Saturday TDM/DTAS Revival

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Yes i played yesterday and my ping was batter.old ping was 100-110 now i have 60-70 and i am from slovenia.It was batter gameplay for me.I hope u got maxnetspeed on 20000 too_Other way u will have packet lost.20000 is minimum for 60 tick!It s to bad for ut engine don t have in original for client neetspeed 30000 with thet speed we could play 100 tick.Only way you have 30000 netspeed in client is if you change thet in infiltration.ini file.

Here you go read this this is true:
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- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
The thing I hate most about realtargets is shooting myself. Other than that I love it, and it is always active when I play offline (I see when I die due to shooting myself there).

Problem online is that ppl with a bad ping have even larger problems killing stuff.
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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
You can shot yourself with RT? Didn't know that. Must try today..

I actually learned to really like it [RT, not shooting myself..] when playing COOP, since there you sometimes end up having to shoot close behind a teammate, which can easily result in killing your teammate even though you are visually far enough away.

As for high-pingers having a harder time killing things - that's also true vice versa; I've heard more than one TS-teammate complain about it being hard to hit people with a high ping, something I haven't heard before on non RT servers.

- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
I am running a mutator from Olethros (OlethrosHP.u) offline telling me which range I score hits. And when it says 0 metres (and I get hurt without any bots in the area)...;). Geogob was developing on realtargets as far as I know, and he should know this bug exists, maybe ask him if you want a second confirmation.

If you want to try it, the effect seems to be related to leaning next to some wall or other kind of map geometry. Does not happen that often but...


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
The bug exist with RT. Some weapon use a weird point of origin for fire tracers, causing the bullet path to hit the players own hit areas.

RT was a nice idea, but still very experimental. Problem was to match the hit areas with animations. In theory everything is ready in the latest version to do this matching up, but it never got done. Probably with a better way to visualize hit areas it would be easier to do.

Anyway, I can confirm what Lich said... there's a bug where you can on some rare occasions hit yourself. It depends on your stance and the weapon you are using. Mostly happens when you are prone.

The discrepancies between the player animations and hit zones are worse when strafing.

If i'd had to restart from scratch, I'd probably do this in a very different way. I'll find a way do attach the hit zones to the player model skeleton, if at all possible. Attachment point exist for the weapon sling animation. Maybe it's possible to extend to any skeletal points. Alternative could to cheat and replicate skeletal position point positions to move hit zones. Meh. yeah.

EDIT: actually, doing what I last said would require changing the player class, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid with RT.
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New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Been too busy playing Arma 2 and trying to make a random assault mission that is inspired by DTAS (except instead of controlling a randomly placed zone you need to destroy randomly placed antennas, and instead of totally random spawning having the attackers spawn between X and Y meters away from the defenders). Too bad nobody actually puts it on a server to test.