Sounds like a lot of these whiners are noobs...

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your friend

New Member
Aug 27, 2004
I am a noob to this mod (meaning Utxmp is my real first attempt at playing any XMP game) and I had no trouble at all with all classes.

What I am saying is, on day 1 of the UTxmp mod I chose Ranger and had no problem killing with him once I learned how everyone moved/fought. As a new player to XMP, I did not come into the game with ideas of how rangers were used in U2xmp... I just knew that if I had a sniper rifle and was quick, I should use that to my advantage when fighting enemies.

If I came across a gunner or tech, they'd get sniped out of the air - IN THIS MOD (UTXMP). The sniper rifle is very easy to use as far as I'm concerned... almost too easy. Also the ranger is very nimble.. I could dance around most opposing players when I first learned the ranger. So my question is.. why are so many so called 'vets' saying that the ranger is underpowered? It's very easy to kill with it... you just have to have some skill for a change. This is a FPS, not an rpg. If your skills suck, then maybe you should try something else.

Either a lot of the so-called 'vets' from U2xmp were HORRIBLE/TERRIBLE at combat or... there are a few SORRY players who are making a bad name for the 'vets'. Any 'vet' that claimed Gunners are overpowered obviously has not played through all the classes in UTXMP - probably only spent 5 minutes or so testing each class. That wont cut it. Spending 5 minutes on each class and calling yourself an expert and declaring 1 class overpowering and all other classes underpowering is a noob move. I just can't see a class (gunner) that I snipe out of the air with only 2 shots as being 'Overpowered'... sorry.

When I switched to tech, it was equally easy to kill.. even without the assistance of deployables. Killing with shotgun is so easy, I could do that with my eyes closed. It's an instant-hit weapon that can take people out mid-air. ALT FIRE...? I had no problems killing people up close in 1 hit using that. And I'm a so-called 'noob'. Sure, I didn't know how to actually 'PLAY' the game in the first couple of days.. but I sure did not have a problem learning how to 'frag'. And I had no problems finishing off many enemies with the assault rifle as well. Sure, it's not super accurate - it was accurate enough to drop the people I was aiming at. If it was more accurate than this in U2xmp, then it sounds like it was OVERPOWERED. Dropping everyone like flies with the shotgun was easy (bad) enough... if the assault rifle were more accurate I'd say the tech would be 'overpowered'. And I wont even take the time to talk about the gunner. I had no problem killing with that **OR** killing gunners themselves.

Sure, not everything is perfectly balanced.. but you should not have any problems killing with any of the classes - unless you are challenged in eye-hand coordination somewhere. Or maybe even perhaps you are on a slow machine.. I dont know. But please know, for you complainers... you only make the 'vets' sound like bad players when you say the only killing machine in UTXMP is Gunner... while claiming you are a 'vet' of some kind. Vet of what? If I (so-called noob) have no problems killing then perhaps you need to re-evaluate your 'vet' status. I still have to LoL at that, considering how many people I have taken down while using Ranger and Tech. Anyways...

The UT2k4 engine is so smooth and fluid that I just find it difficult to **NOT** hit anything. From all the complaints I hear, it sounds like the U2 engine is a slow piece of crap with lots of network lag. So for those who are new to FPSs or UT2k4, I suggest you start off playing some Team Deathmatch or Deathmatch for that matter... and get your aim/dodging/movement skills improved. Work on that first, and then come back to UTXMP. Then tell yourself that you get more than 1 weapon for each class - that's helpful to know (sigh, lol).

*EDIT* Learning to use all weapons instead of trying to kill with only 1 weapon is a very basic (yet helpful) thing that all FPS players should learn on day 1. Remember you get several weapons to kill with in this mod. Many times you may start the fight with one weapon and finish it with another.
*Close EDIT*

I figured I'd write this, since most of what I see in the forums lately is unconstructive complaining/whining. What are you whining about? Just get some skills and adapt. If you can't... go try something else. But your whining is only scaring off people who have not tried out the mod for themselves. Anyone with a brain and some fps combat skills should not have a problem killing with any class with some practice. Dont expect to just start fragging as soon as you log onto the game... this is not U2xmp.. it's UTxmp. Actually take some time to put in some quality practice before you say things like 'I can only kill with gunner'. I'm telling you as a so-called 'noob'.. if you CAN'T kill using Ranger or Tech you truly need to start from square one and re-learn how to do combat in FPS games once again. That is all
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Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
your friend said:
there are a few SORRY players who are making a bad name for the 'vets'.

Its ok though, the people closest to the making of the mod (FMI and beta testers) are vets and do know what they are talking about. :)


Puppet Master of BBF
Mar 28, 2004
Webster, NY
As in most cases, its a few people making the complaints and the silent and very large majority is NOT represented by them.

It was great to hear from a so called n00b. Welcome aboard man :)
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New Member
Mar 19, 2002
Vandenberg Airbase
Visit site
I'm ok to good with Ranger and Gunner - I just dont get much done with the tech.. when I turret or gas spam it hardly ever works out and my dodge | shotgun attempts aren't great either. That was probably the only thing I ever considered 'overpowered' or 'too powerful' about the Tech but other than that no problems here :)
Good to see that not all XMP noobs jump on the X is overpowered bandwaggon.
Mar 6, 2004
I got very bad hand eye cordination and im very slow and a slow learner and i dont listen well (ask pet detective with him telling me stuff on TS :lol: )...that's my excuse :D even though i can be the best player in the server sometimes (not meaning fragging even though i can do alot of it in UTXMP) dodging sux though....techs can dodge very good but always as a ranger i hear my beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep non stop :( pistol sux but meh not everything is perfect and yes...adapt, that's one of the key things in all situations, if you can't adapt then you wont get anywhere.

Thinking fast because this game is a fast game, depending on your skill even as a noob you can still do good if you learn all the things this game has to offer...then again don't go celebrating just because you win a fight or go pouting because you lost to a new player either...anybody can lose fights, especially if they go to a server full of new players and go cocky...cocky=distraction=dead (unless you're good at controlling distractions which i'm not :( ).

Adept to all situations, know your enemy, know all your tools and classes, help the team, use your head, have fun, win! and remember that [SG-1]O'Neill owns you all :)
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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
So is [SG-1] just for fun, or are you actually starting a clan? I wanna be [SG-1]Jonas Quinn, 'cause Parker Lewis Can't Lose!

Um, did anybody get that reference?
Mar 6, 2004
GotBeer? said:
So is [SG-1] just for fun, or are you actually starting a clan? I wanna be [SG-1]Jonas Quinn, 'cause Parker Lewis Can't Lose!
Nah just for fun but you can use the tag if you want :D


XMP Beta Tester
Nov 11, 2003
Visit site
Frankly, what a wholely moronic and unconstructive post, total forum troll if you ask me............

Alot of the problems are terribly misdiagnosed yet vague, and he's essenetially saying the rank and file of the XMP players have 0(yes ZERO) skill. Please close this thread.

(BTW, by agreeing you're essentially accepting the fact you suck by his lame argument.)
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Jan 22, 2004
i'm with prg again
i like you man

that post was a whole lot of nonsense as the current state of the beta is just plain silly, try xmp then play utxmp and you will know what all the vets are complaining about. you're problem is that yuou just see it as an ordinary fps as xmp was a fine balanced game of teamplay relying on the rock paper scissor principle. utxmp is relying on the rock principle and forgot about the paper and the scissor. The '' vets'' know what i'm talking about and if you also want to know what we are complaining about then you should try xmp first and come back, you'll see you'll have an urge to edit you're post.


Feb 29, 2004
Over there!
*to your friend*
This is a beta ya know, arnt we s'posed to complain and pick out the things that are different from u2xmp? since this mod was going to be exactly the same as it? :rolleyes: I'm with PRG and Jubei :)
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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Splinter said:
*to your friend*
This is a beta ya know, arnt we s'posed to complain and pick out the things that are different from u2xmp? since this mod was going to be exactly the same as it? :rolleyes: I'm with PRG and Jubei :)

Actually, the mod isn't supposed to be exactly the same. And it can't be for various reasons, one being the particle system.

Yes, I think he's grotesquely wrong in regards to skill of the vets, but at the same time he makes a very valid point of accessing this game from the eyes of a non u2xmp player. If he has played enough to be very experienced, then he can make accurate statements about the current beta - which has no bearing of what it will be when it goes gold.

So, really, we don't know who this guys we don't know if you are experienced to have a rep of being an intelligent player, so we can't take his comments very seriously.

A noob that has not played u2xmp can make more accurate comments about interclass balance as he isn't colored by the u2xmp experience, but that is only when that noob becomes very experienced in utxmp play - which will be something altogether different once it has gone gold since there are tons of bugs.

We have to be cognizant that the balance we were used to in u2xmp will not be the same as utxmp.

Whether or not we are supposed to, we are complaining and picking out the things that are different between u2xmp and utxmp.


The original
Apr 16, 2004
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Seems to me the ranger lost its minigun (pistol) and is now almost a balanced class, fix the sniper range and it will be perfect, nothing wrong with the rest of the classes, the post by "your friend" is 100% correct and I can't wait til the patch comes out to fix the bugs so I can get back into the game.

Free Monkey is on the right path, leave them alone, let them decide, player input is valuable but only a few people whinning about balance is moot and accomplishes nothing, now if the whole forum was riddled with posts about weapon balance that would be different but it is not.


ranger extraordinaire
Dec 28, 2003
Wrong. The ease at which I can kill with a gunner is ridiculous. A battle with gunner and ranger is almost always an 70% chance of win for the gunner, simply because the ranger isn't as quick, and only has one useful weapon. The sniper rifle is fine, debated and decided. We all know how I feel about the pistol.


New Member
Nov 22, 2004
While I agree with the changes that have been made to the ranger's arsenal since Public Beta 1, I think the "noob" provides some fresh insite and has a great perspective.

Shame on you PRG for taking it personally and being offended and reactive.

I myself used the ranger for a few days and said "wow, he sucks (compared to u2xmp)" and then went and played other classes.

Owing to my (formidable? lol, how about "well-practiced") vanilla 2k4 skills, I bet I could develop ranger skills. Hitscan airshots are teh easy :)

But I do miss teh ubar-pistol from u2xmp :p's just a game - and i'd rather have one with weapon balance that is as good or nearly as good as 2k4's (which is quite possibly the best weapon balanced FPS to date).

To the poster who said that UTXMP is fast paced. lol. it's a matter of perspective. Sure it's fast compared to things like, well BF1942 - but honestly - combat is at a relaxed speed. compared to UT2k4 DM/TDM in small maps like rankin.



Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
headwire said:
Wrong. The ease at which I can kill with a gunner is ridiculous. A battle with gunner and ranger is almost always an 70% chance of win for the gunner, simply because the ranger isn't as quick, and only has one useful weapon. The sniper rifle is fine, debated and decided. We all know how I feel about the pistol.

Nope, you're wrong. I've fought a known good ranger in the wide open in sirocco and I never killed him out of 10 duels against him. I'm not the best gunner in the game, but when I was training this class, I trained against rangers and for the purpose of killing rangers. Now, I actually die faster. And that's without headshots.

I've also fought in a smaller confined place like the upper sky panel of alcazar on the red side (not the center panel but one of the side platforms). That ranger is a known good ranger different from the above, and he won about 3 out of 5 times on average.

So, I think you're data is incorrect.