babau said:
hope it stops the non-stop-dodging xploit...
and unlimited personal energy/stamina, weapon ammo, weapon fire time, weapon reload time, etc, etc, etc.
All of which I've seen first hand in spectator mode. I'm not going to name anyone, but I know which clans to watch out for.
Preventing external packages, and preventing modification of the internal packages is definitely a step in the right direction. It will help to eliminate some aimbots. Personally, I've never seen an aimbot in XMP, althought I've been skeptical at times. I know that they exist, and have been used in matches... but never seen them first hand.
The biggest thing to tackle, and the most openly exploited, would be the set commands. Currently, nothing is stopping people from abusing this and IMO this should be the top priority. No packages are modified, so XMPSecure wouldn't care about these kinds of hacks.