R.I.P Infiltration. Greatest game I've EVER played. Hands-down. Thanks to the dev team, the beta team, and all the fans out there who put their blood, sweat and frags into this truly wonderful game. Many hours were played on this cult classic and I'm proud to be associated with it.
Truly, when I read this, I felt deeply saddened. The committment this team made to this game is incredible. Being only a small part of the beta team for 2.9, I got to see the meticulous attention to detail and dedication everybody put into this iteration of INF.
To me, realistic military first person shooters begin and end with Infiltration. Every semi-realistic game that I play is compared to INF and not one captures what we realists crave and need in a true simulation. I just can't put to words how this mod changed my perception of what can truly be accomplished by those that crave perfection.