->Sachiel<- said:
lol Bullet10K, half the people in this forum seem to bitch about everything before they actually "see" it, that is destructive criticism. If someone was to complain about the shock rifle now that everyone's seen it that would be constructive criticism because their opinion would be more credible.
Well what do u expect from people on the ut2k7 forum to talk about if we haven't seen much from it yet? Obviously we're going to "b!tch" about the things that was messed up in 2k4 that we'd like to see fixed in 2k7, if we didn't, then how would they know what they messed up on, what needs to be fixed, what the community wants, etc?
Do you know one of the reasons why Epic is toning down the movement? It's coz of the constant "B!tching" of forumers that kept on saying "UT99>*" when they haven't even played 2k7.
OOPS! I got a bit too carried away my bad, ok I'll stop now, I shall go to the "Do Shut Up" thread now.