Saturday TDM/DTAS Revival

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A Dickcheese Faggot
May 28, 2005
That would be great Maja ! , also you might have to think twice before using psyks camos cuz they have a greater impact on performance , cuz psyks Camos use ,I dono, 512x512 or 1024x1024 Texture dimensions and 256x256 is the normal size, and Im sure he used some Higher dimensions on the weapon textures aswell. People with up-to-date Computers prolly wont feel any hit but people with pretty old rigs will feel it pretty much.


A Dickcheese Faggot
May 28, 2005
I must say that I felt a great difference in playing with and without psytex, the P-server was much less laggy feeling to it, and there was no delay in the shoots as they hit someone, as I would get when I played on Xplods server , it could be psytex or realtargets that create the delay but it felt better on P-Server.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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Since Psytex basically changes textures only, I very much doubt it's possible that it creates lag or other mentioned behavior (most notably the fire to hit delay). RealTargets seems to be the better bet IMO - perhaps disabling it for the DTAS/TDM server might be worth a try.

BTW soultaker, why would you need to reinstall Inf to connect to a non-Psytex server? Psytex is (should be?) installed in a separate directory and be run by a separate shortcut. I've a bat-File (yeah, I know, I'm weird) for both Psytex and Non-Psytex Inf and both work fine; switching from Psytex to Non-Psytex is a matter of close Inf, restart Inf..
well when i was install infiltration all euro lol all (cerberon and xplod servers haved psytex)and then i was copyed (texture and system) into infiltration mod.I am runing infiltration normal with psytex not .bat file like u think.I can play only on psytex servers and i will not reinstall again.I would do thet if all servers would be without psytex.

I was reinstall inf 7x on linux and now i have enough of infiltration setup.
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M. Fenix

C:\Users>format /all [y/n?]_
Sep 3, 2005
Only microbes still crawl around these boards.. and I'm the janitor.
I don t belive that!Maybe if you have slow pc.If you wanna have batter ping fix tickrate.if u have 20 of tick your ping on lan is 50 with 33 is 33 with 66 is 18-22 and 100 tick is 10-13 ping on lan.You have bad ping with psytex if your pc is slow.with good computure you have the same ping.I remember when i was playing on fools server my ping was allways 100-120 on your server is 85-120 and u have psytex in!without psytex my ping will be the same.i can bet on this :D i Tested 10 times:p hmmm but i think gameplay will be batter without psytex like i sad before i got lagy problem and it is not server foult.It s on my pc and thet is psytex.if i run inf again is cool for 1 hour at list :( windws can take 60 tickrate and tick will drop down in few hours.on linux u can have 100 and tick will not drop down :D but linux server for inf got many bugs.ut works great and inf is not working so fine on linux. i would like to try on your server maja but my inf is deleted.
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yes and i belive you are so far away (america)?
your ping is under 200 and thet my friend is not playibble without lag.
with my ping is still playibble and my ping is 85-120 i would say 110 on f6 in inf...
you have Nice pc!
i have amd 4.6ghz 4gb of ram nvidea 8600 gt
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Mar 5, 2003
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Okay, we found the problem with the warping-effect I think. Soultaker asked me to set the tickrate to 60. I said it to XploD and he looked at the server. Tickrate was 20. Now it's 60 now. The ping is better and the warping-effect should also be better...