Sounds like a lot of these whiners are noobs...

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New Member
Nov 22, 2004
i think daft is probably the most level-headed poster.

/troll on

which u2xmp do you consider perfect?

the release, 6497 or the 7710 patch?

/troll off

Legend changed the weapon balance significantly in 7710, making the tech a much more "noob friendly, accessible" class, though still deep and interesting - and left the gunners and the rangers to people who had developed those FPS specific skills. (ranger is the aiming class, gunner is the prediction class).

i'd hazard a guess that u2xmp is more popular than the utxmp beta right now; so it appears that for FMI to have even >have< a player base, they will need to appease the u2xmp purists first to get them all to come over. then, once utxmp is established as a replacement (and u2xmp servers are finally closed) they can make the class and game changes (and bonus packs?!?) that could draw in more people.

is turret farming coming back? is non-blinding conc-jumping coming back? these are two critical elements that balance against high level rangers...



Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
1) Everyone has different opinions of what XMP is or isn't...

2) There is a faction of people who believe XMP = u2xmp and thusly utxmp should emulte u2xmp as much possible if not exactly.

3) There is another faction of people who feel XMP is a concept and that u2xmp was an implementation of this concept and utxmp will be another implementation in this concept. Therefore utxmp and u2xmp will be similiar but definitely different.

4) There is a final faction who thinks u2xmp was it's own game and UTXMP will be what FMI will make it and has no bearing on what u2xmp was. It may be based on what u2xmp was, but really, it will be it's own game once FMI is done with it.

5) And finally, there are those who don't give a sh!t.

My opinion on this matter:
XMP is a concept of 2 teams, playing against each other in a extended capture the flag scenario where each team has 2 flags and to win all flags must be captured. This concept is complicated by the need of energy and it's effective management with deployables. Finally, there are 3 distinct classes that have different functions in the game. The 3 classes individually do well, but with good teamplay the combined effort will be seamless and in fact very cooperative in nature (1+1=5).

All of the above can be implemented in many different ways, some better and some worse.

So...if FMI is able to do the above. I think they have made XMP. I think that there will be differences and that will be acceptable, but what made this game what it was for me was the strategy that was needed and the ability to teamplay effectively.

Again, there is more than one way to implement it and I doubt that u2xmp was "perfect" or the "best". u2xmp may be one way everyone was used to, but I think it's time to stop harping on being exactly like u2xmp because it just can't be. We don't have the access to the code to copy it exactly. Engines are different. What do you expect? FMI has brought it close and now FMI needs to tweak it to make it their own creation.

Time to work with them than against them. Sh!t like it's not the same as u2xmp and it needs to be this or that to be exactly u2xmp doesn't help.

What does help is, the ranger is too slow or can't jump high enough because I can't get on this ledge without a wall jump (in basement of sunset). I think it's fine to reference u2xmp and that's important, but at the same time, it doesn't need to be the exactly same characteristics to u2xmp to work in gameplay and who's to say the different is not better for the overall gameplay?

Obviously, tweaks will be needed. Once the patch is out, a new round of beta-ing will occur and more tweaks will be suggested.

We have a group of people here, FMI, who are actively supporting this mod with their time, effort, and skills. We have a resource here, FMI, who will read our suggestions and possibly implement them.

What does this all mean? We can all have a say and try to make this game BETTER than U2XMP was. Break out of this confine that u2xmp was the best and is the gold standard because we can always make something better.

UTXMP can be different and therefore better than u2xmp - conversely, it can be worse, but if you don't give something they can use to make it better - you're not doing your part - just being a bitch and jackass.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
I agree with you phat in a lot of ways. I'm positive utxmp can be better than u2xmp. You're right about u2xmp being far from perfect. You're classifications of the community are dead on too. One thing is for sure we all want to see utxmp be the best. However fmi decides to do that I'll support it or else.


New Member
Nov 22, 2004
great post phatazz!

and you've inspired me to make sure i post more constructive stuff once i've played the next patch.

looking forward to futzing with map movement and weapon usage.



Jan 22, 2004
MurderousPandaa said:
are you kidding? The secret to using the pistol when you want to use it is simple. Ready?

Maybe it's a shame you can't empty your entire pistol before you blink in UTXMP, but big deal.

The zoom bug is a bug which will be fixed, but considering it would only take you a split second to right click to unzoom before going off on your flurry of weapon changes, all I see is cry cry cry.

I'll leave the nintendo realm to you since UTXMP is obviously beyond your grasp.

you're still as stupid as ever, go back to lineage
enough clicking on the left mouse button for you
st*p*d a*s M*th**f*ck**


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Maxx said:
Brizz, you are usually on the right side of reason, but that post just doesn't make any sense. XMP is u2xmp, there was no U1xmp or U0XMP. There was only one to go off of. I really like xmp a lot. It's fundamentals were perfect. I consider weapons and movement two of those fundamentals. Why change it... I'm not going argue anymore its pointless until fmi weighs in.
Phat just said it...but:

XMP is a gametype not a game. Frankly, you are lucky FMI is keeping as much of the game the same as they are. U2XMP->UTXMP could be alot like Team Fortress->TFC, but instead it should be more like UT2k3->UT2k4.
Dec 4, 2004
Jubei said:
you're still as stupid as ever, go back to lineage
enough clicking on the left mouse button for you
st*p*d a*s M*th**f*ck**

Insightful, intelligent, and constructive are words that do not describe this post. Better luck next time :(


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
Maxx said:
The point of this mod was not to create three classes that kill effectively. It was to bring our favorite game into a new medium so we can keep playing. Thats it. FMI didn't bring it over to change it, they brought it over in order for the game we love to survive and possibly thrive.

Well as far as i can see they've changed a few fundemental things to do with the above ie. no jump and duck, and rangers not being able to jump as high or far as other classes, raptor mkII etc. etc.

Oh yeah and don't mine the node...