much difference imo since if you are spamming mines at someone, you can still throw mines out as fast as, if not faster than they can destroy them. A much lower ammo limit imo would be better. I'm talking about a max limit of 8 mines and maybe get 4 mines when you pick up the launcher, then you actually have to use them for what you are supposed to instead of just spamming them at other players.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Having 'friendly' spiders kill each other has got to be the worst idea ever.
It's like a big sign to all *beeps* out there that like to ruin the game.

// [Apoc]Discord
I guess I'm an exception, because there's not a single map I really hate.
It all really depends on the kind of players that are active.

There are *beeps* out there that can ruin a perfectly good map either by being damned annoying or abusing the countless minor bugs/undocumented features that are present either in the game or the (official) maps themselves.

That's one of the reasons why I consider modifying basic game-mechanics (like weapons) to be the last possible option if and only if everything else has failed.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
[Apoc]Discord said:
spiders can't travel more than, say, 500 uu from a flag, node or other objective owned by their team and have no other restrictions. I like this one the best, it allows them to be used as a strong defense but not for annoying spam purposes (kinda like real mines, no?). Mines laid outside the "fence" would head for the nearest authorized area without attacking anybody.

what if, spidermines are changed so that they actually follow botpaths, and can use elevators, teleports, etc etc just like bots ... maybe they can behave like seek-and-destroy units or something... lay down a mine, and if a friendly player comes close enough to it, it changes mode to seek and destroy and begins following botpaths... so mines are better stacked in places where your teammates dont usually tread, and further helps alleviate the spamminess of this weapon...
and, if players can be warned of nearby spidermines like they can hear someone with a charged shieldgun , or like they can hear the smileymines from chaosut2, or if they can somehow be warned like a vehicle thats been locked on by an avril... that should ease the spam-shock factor of the mines in game...


fear,anger,stress,doobies =twinkies
Apr 14, 2005
what are you guys kidding me? spidermines are great!they offer all kinds of tactics to gameplay.somtimes if you end up playing with a bunch of losers they can help equalize gameplay.i love loading a manta with spidermines let it fly into a node and following with a rocket launcher to clean up. ive took over nodes single handed that way.hell you can even attatch sticky grenades to spidermines for even more explosive mayhem.
and as we all know they work good for traps.as for getting rid of pesky spider mines ,the rocket launcher and flack cannon work good. you can also use your vehicle as a shield or distraction for the spider mines as they attack them to another of my favorite tactics is to cover a buddy with sticky mines let him run to a node and set him off while hes fighting the enemy boom the node is mine "ala terrorist act" .the fun never stops if you use your head. if worse comes to worse and you fear spider mines just send a "buddy" in as point man to take the hit then the rest of your crew run in and desimate the area.


The Undead Spider Whore
Aug 13, 2004
overkill63 said:
if worse comes to worse and you fear spider mines just send a "buddy" in as point man to take the hit then the rest of your crew run in and desimate the area.

I've been that player, & even used my own spidermines to take out the grunts(ground troops). Man does that mess with thier minds at times :lol:

I can see where alot of you are comming from. And you all make good points too.

I like the idea of 3 spidermines fragging a player, that way you(or any player) have more time to react. But keep the ammo at 12-14 and have the limit to 6 mines to lay, that way a player(s) can only frag two players or 6(mines) to destroy one vehicle at any time(only), then have to lay some more.

Maybe have some more newer maps for UT3(or what ever the name will be) be more open(not like Primeval). Plus make the colour(s) of the spidermines brighter, so that way players can see them farther way too.

Finaly, we all can say good & bad things about each weapon, ie the shock alt fire being to spammy...etc. Meaning that all the weapons can be used for spamming(some shape or form) or the way that Epic thought that they should have been used for.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
yeah, I also forgot to mention they don't show up enough, especially the red ones if you are partially red green colourblind (I am, and apparently something like 1/10 males are).

btw sorry about semi-flaming rant type post from last night, I was rather drunk :p


I think they should include it, but don't make it powerful.
I don't think colour will be an issue.


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
Some of the problem is the number of players on maps.

I notice that on pub games they rotate maps with very different player counts.

Some maps seems just fine and not to spammy with 4 vs 4, but 8 vs 8 and look out too much spam.

I wish they would hold the player count more to what the map designer recommended.


Jun 23, 2004
I think they should put more effort into making spidermines a trap weapon. Decrease rate of fire decrease max spider mine deployed at once and decrease max spidermine ammo. Make them more camoflauge. Have them cling onto any suface. When they are triggered they should do a cool animation like flash a light or something and stop being camoflauge but make them bigger and more menacing. Make them have more hitpoints. So it would take a good flak shot or something to take it out. Whatever happens make them less effective in head to head combat. And keep them out of DM gametype maps that you want people to take seriously.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
hmm, been thinking some more. I think most the problems would be solved simply by having a sort of "deploy time". For example, you shoot a mine, but it takes 10-15 seconds before it can actually move around and kill people. That way it is still just as usfull as a defensive weapon like it's supposed to be, and you can no longer use it to spam across the map at someone.


Jun 23, 2004
Bot_40 said:
hmm, been thinking some more. I think most the problems would be solved simply by having a sort of "deploy time". For example, you shoot a mine, but it takes 10-15 seconds before it can actually move around and kill people. That way it is still just as usfull as a defensive weapon like it's supposed to be, and you can no longer use it to spam across the map at someone.
That would be a great way to get rid of the spam them in their general direction and get a frag because I don't want to aim theme of spidermines.


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
Bot_40 said:
hmm, been thinking some more. I think most the problems would be solved simply by having a sort of "deploy time". For example, you shoot a mine, but it takes 10-15 seconds before it can actually move around and kill people. That way it is still just as usfull as a defensive weapon like it's supposed to be, and you can no longer use it to spam across the map at someone.

Best idea yet. :tup:



New Member
Apr 16, 2005
yes,that's a good idea.but i think the mines should get another property that after they have been launched they can be demi-invisible or have same color as the environment to make them hard to detected


Apr 12, 2005
I actually like the spidermines, I just wish they'd stay after I get killed though. and a timed deployment would be a great idea. But rather than spidermines I would prefer something more like proximity mines like from the old Goldeneye game.