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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
but yeah this game is the tits.



I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
But...what about my feelings?
How would I feel there? Don't you have empathy?


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
I should start posting some Terraria screenshots I have collected over time...

http://i.imgur.com/3rWW1ZL.png (not img tagged for size)

Here we have an example of Terraria's crack worldgen at work. And by crack worldgen, I mean ON crack. Everything is relatively normal until after the dungeon, then the terrain has a bunch of craters in it until you get to the right ocean, where you have a completely sheer 300 foot cliff you need a hook to get up to get to the ocean. What the FUCK, Terraria.

Here is an "underground" cabin...


K good work again Terraria


God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA
Given my excesses in screenshots posting, even with that there's usually hundreds of them just sitting around on my computer. As I'm currently having issues doing anything other than watch bot-matches, thought I'd empty those zillions to the various forums I'm on:


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000

Jesus, this one, lol. My favourite Terraria screenshot ever, and I'll tell you why.

On a server I used to help moderate (and later administrate, that is now since closed) we used to have Capture the Flag. It was unique to our server, you could not find anything like it anywhere else. Serverside characters, class-based, etc. I dont think I need to explain that.

I picked a Tank this round. 240 HPO, Platinum armour, three Warding accessories and an Orichalcum Halberd for a weapon. You're meant to be on the front lines, ripping face with your pointy stick.

I, of course, have other plans. During the five minutes before the game starts after teams have been chosen (that you use to build a defense, etc.) I found a Blowpipe in a chest. I took it and started cutting grass for seeds.

The game starts and it's some chaotic 10 on 10 affair (you can see I have 9 blue teammates). Action everywhere.

So I, as the tank, whip out the blowpipe and begin firing into the crowd. This gets me a lot of assists to pad out my stats, since you get credited with an assist if you damage an enemy and someone else finishes them off.

The blowpipe only does 8-10 damage normally. There's only three out of ten classes I can do more than 1 damage to with it.

So I'm firing it into the crowd from afar and one of my teammates notices me, drawing a "Really, Raden? xD" reaction which for some reason I thought was hilarious.

After about 12 minutes, it pays off and I get a random-ass blowpipe kill. Cue all-caps reactions there. Easily the funniest thing that ever happened in Terraria CTF.


Pre Terraria 1.3, you would find golden chests just out in the open. Starting with 1.3 they spawned inside dilapidated wooden huts. This was one of those wooden huts a friend and I found...


I swear to God, it spawned like this. No word of a lie. I called it Cock Cavern.


God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA
Recent chat, which has only just started, with Hook on Team-Games has had me thinking on it. Because as a skinner I know a lot of skins that were initially released by fans of the game didn't necessarily have all 4 team colors or any. I like to have all 4 of them, which is why I started learning how to fix that... but when I started posting some of my skins to the House·of·Fools it was pointed out that skins where team colors are less than obvious, aren't as good

So, a few things.

1. It's important that everyone on a team can tell who's with them and who isn't:

2. Some skins' team of choice is a little more subtle than some others, which can be a problem online:

3. If which team you're on is only obvious by whose flag you've got, maybe it can be a problem:

4. It's because of this I'm planning to update one of my 1st skin edits.

The Dark Hero skin was initially made from Chris Ollis' 1st released superhero skin pack (which had no team colors).

I used each hero as a different team color:

For RED I went with Captain America, as he's got a little more red than Superman (BLUE). In-game this can be hard for people new to it:

Fortunately, I eventually found his 2nd superhero (also no team colors) skin pack which has The Flash in it.

Planning to eventually incorporate that into it: