Should INF scopes be easier to use?

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Should the scopes in INF be made easier to use?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 38.7%
  • No

    Votes: 38 61.3%

  • Total voters


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Lol, Salad, Snake, you miss the point. Since you don't have any real arguements I really dont give a **** what you think. :)


a. Yep
b. Above 2x power, I think it would be pretty hard to get accuracy walking and beyond as the scope bounces with your footsteps.
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New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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Since you don't have any real arguements I really dont give a **** what you think

Alright I've just about enough of this prick.

Listen *******, I've been a sniper in INF throught the last almost five years of the INF team trying to get the weapon done accurately and realisticly, if you had been around to play the versions where the scope behaves just as you suggest then you'd know how ****ing retarded what your saying is. prior to 2.9 scopes were incredibly easy and over-abused, as it is now they are extreamly accurate and lethal, learn how to fire the weapon before you bitch about it
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Dallas Tosses Salads
Oct 23, 2003
Logan, the fact that you just dismiss out of hand anything you don't like destroys any credibility you might otherwise have. Combine that with the fact that you can't admit when you are wrong (Olympic PSG-1? anyone), and it makes you look like a total loon, no matter what your other ideas are. The lowest form of debate is ignoring someone else's questions or points simply because you claim they aren't real arguments. What that translates to is a lack of ability on your part to answer said questions with any valid points or arguments. It's borderline pathetic really. Surely you're not so blinded by your sense of self-importance you can see that.

So, admit you were wrong about the PSG. It shouldn't be that difficult. Here's, I'll help. Just copy-paste this text if you can't bring yourself to type it out:

"I, Logan6, was completely wrong about the PSG-1 being primarily used for Olympic shooting. In fact, the rifle has never been used in any Olympic events, ever. My apologies for those I mislead with my blatant misinformation."

Now that wasn't so difficult, was it? Now, the next time you're out filming one of your pet scope videos, bring a mirror along. If you can't figure out how to use this mirror to show how you have things set up, I can provide some handy MS Paint style graphics to demonstrate. I'm really hoping you can figure it out yourself though. That alone would help your flagging credibility tremendously. Until then, good day sir.


New Member
Mar 14, 2001
yurch said:
Most accurate Semi-auto, maybe. Most accurate, never.

I tend to agree with the maybe as well... Didn't Walther put out a freakish looking sniper rifle chambered for 300 Win magnum? That was supposed to be real winner, but way to expensive for general military use of course. As for semi auto rifles, I firmly believe that bolt action, single shot or any other rifle with no moving parts during firing will be more accurate on average. All those moving parts require energy to function, and that energy comes from the round.


New Member
Mar 14, 2001
@ Hurin:

Thank you for your reply. As I said, I honestly can’t say anything about military situations, but I do suspect that those carrying sniper weapons do fight from stationary points. In game, I don’t usually carry the true sniper weapons, because I get bored sitting or laying on the ground waiting for some poor guy to walk into my sights ;).

@ Logan6:

Thank you for your reply. As to iron sights, we will probably just have to agree to disagree. My opinion won’t change, and yours probably wont either, and that’s fine, because I doubt the system is going to change for either of us.
Referring to scoped rifles, however, my perspective may be somewhat different from others. I’ve suffered from asthma all my life, and as a result, my heart tends to pound. My image through a scope is almost never still, so I’ve learned to fire between the beats, so to speak. I can fire long shots quite well, but I usually do best with a bipod. I use the sort that extend far enough to fire from a crouch, and they work very well in scope sighting. Of course hunting is very different, and so I make due. Bearing that in mind, in Infiltration I very seldom take the time to ‘control breath.’ It really is second nature to fire when the cross hair moves to the point I want. I’ll never be able to talk about most people’s perspective of viewing a steady picture through a scope (unless I get a bench-firing set up going), but I wouldn’t want to anyway. After climbing a slope at a brisk pace, and locking on to the deer I just startled at the top while breathing heavily, there’s little chance I’m going to get a stable target anyway ;). So, to make a short story long, I’m fine with the muzzle drift as is; I’m not trying to say anyone else’s experience is wrong, since I’m not anyone else. I was, after all, just supplying an answer to someone’s question as honestly as I could. Enjoy! :rockon:


Mar 13, 2004
Maybe add a bipod for sniper rifles which will be capable of stablizing your rifle on sufaces and making sniping eaisier but adding bulk?

What i was trying to say with my posts is that if you are, lets say 50m away from a doorway and you aim directly at it with a scoped/ironsighted gun and then start running at it your chance of hitting inside the door way is the same with both guns.

and yeah this discussion is gettin pretty useless, but how bout the bipod idea?

one more thing that maybe be hindering snipers is the lack of maps with good sniping spots. This isnt the maps fault but traditionally most maps have been made with many of the buildings un-eneterable eliminatinng a lot of good stationary sniping spots.

And in real life if you dont count the stamina issue, i dont think its that hard to walk around with and rc50. Which i have done in inf, its reallly hard to aim while walking, but once you get to a staionary position its quite effective.

THe problem is i think that like with my example about running at the doorway simply doesnt work in INF,l the way it does in real life.

For the record the standard issue rifle for snipers in the army is the SR90 if i remember correctly. Which is a semi-auto, 5 rounds per clip.
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Aug 5, 2000
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I like the bipod idea, though just the ability to rest your weapon on objects would be really cool (you don't need a bipod to prop a rifle on a window or such)


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Like Beppo already said, the scoped rifles and sniper rifles are not meant for CQB. It is when you are in the role of a sniper; prone and in a steady position, that you use anything scoped. When used properly, you could even say the sniper rifles are too easy to use. Looking through a scope, trying to hit a target 20 meters away while running and actually hit anything except air is, at best, like taking the jackpot in the national lottery.

If you want to use a sniper rifle or anything else with a scope, at least use it for what it's meant to.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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erehwoN said:
UT doesn't like bipods. The one on the SAW is just for looks.
did anyone look at my screenshots in my earlier post? You can't determine when the bipod is resting on something or not. The only game i've seen that actually can is RO, and you have to press the 'use' key on a ledge were bipods can be used.


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
Cavalier889 said:
@ Hurin:

Thank you for your reply. As I said, I honestly can’t say anything about military situations, but I do suspect that those carrying sniper weapons do fight from stationary points. In game, I don’t usually carry the true sniper weapons, because I get bored sitting or laying on the ground waiting for some poor guy to walk into my sights ;).

I know this is kinda a Off-Topic, but the other day during a clan match i waited fifteen minutes before someone walked into my sights (i'm a sniper). It was the last kill of the round too.

On the topic of bipods, i think it would be sweet to be able to set up a nice stable shot with the bipod. Also being able to "use" surfaces for stabilizing a rifle would be sweet as well.
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Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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You know what, i change my mind (i do that alot). The INF scopes are very realistic. In real life, when you're just looking through the scope as you would looking at a TV, you wouldn't put much effort to concentrate on keeping the scope steady and it would bob alot with your breath.

However, the moment you spot an enemy, you can almost instantly steady the scope and keep it steady with only minor occasional breath movements every few seconds or so, for almost half an hour!


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
Almost said:
When used properly, you could even say the sniper rifles are too easy to use.
You could even say they are too easy to use no matter how you handle them. I was playing TDM on the map DM-INF-Woodward (extremely CQB) and I topped the list with over 20 kills with the PSG1. Now maybe that's possible IRL, or maybe it is a good example of how the sniper rifles are still very easy to use.


Mar 13, 2004
HaHa yeah totally KW, ive abused the PSG1 on that map 2, close all the doors you here em coming, and right through da door !
Hehe :p
im not saying the gun is meant to be used that way, but from a real life point of view if you are aiming at a tree from 100m and then start walking towards it, and shooting as long as you have the same gun (scope or not) your chance of hitting the tree is the same.
welll anyways this discussion is becoming point less so lets wrap it up.

@almost ur calvin and hobbes avatar is great :D

Death Touch

New Member
Dec 7, 2003
Personally, I wish the scopes were coded to be used on the rifle/smg itself, by actually using the 3d model or a 2d bitmap overlay of an ACOG or other scope. In other words, I hate the idea of moving a little circle around a black background rather than actually aiming my weapon. I think it was a poor idea to implement this particular use of scoped weapons. It feels like you are not holding a rifle but rather playing some silly shooter arcade game. IMO the current scopes are goofy, arcadish, unrealistic, and only serve to disconnect the player from the realism of INF and the dynamics of using a weapon IRL.