@ Hurin:
Thank you for your reply. As I said, I honestly can’t say anything about military situations, but I do suspect that those carrying sniper weapons do fight from stationary points. In game, I don’t usually carry the true sniper weapons, because I get bored sitting or laying on the ground waiting for some poor guy to walk into my sights

@ Logan6:
Thank you for your reply. As to iron sights, we will probably just have to agree to disagree. My opinion won’t change, and yours probably wont either, and that’s fine, because I doubt the system is going to change for either of us.
Referring to scoped rifles, however, my perspective may be somewhat different from others. I’ve suffered from asthma all my life, and as a result, my heart tends to pound. My image through a scope is almost never still, so I’ve learned to fire between the beats, so to speak. I can fire long shots quite well, but I usually do best with a bipod. I use the sort that extend far enough to fire from a crouch, and they work very well in scope sighting. Of course hunting is very different, and so I make due. Bearing that in mind, in Infiltration I very seldom take the time to ‘control breath.’ It really is second nature to fire when the cross hair moves to the point I want. I’ll never be able to talk about most people’s perspective of viewing a steady picture through a scope (unless I get a bench-firing set up going), but I wouldn’t want to anyway. After climbing a slope at a brisk pace, and locking on to the deer I just startled at the top while breathing heavily, there’s little chance I’m going to get a stable target anyway

. So, to make a short story long, I’m fine with the muzzle drift as is; I’m not trying to say anyone else’s experience is wrong, since I’m not anyone else. I was, after all, just supplying an answer to someone’s question as honestly as I could. Enjoy!