Several things I hope Epic adds in the next UT

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Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Wow, this is a side of Nahand I haven't seen. :eek:

I have to disagree with Nahand too. The original Unreal had awesome ambience, which was carried over into UT. Now I don't hear those odd creature calls in the background, or the wind howling as prominant as it used to, no computer blips and beeps, etc. I remember being able to stand at the flak dead-end on Deck-16 and hearing a sniper firing from the sniper spawn point in the main room. Or even hearing someone falling into the slime pit. Now I can barely hear someone shooting a sniper rifle at me from the end of the same hall.

As for the music, I think Unreal and UT's music was far better than even UT2004's. The new stuff, with a few exceptions, sounds like it's premade background noise for the Backstreet Boys to 'sing' over. Bring back Alexander Brandon and Michael Van De Bos.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Gah, hate to double post, but oh well... :D

Turns2Ashes said:
The only thing I'm really hoping for is they fix the Shock Rifle Tournament 2004 feel. That weapon is too powerful compared to the others as it can be used effectively at any range. I'm all for hitscan, but there needs to be a proper way to defend against it, and a shield is not the answer.

My solution: bump the other weapons back up so I can drop a flak shell on their head and watch the gibs bounce! Lets un-nerf the other weapons first and see how the Shock Rifle compares then.


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Needs Shield-gun or impact hammer type weapon.
Needs trickjumping.
Needs for Gorge not to be a retard like in UC2.
Needs maps without tons of stupid static meshes to get hung up on which flow like the old days.
Needs some "new" weapons instead of the same 10 re-hashes and regurgitated over and over. Keep the staple weaps that the fanboys must have like the shock rifle, flak, and goop. Then come up with some others.
Last edited:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
AMmayhem said:
As for the music, I think Unreal and UT's music was far better than even UT2004's. The new stuff, with a few exceptions, sounds like it's premade background noise for the Backstreet Boys to 'sing' over. Bring back Alexander Brandon and Michael Van De Bos.
I agree. This is one reason I'm excited for Pariah, as it seems from the theme music to be alot more "Unreal" than recent offerings.

As for the sound, booming bass is all I can say (thanks Goliath!).


Nov 12, 1999
Shield makes for dull, defensive games...

BooGiTyBoY said:
Needs Shield-gun or impact hammer type weapon.

I think that's a garunteed one. I do hope it's the impact hammer not the uber-lame shieldgun. If Epic want the game to be less defensive, dropping the shild is a very good idea.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Sir_Brizz said:
As for the sound, booming bass is all I can say (thanks Goliath!).

There's another sound issue, with the Goliath and the Cicada. Get in and fire the cannon or the missles, and they sound ok, but to get real effect you gotta crank the volume up. But then go to the machine gun on top, or the lasers on the bottom and fire those, and they're a hell of a lot louder. They need to make the sounds a little more consistant (make them all loud! ;) ).
AMmayhem said:
There's another sound issue, with the Goliath and the Cicada. Get in and fire the cannon or the missles, and they sound ok, but to get real effect you gotta crank the volume up. But then go to the machine gun on top, or the lasers on the bottom and fire those, and they're a hell of a lot louder. They need to make the sounds a little more consistant (make them all loud! ;) ).

I agree. the Cicada's lasers are loud as ****.

Onto gibs. How about completely gibbable bodies like in the original UT? Right now they ALWAYS leave behind at least half a body. I wanna be able to shock-combo someone and watch them explode into a million peices, dammit! :D


UT oldtimer
Mar 29, 2005
Radeon285 said:
I agree. the Cicada's lasers are loud as ****.

Onto gibs. How about completely gibbable bodies like in the original UT? Right now they ALWAYS leave behind at least half a body. I wanna be able to shock-combo someone and watch them explode into a million peices, dammit! :D

And make sure the gibs sound like gibs ;)


Jun 12, 2000
The splodging of bouncing gibs on (say) CTF-Lucius was always a joy. As well as the weapon fire sounds, impacts from sniper rifles hitting off the walls beside you - you just don't get that effect from the LtG, or anything else. Plus i can't actually remember any metallic 'twinkling' from the flak anymore..

I agree that the audio needs to be revisited with the Envy. I was never impressed with 2kx sounds other than the bassy booms and berserk effects.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Reclaimer, there is definitely some truth to what you say about the weapon sounds, human sounds and death scenarios, but if you want better map sounds some of the custom maps have them. Yes, gibs definitely need to sound like gibs!

When UT2003 first came out, I liked the menu music because it was different and fresh but the menu music for UT and UT2004 is definitely better.

I'm glad they're getting rid of the Lightning Gun because I never liked it to begin with and I hope it dies a quick and sudden death. We do need at least one new weapon and why get rid of any weapon at all..........just add them to the list of UT2004 weapons. So what if we only have 10 number keys. And enough nerfing the weapons already. The flak and RL and minigun got nerfed and all of sudden people are complaining that the shock is too powerful; well, why don't we make them all like the UT ones again and be done with it. Eventually, all of them will be nerfed so much that all of them will suck! :mad:

Have a Happy Day! :)


!!! God Of Random !1?
Oct 24, 2003
... precisely. Seen the new yellow rocket launcher? What *is* that?...


New Member
Mar 27, 2000
BooGiTyBoY said:
Needs Shield-gun or impact hammer type weapon.
Needs trickjumping.
Needs for Gorge not to be a retard like in UC2.
Needs maps without tons of stupid static meshes to get hung up on which flow like the old days.
Needs some "new" weapons instead of the same 10 re-hashes and regurgitated over and over. Keep the staple weaps that the fanboys must have like the shock rifle, flak, and goop. Then come up with some others.

agreed on all accounts. also, it needs *good* ctf maps! :p


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Nahand said:
... precisely. Seen the new yellow rocket launcher? What *is* that?...



admiral spock!
Feb 15, 2004
i have to ask that they at least include hands/arms. i cant stand how gay the classic sniper rifle looks... its horrible, its just asking for a hand.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
I pretty much agree with what Reclaimer said. UT2k4 imo was a good game, but not really amazing for me. The things he listed are just examples where epic could have just added a bit more polish and the game would have felt a lot nicer. Having to wait 2 years for a patch just so we can see splash effects on the water? :con:

Forgetting all the small little touches which I hope epic improves on, here's my wishlist:

Better menu interface

Mainly the game selection screens that annoy me here. I don't want to have to go through 3 tabs just to start a simple game. 1 Giant screen to select a gametype from a big list...why not have a simple dropdown box like ut? I don't need a long description of the gametype every time I want to start a match. If new players need help then just add a button or something that opens a window explaining the gametype or something.
1 giant page just to select the map? Again what was wrong with the dropdown box in UT?
Bot settings on a completely different tab? Why? It's just an added nusance. Go on the game options tab and uncheck "advanced options". Everything you see there should be on the gametype/map selection screen.

Also again, the overal style of the menu is rather boring and uninspired. I'm not a big fan of the "clean techy" look. Like someone already said, ut's darker "underground fighting" feel was much better.

Better AI

Yeah, the ai in UT2k4 is actually pretty damn good and I was super impressed at the big step up from UT, but I do hope epic try and put something a bit more special into the next UT.
I came up with this idea a while back, I would really like to see ai that is more geared to learning. For example, you are playing a 1on1 map in UT2k4. You rely a LOT on the mapper's botpathing, and even when that is decent, after you have played for a while you notice the bots are taking the same routes over and over and it becomes waaay too easy to exploit this.

An example of what I would like to see. You are playing a bot in rankin. You are up by the lightning gun with the rl and a bot is down by the flak cannon. You just fire a couple of rockets down and bam - easy kill. The bot records that it was killed at this position - down by the flak cannon so now it trys to avoid that area, or at least avoid that area when it knows an opponent is near. The pathnodes could be tagged or something. It also notes that the player that killed it was up by the lightning gun so now the bot knows that is a good place to be and it's a good idea to try and control that area. It could also note that the player was using the rl, so it could try and mimic that tactic and hold that top area with rl or flak cannon.
Then exactly the inverse happens when the bot kills a player, it notes where it was and decides that that was a good tactic to be there with that particular weapon. It also notes to try and avoid the area where the player was.

Same thing could happen in ctf, if a team of bots takes a certain route 10 times and every time it gets wiped out within a few seconds then it should learn that the route is to be avoided. And if the bots make a sucessfull capture, then they should try and use that route more often.

It becomes even more obvious with onslaught, bots simply learn which nodes are key to win the map. For example, it's a good idea in torlan to rush for the middle node at the start of the game so you can quickly disable the enemies' "base node".

I'm thinking maps already have .ucl files so data could be stored in some file like that maybe? Then players could also clear the bot records if they become too difficult to beat :p Also got no problem with map file mismatches then.

High quality maps with focus on gameplay

I think this one speaks for itself. I am glad to hear epic are working out all the map layouts first before going any further, that's always essential to get a fun map, but I am already concerned, I already saw in one of the magazine scans a map where you have a weapon on a walkway, then some random ammo over a gap which you have to jump. Use your head, I don't want tomb raider style jumping puzzles to collect 10 ammo for the shock rifle :con:

More original weapon models

I'm personally not bothered about seeing new weapons, and the ones that are supposedly being cut out I'm not too bothered about either (ok, the minigun I am a bit bothered about but it might not matter if it's replacement is done well).
I do however; want to see more inspired weapon models. For example, the link gun in UT2k4, it's just another generic techy type gun, doesn't look very interesting at all. Compare it to UT's pulse gun...ok it wasn't a work of genious but it certainly looked a lot more interesting with the spinning barrel on the end and such.
Look at the spider mine launcer, the avril, the grenade launcher, the lightning gun. All the models seem so uninspired and plain. Just some simple unique quirks make things look so much more interesting, such as the gears on the minigun.
Shield gun? Boring! I want the impact hammer back! Smearing someone with a giant piston vs some generic techy gun with a force field in front? Comeon, use your imagination.
The ripper was a good example, yeah it wasn't a good weapon in terms of gameplay, but firing circular razor blades at someone's head sure was fun :) (Even better when you search through the utx files and find it was actually originally designed to launch CDs :p)

Better music

Already been mentioned. I personally think there are some nice tracks, but UT's were just simply stronger. Some tracks (eg KR-ChemicalBurn, Level7) are just rather boring and repetative. Others (KR-Conduit, KR-Serenity, Level11, Level13...list goes on) I'm just left thinking...why are they there lol
Don't get me started on the UT2k3 themetune...yay, happy sunshine music :con:

Better single player system

Yeah, I know a lot of players aren't even going to look at the single player ladder, but I think with a bit of work it could actually be quite interesting. There's already some vague signs of "sports sim" style play what with injuries and all. While I certainly don't want to see UT turn into a full sport sim, I would really like to see a much more open-ended single player campaign thing. A proper league with fixtures against other teams I think would be really cool (like what deathball is implimenting) rather than "here, play these matches, oh well done you completed the ladder, the end" which is so boring.

errr wiii that didn't take long :con: was only supposed to be a short post


admiral spock!
Feb 15, 2004
i dont think thats what hes talking about.. but maybe its the same.. i think hes talking about surface properties.. shooting metal makes a metal hit decal/sound and shooting wood makes a wood hit decal/sound.. etc.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
...and when you shoot a plaster/concrete wall a puff of smoke emits, which is really the only effect from shooting I noticed in HL2 that was worth a damn (that they got from the movie Equilibrium, along with most of the game ideas in general).