What I really wonder: what possible challenges would you put up against the team, with River seizing her full potential?
Now here is a question to ponder on... do you think River was the only one to recive such a training?
I'd been thinking about that myself in the "what would the story arc have done" in the long term type of way.
I doubt that River was the only one to have been expiremented on. River refers to other's being hurt at the school as well. Probably not the entire class -- as that would raise too much suspicion from parents (hmm all of our kids that went to this school are dead or zombies, ect ect.. I'm betting on a small percentage of the actual class would be expiremented on to the level of river's experiences.... It is of course possible that the other children may have been turned into aull blown-grade A vegitables, or that their powers have been increased greatly, or that each person may have had a unique gift. It's also never quite explained or infered if river's powers were a direct result of schools modification, or if the school simply released / expiremented on latent powers. Leading to The big question for the series: "Can anyone undergo similar surgery & training to become telepathic super soldiers or is it something that your born with, or some combo of the 2?
In the long term, i really saw 2 possibilities. One being the "epic war story" where Mal and crew unite the independant worlds and start another civil war with the Aliance.. with the aid of River and other freed Super Soliders ala Bab 5.
Or perhaps more likely, something more along the lines of a semi-linear story where the episodes would deal more with character interaction in adventurous ways? Personally i always saw river as either being destined to be slayn protecting the crew... and or meeting up with another "altered" and having a relationship (good or bad) and seeing how weird it would be to have to people able to read minds or similar powers deal with the whole teen romance thang.