mat69 said:
INF is not real and not even close.
Thats why all my suggestions here, muahah.
Actually a different kind of TDM, a 'TDM+strategic objective' thing would simulate real infantry better than current EAS.
EAS is more of SpecOps in a very weird way, it doesn't feel real in any way. I
nfantry don't have objectives to take papers from a box that is somewhere in a room.
1) Infantry have to defeat the enemy force, by dominating locations. EAS-INF-DS-Arid is the best infantry map with the optimal objectives to me.
Infantry should capture strategic positions and all that.
1.1)As I allready suggested, the attackers can have a small SF unit byside the mass infantry, that have to get data, or top secret stuff, the infantry have no clue about details of the SF's guys task, but know what area to capture and cover to help the SF unit.
1.2)As suggested in the Variable Geometry thread in the new version suggestions section, random map geometry could create all new locations so you don't know the place like you live there. That would increase the realism.
2) I think SpecOps missions can be done the best by beeing a co-op game agains A.I. Where the enemies aren't players that just wait for you to come, but patrouling guards and units that you have to avoid and get top secret stuff.
3) Some military CQB combat would be good as semi-TDM+task. You (military CT unit) have to get into a house and for example rescue a hostage. You have a small building and the single hostage. Either the CQB unit will be wiped out, or they 'capture' the hostage and win.
Fast gameplay, a matter of few minutes, like real hostage rescue thing are.
You'll have various gametypes and gamepalys that way and that would create the most realistic military experience as it gets.
Sure it is not meant to be real; it's a game, but just to create the optimal illusion, that is the core of playing that game.
I´m sure 'As real as it gets' can be done 1000 times better than it is now. I hope the next INF can move more toward this.