SmartMines! Pro or contra?

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Mar 16, 2004
Demo_Boy said:
There are some problems with those ideas:
-If the comm is custom, like Mines at 3 front doors, node, resupply pads, upper doors, v-terms -- then it is only good for one map.
-Also, since the mines are cycling, not all of those locations are mined when I call it.
-If the comm is general case, then the problem is that you can only say two things every 10 seconds.
-Even if you could spam all you wanted, you still have to get your team to read them -- not always possible when they are in combat at the front lines, it's not applicable till they come home.
-Even when they are aware and all that, the mines are well hidden -- by design. So it's common for them to trip one, then I rez they walk over to the resupply and trip another... meanwhile there's incoming.

- You could make a custom command for each map.
- If not all areas are covered by mines when you call it, then provide a follow up message saying "(Whatever area), NOT mined!"
- Never noticed any limitation on how much you can type in 10secs
- About the problem about getting people to read what you say, any half decent player will read them, if not that's being ignorant of valid information.
- In my experience mines are only hidden well in partically dark areas, but still they have a flashing light on the top of them :lol: As for the trip mines, well every should be able to see a lazer across an area :rolleyes:

fireball said:
And the other problem with coms: what if the other guy doesn't speak English (or whatever you're using)?

Well that's just being picky :mad:

Most of the players I have come across understand English, even if they can't speak it. If however, they don't then I try other languages like German, French etc


Feb 6, 2004
-=McBean=- said:
Most of the players I have come across understand English, even if they can't speak it. If however, they don't then I try other languages like German, French etc

how about Chinese, Japanese, Korean.....etc... :eek:


Mar 16, 2004
Richteralan said:
how about Chinese, Japanese, Korean.....etc... :eek:

You can't expect me to know every language :lol:

Just to tell you something Chinese is not a language, Cantonese is :D and at the moment I am learning that off my chinese mate at school so I would guess I will know the basics of Cantonese in about 4-5months

Though you would be amazed at how many chinese, Japanese and Korean people know English. I have been told that most of them are taught English as a second langauge, so that's why I hardly ever see anyone on the servers who doesn't understand English.


Reach out and torch someone
-=McBean=- said:
ell that's just being picky :mad:

Most of the players I have come across understand English, even if they can't speak it. If however, they don't then I try other languages like German, French etc
I only speak English, and what little Spanish I know from school. I simply don't have an aptitude for foreign languages. I know several times I've been on servers where nobody spoke English; little hard to say "mines on the node" when nobody knows what a "node" is in English.


Feb 6, 2004
-=McBean=- said:
You can't expect me to know every language :lol:

Just to tell you something Chinese is not a language, Cantonese is :D and at the moment I am learning that off my chinese mate at school so I would guess I will know the basics of Cantonese in about 4-5months

Though you would be amazed at how many chinese, Japanese and Korean people know English. I have been told that most of them are taught English as a second langauge, so that's why I hardly ever see anyone on the servers who doesn't understand English.

Chinese is a general name for all dialects and mandarin spoken in China. ;)


Apr 1, 2004
i think it really reduces the need to "strategize" and lets people just put them EVERYWHERE cause they know they WILL kill the enemy if it explodes..


Mar 16, 2004
Yeah it beats the fun out of watching some gunner laying mines in the node room on Garden and trapping himself in a corner, I'm still trying to figure out how he was able to do that. Surely he must have kept some room open to keep going back to the Resupply station...Then cause he didn't know how to suicide he just ran into one of the mines and started a chain reaction lol


New Member
Feb 13, 2004
When I was in the army procedure was this: You plant a mine field-record its location-tell everyone that location. If you WANDERED into a mined area, not only would you run the risk of being parts of a whole, but you could face disciplinary actions for your ignorance. Ofcourse thats cauz you are their property, but still....IF YOU'RE AN IDIOT YOU DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
This is my first time posting, though I've been lurking for quite a while. I always play as Gunner, but not well. :( I vote no for this mutator, even though it would make my job a lot easier, because it does take away a lot of the challenge of the game. Now, if someone wants to make a mutator that makes the mines more visible to teammates, that would be great. I think it was even discussed here in the forums a while back.

And Flack Ho-you can crouch and walk right through the wheels of the vehicles to place trip mines on the underside.

Anyhow, I love this game and hope it sticks around for quite a while. I also hope to get DSL soon (anyone want to make donations? :D )


Jan 22, 2004
smart mines are stupid and not all pubs should run it,just the new pubs :lol:
Don't get discouraged if you step on a teammates mine :)
see it as a lesson to keep you're eyes on the surroundings ;)
one day you'll get to the point that you see the mines in time and learn to avoid them :)

[PE] Bender

Used Register
Feb 19, 2004
I am Pro SmartMines@Pub Play. Maybe that Mutator shouldn´t be in Use in Clan Matches, but Clan Matches are a whole different thing than the FFA Chaos.
My Points here are:
- Using the chat and taunts does not help !.
- They are NOT "Friendly" Mines. If you re caught in the Blast Area you ´re as dead as before. I allready had one occasion where some `Nerd thought it was cool to TK me with my own mines - i had quite fun while hunting him with conc nades afterwards.
- Spamming them everywhere? They still NEED and USE Energy. Although less then the usual Turret Farm.
- A Indicator/Sign over the Mine is as worthless as the chat/voices messages. I´ve played BF 42 on Pubs long enough after the Mine Indicator was patched in. Its a useless feature for Pub Play. At Soldner: Secret Wars Mines are surrounded by a HUGE RED INDICATOR. Do you really believe that keeps Teamm8 from steping into them? "Oh, there is something RED!...RED! I must collect it!...It´s Red! I MUST go there! It´s RED!...BOUMMM!".
- It opens up new possibilities for Traps :)! Just add one of you own Mines to make the whole Setup "unfriendly".
- It makes playing the "lonely" Defender a bit easier. And since everyone is teh 1337 Rush-Ranger/Enemy Deploy Farmer and nearly Nobody cares for Node Defense except some poor "Idiots" like me it s a great thing to have those "SmartMines" as i can use them without having to fear that at some point some...not so smart Teamm8 comes along and tries to collect them.
- Mining Teleporters? I have and will mine Teleporters wether they are SmartMines or not. Enter on own Risk!


Softice/MASM reverse engineer
Dec 29, 2003
The Netherlands
[PE] Bender said:
I am Pro SmartMines@Pub Play. Maybe that Mutator shouldn´t be in Use in Clan Matches, but Clan Matches are a whole different thing than the FFA Chaos.
My Points here are:
- Using the chat and taunts does not help !.
- They are NOT "Friendly" Mines. If you re caught in the Blast Area you ´re as dead as before. I allready had one occasion where some `Nerd thought it was cool to TK me with my own mines - i had quite fun while hunting him with conc nades afterwards.
- Spamming them everywhere? They still NEED and USE Energy. Although less then the usual Turret Farm.
- A Indicator/Sign over the Mine is as worthless as the chat/voices messages. I´ve played BF 42 on Pubs long enough after the Mine Indicator was patched in. Its a useless feature for Pub Play. At Soldner: Secret Wars Mines are surrounded by a HUGE RED INDICATOR. Do you really believe that keeps Teamm8 from steping into them? "Oh, there is something RED!...RED! I must collect it!...It´s Red! I MUST go there! It´s RED!...BOUMMM!".
- It opens up new possibilities for Traps :)! Just add one of you own Mines to make the whole Setup "unfriendly".
- It makes playing the "lonely" Defender a bit easier. And since everyone is teh 1337 Rush-Ranger/Enemy Deploy Farmer and nearly Nobody cares for Node Defense except some poor "Idiots" like me it s a great thing to have those "SmartMines" as i can use them without having to fear that at some point some...not so smart Teamm8 comes along and tries to collect them.
- Mining Teleporters? I have and will mine Teleporters wether they are SmartMines or not. Enter on own Risk!

TOP POST! thnx

Im like him pro and con... variation is da bomb.

In other words... i like the mut... but surely not all the time.
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