Originally posted by OO7MIKE
The clan originally registered #NC (on enterthegame) as the Clan channel when NaliCity got kicked off of Games link ( thanks a lot Bomb. ) The origonal channel was still called #nalicity then. After seeing Darkreapers tyranical meglomaniac attitude...i felt it was in the best interest to have a clan channel. Luquado and bangout felt differently. So in the interest of keeping Clan NC part of Nalicity's forum comunity I and others felt it was best to get rid of #NC and just use #nalicity on enterthegame. There was no need for a separation between the clan forumers and the other forumers of Nalicity to split up.
Yes..... the #nalicity channel isnt something that got anounced a lot prior to the clan.
Keep in mind that the channel was mainly for the admins of nalicity. Try not to overstep your bounds. The clan is a guest just like everyone else.
I have edited catfuzz post to show all info i know of. Too lazy to type it all out.
Well, Btljuice,(anyone remember him?) did try to get a seperate Nalicity channel going on one of the other Mirc servers, but no one ever went there. Clan NC Would have been the one to have the channel, if the Motard DR hadn't of registered #nalicity on damn near every Mirc server out there.
Like Mikey said, even with that, clan members used to be the only ones who used the channel, with the exception of Yoda, Fuzzbuster, and Inrealm, who would hang out there. If it wasn't for the clanners pushing it,( with help from the inside by Twrecks and Hackr, thanks guys
) few if any people would know about it.
So Merry Christmas
and STFU.