Something to fix the weapons till the next patch.

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New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Faust: I noticed something on the BBF server since your mutator was installed. We have lots of dead vehicle carcaasses on the map accumulating (at least sometims). I assume this has to do with the NoDeadVehicles mutator. But, I thought you said above that the dead vehicles were removed from the map. Just the opposite is happening. Either I am confused about what your mutator is supposed to do, or this is perhaps a bug in it.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
I cannot answer specific questions about the install. Killinya is the server admin, and would know those kinds of questions.

Last night, myself and Omni were playing on Lowlands, and tank carcasses were staying around forever. There were at least 6 or more of them. And there were about that many raptor carcasses too. One tank carcass in particular that stands out in my mind was "solid" too. You could drive a new tank up on top of it. (We starting goofing around to see how many of these tank carcasses we could get into a stack. :) )

Another odd occurance was Omni was going to drive "through" a tank carcass once, and instead started pushing the thing around the map.:eek:

This morning everything seemed to be working normally regarding vehicles. So, who knows what is going on??? :hmm:


Lei STILL sux. It's true.
Jan 6, 2003
Fresno, CA
Visit site
Headshot damage was already in the game. I didn't think the sniper-rifle needed it. Also, I thought the problem most people were having with the shotgun was its efficiency range. Doesn't doubling the spread just make this worse? Oh, and don't listen to bleeder about the gas grenade. It was fine. It actually required a semblance of aim to get a good efect, which is how every weapon should be. The U2 gas grenade is a joke.

I'm down with the raptor turret changes. The grenade reload time is neat, but as has been noted before, its problems are likely beyond what a mutator could fix. Would have to test the flamethrower/assault to see how those changes work. I agree that the flamethrower could be bumped a bit, but you'll hafta be careful about reducing the assault spread. If its too accurate, it will obliterate rangers.

I appreciate the initiative in trying something like this. Good work.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Yeah, good job on the Raptor turret. That thing was WEAK. I spent like 2 minutes of constant fire at another Raptor once before it finally blew.

I haven't tried the Flamethrower yet. If it still burns the wielder, more damage might not be such a good thing, ya know?

Fleury - Increasing the Shotgun's spread should prevent it from being a sniper weapon like it could be in U2XMP (less concentrated in one place). I think doubling the projectiles will make it easier to do at least a small amount of damage at extreme range, though.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
You guys need to play the game with the mutator. The weapons feel pretty good. Faust has done an excellent job.


Lei STILL sux. It's true.
Jan 6, 2003
Fresno, CA
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GotBeer? said:
Fleury - Increasing the Shotgun's spread should prevent it from being a sniper weapon like it could be in U2XMP (less concentrated in one place). I think doubling the projectiles will make it easier to do at least a small amount of damage at extreme range, though.

That's what I worry about. The spread increase would have to be enough to offset the increase in projectiles. Then again, once I get a few games in, I'll have a better idea.


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
Increasing the Shotgun's spread should prevent it from being a sniper weapon like it could be in U2XMP
i tought the whole idea was to keep it as close to xmp as possible, even with that bugs that imo made it even more balanced
Last edited:


Rokk Fiddler, Farmer
Oct 2, 2003
Oaksterdam, California
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Actually, if i recall correctly, the original game was not quite finished before Atardi shut down Legend. for example some things were better on previous builds. We only got one patch after the game was officially out.


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
Skatcher said:
i tought the whole idea was to keep it as close to xmp as possible, even with that bugs that imo made it even more balanced
BUZZZ - Wrong :(
Otherwise they would be fixing the dispersion/radius of the gas nades so that n00bs like myself would still play...


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
And they'd be fixing the shotguns, and the turrets, and the assault rifles, and the vehicles. :p

The fix is actually pretty good so far. :)

Speaking of which, these are changes I would definitely like to see:
1.) Slower vehicles (currently they are fast enough that the game centers around them in certain maps, like CrashFlight with its multitude of Raptors)
2.) Fixing of the turrets (I can't hear them, and usually can't find them easily because I can't hear when they detect / shoot me. Overpowered in this sense.)
3.) Un-borking of the pistol, i.e. so that you can fire off primary shots very quickly, and also very quickly after the triple burst.
Actually, this is an interesting issue. It seemed harder to hit things with the pistol in U2, which balanced its good fire rate. Now it seems the pistol is slightly more powerful, which could potentially be an issue.

There are so more changes I would like to see, but these are more abstract, subjective, or difficult to execute.
1.) Atmosphere. U2 had a much better "feel" to the overall game. For instance, the U2 sniper rifle "felt" admirable.
2.) Smoothness. Players who move / dodge / execute keystrokes quickly may notice the subtle difference in "smoothness" between U2 and UT.
3.) The little details.
a.) When I set to spawn as ranger, I want it to stay that way until I change it. It seems to reset / randomize each game.
b.) The team color "compass" on the radar
c.) Zoom in / out functionality on radar, as in U2. Zooming out all the way definitely helped me interpret the battlefield better.
d.) Hacking continues as I type. Kinda irksome, as in U2 I usually save typing for when I'm hacking something. More of a preference thing.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
I never really noticed how much Crashflight is a Raptorfest until last night. That was ridiculous. It could also just be that there weren't enough people to properly play that map. But yeah, Raptors do need to be slowed down a bit. And be less-grabby, and feel heavier like in U2XMP, and all that. Last night in Scirocco I wondering how the Hell Skaxis could jump in a Raptor at Blue base, then 2 or 3 seconds later steal an Arti at Red base.

Mutator-wise, thankyou so much for fixing the grenade fire-rate. I did manage to kill myself a couple times with the flamethrower though - I choose to blame the increased damage and not my "leet skillz" :p


Feb 2, 2004
[GDC]Faust said:
It may be handy for the admins to know that the name of the Mutator-Class is XMPWeaponBalance06.XMPWeaponBalanceVI now instead of just XMPWeaponBalance

A Readme file would have been nice. Burned 20 minutes figuring it out.

Example Readme.txt:
To ensure use of this mutator include the following:

in your command line start (example; not a complete startup line):

server XMP-Garden?Game=XMP.XMPGame?mutator=XMPWeaponBalance06.XMPWeaponBalanceVI

and in your utxmp.ini
