Ignoring Salad,
@Hurin, well yeah its not so much bob as it is sensitivity. The scope is a little more sensitive as you increase zoom of course, but it doesnt seem to increase in sensitivity that much. Now I haven't ever seen through a rifle scope over 9x, but even at 9x I get very controllable sensitivity with hardly any bob. First second or two there is a little bob as you line up on the target and stablize, but then it gets very controlable. I have a telescope that can go to 250x and yeah you get some extreme sensitivity when you try to line up on a planet. You touch it a little more than slightly and the planet flies out of the FOV. Mainly my point is that Im saying there's just too much bob in the scopes in game as they are now. And then when you hit your hold breath key, the scope is slightly too still. Well actually its dead still. You would only get that if you were well bipoded or bracing against a fence. Toad had it pretty close, but even though his scope did much smaller moves, it moved to often and you could never keep your sight on your target long enough to pull the trigger. i.e. Road to Kandahar sniping with it was impossible, even with the .50.
And while the minimi model is nice and correct in all respects, it has too much weapons bob attached to it. The sights rotate around like a slow mix master.
It would be nice if other people with scoped rifles and digital cameras could send in some videos too so we could get some other views.
Well, I think i've said all I can think of, anymore will just be repeating on my other posts.
@snake. Well I really don't know what the man said or what he was really reffering to. And my opinion stands, if the minimi really does rotate around like that in real life and have the accuracy of a shotgun, then it is a peice of ****. But for the record, I don't think it does, and therefore he was probably refering to the model itself, and not the horrific bob. I don't even know how you could misalign a sight so badly while firing and I've fired many a weapon.
So so what, I know some marines too, and I think they would laugh at the bob on some of these weapons and at the vicous scope bob in general.