ServerBots Beta 4
Ok I scrapped my "take control" version and went back and beefed up Beta 3.
This is about the best we going to get it I feel as the code for the Bots in UT2004 really really sucks bad.
Anyway I think I have improved on it, especially where spectators are concerned although due to the sudden death attitude of UT, when you 'soft' enter a game (spectator to player) UT kicks a random bot off so quickly I dont get time to catch it so ServerBots just puts it back but the score is 0.
Other than that, I have got it so if you put StartGame=False and rely on the Bots entering the game with the EntryTime=20 then the Bots will appear at 20 second intervals which is pretty cool.
I have also made it that even if you have StartGame=True and then if a player enters the game before the Bots have started, I quickly set StartGame=False internally as I found if these two happened at the same time the log swells to approx 2 megs in a very short space of time
Another thing, again due to the sucky code I have had to disable RandomPing as it caused chaos with the timers.
Last but not least, I have upgraded the TalkingBot (Bullsh1t) to the full 110 version of El Muertes, except be carefull as some of the variables names are slighty different.
All info is in the ini file.
Pow, I also added your request with great difficulty but you need to try it out and in the meantime I'll see if I can find a more simpler way of doing it.
The second Bot in your list, in this case Warloxx, can speak another language by adding a 2 after each phrase trigger.
Have a look in the ServerBots2.ini file there is an example in there where I have set what he can do in Afrikaans, just convert this to German.
The rest of you that dont want this option, just remove these 2's and the Bot will revert back to the normal.
I need you to check for me if I got the phrases the right way around, especially in the Killer/Killed section, so just check if he says the right thing depending on whether he kills or gets killed
If you guys can get me some feedback on this lot asap, it would be appreciated as its already the weekend and I need to fix bugs while all this code is still fresh in my brain as hell its a nightmare