Rip's Excessive Server

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Nov 12, 2014
Hopping on for a bit.

Gonna try out this ADR stuff 0_o
So.... NewNet.... we could finally beat the shit out of Oskeno. How much interest is there? From the looks of it, it wouldn't be easy to implement, at the least..... if it's even possible for EO. But the source code is out there.

Interest in it? Experience with it?


Nov 12, 2014
So.... NewNet.... we could finally beat the shit out of Oskeno. How much interest is there? From the looks of it, it wouldn't be easy to implement, at the least..... if it's even possible for EO. But the source code is out there.

Interest in it? Experience with it?
I play on a few servers running it..only instagib though. for that, its above and beyond what zeroping ever was.

I think theres quite a bit of code specific to particular weapons for reg ut. Not sure if it will play nice out of the box with eo/adr. TimTim, the author, i believe has made some mention of this on the forums.

If you want to give it a whirl, im all for it. during my times of bad ping spikes i coukd get up to 300 ping without it really affecting gameplay. i think its a lot easier to accomplish this with hitscan weapons, so again Not sure what happens with rockets and other stuff.


Nov 12, 2014
I play on a few servers running it..only instagib though. for that, its above and beyond what zeroping ever was.

I think theres quite a bit of code specific to particular weapons for reg ut. Not sure if it will play nice out of the box with eo/adr. TimTim, the author, i believe has made some mention of this on the forums.

If you want to give it a whirl, im all for it. during my times of bad ping spikes i coukd get up to 300 ping without it really affecting gameplay. i think its a lot easier to accomplish this with hitscan weapons, so again Not sure what happens with rockets and other stuff.

Good to hear someone's experience with it, thanks Sparky. I'm all for doing what I can to attract more people and make the game as modern as possible on my server, it's just a question of time and when it would take a lot of time, if the people I care about would appreciate it. I'm not ready to look into it real deep right now, but it seems like it needs input on damage values, and probably firing values as well, which can be hard to pin down in EO, with multiple things in the equation like explosion damage, and when the firingrate property isn't doing the job changing the sleep value instead..... etc. And, I'm sure it's not without its quirks, which would probably come out of the woodwork here heh. :hmm:


Nov 12, 2014
I know Oskeno has played on those servers as well but I'm not sure ive ever seen his ping above 80 :)

Though newnet was likely helping him hit me when i was spiking instead of making me unhittable. He always wins :-/


Nov 12, 2014
CTF maps?
I could restart it for that and take a little longer. I wanted to just get it up first. Should about have it.

Well, it's up, but the trans special fire I added is all kinds of messed up. Going to leave it on so you can check out the other stuff if you want. Maybe I can whip up a fixed version quick.
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Nov 12, 2014
Sorry about that, you caught me inbetween versions. But it looks like I fixed it and I'm done. :) Password gone.


Nov 12, 2014
It seems I've run out of space in the ServerPackages. :rolleyes:

So for the time being I've taken off the custom skins. They were taking up a lot of space and I didn't want to be unfair to anybody by leaving some clan's on. Sorry guys. :( I've heard the thing to do is combine them into one package! Can anybody do that for me? :shy: lol.

Oh yeah. Trying out a new "gore setup" LOL on the ADR gametypes. Let me know which you prefer..... I'm looking at you Osk. Real killers either don't let the blood get in their eyes in the first place or it doesn't effect them! Pshaw.
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Nov 12, 2014
It seems I've run out of space in the ServerPackages. :rolleyes:

So for the time being I've taken off the custom skins. They were taking up a lot of space and I didn't want to be unfair to anybody by leaving some clan's on. Sorry guys. :( I've heard the thing to do is combine them into one package! Can anybody do that for me? :shy: lol.
I remember a mod called Valhalla or something similar that instead of requiring the server to host the skin packages, it just allows anybody with the same skins installed locally to see custom ones used by other players. If somebody doesn't have the skin, they just see a regular skin. Probably easier than combining everything into one package.


Nov 12, 2014
Oh look, sir Dagger even references it on his website in the server build section.
Here is a download link for the mod.

Below is the readme for reference.
Valhalla-The great hall in Norse mythology where the souls of heroes slain in battle are received.

Avatar-An incarnation in human form.

Right, so what on earth does this mod do?

Valhalla Avatar (VA) is a mod that allows clients to use any model, skin, or voicepack on your server, regardless of whether or not it is installed server-side. Many games, such as the later Quake games (2 &3) already have this supported, unfortunately UT's custom content system is quite limited. Many have wished for a more custom content friendly sytem in Unreal Tournament, and I created this mod as an answer.

What are the new features in Valhalla Avatar Beta2 (Version 0.9)?

-The start of a menu system has been created! The most important menu is playerinfo, which allows you to view what models, skins, and voicepacks players are using!

-Fixes for all bugs reported, including, but not limited to: Frozen players, players animating at endgame, gibs not showing, and bad skins.

-Unreal I skins are now forced into the player menu. Also, the skin support system for Unreal I models has been upgraded to OldSkool 2.30 standard.

-Support for the challenge animation (taunt challenge).

-Some other cool stuff. :)

So what cool features does the mod at this time?

-Clients can use any LEGAL model, skin, or voicepack on the server. They are no longer limited to what the server admin has installed.

-Any client who has this model/skin/voicepack installed will see it. Otherwise it will revert to a selected default (see configuration section below).

-Unreal I models are supported and are automatically added to the player setup menu.

-Models can now be swapped in game!

-Gestures can be stopped or reduced.

-Menus can be used to view the model, skin, and voicepack of other players on the server!

-Some enhancements from CTF/E by Dr SiN have been included. These allow you to use teleporters in waiting mode and also to use flags in teamsay (more info below).

-In theory, lag should be reduced, do to less information being transfered.

What will be present in the final version?

-A highly advanced menu system to configure options and see information about other players.

-POSSIBLE: An external downloader that will attempt to download a model/skin/voice pack from a master server that you do not have installed. However, do not get your hopes up about this.

-More options to control skin and mesh reverting. Possibly multilpe meshes you can choose which are randomized.

-Name scripts: Somewhat like Quake I, this will allow your name to animate (and no, this will not make it harder to kick you from the server :p)

-More limits on new mesh/skin loading. Through options, you can limit the swap until the player dies. You will also be able to not load any new meshes until you die or view the scores.

-Much more powerful console that will allow you to change your skin, view info, etc. through just console commands.

-Support for Rocket Arena.

-Some stuff that have yet to be suggested. Email me at if you have an idea for a feature!

Sounds nice, now how do I install it?

To install VA, you will want to unzip the contents of the distribution zip in to your UnrealTournament directory. The zip file contains additional directories so make sure you expand with pathnames. Once installed, you will need to load up UNREALTOURAMENT.INI in to a text editor. Multiple Servers Note: You will have to do this step for each .ini file you use to run your servers.

Find the section labeled [Engine.GameEngine]. This section contains all of the server actors and packages for UT. You will need to make 2 changes and they can be anywhere within this section. Add these 2 lines:


Once you have made these 2 changes, VA is ready to go.

Also, feel free to remove any voicepack, skin or model related serverpackages. These include files like skeletalchars and multimesh. The only purpose of leaving them is to force clients to have these packages installed.

Running Valhalla Avatar?

Once the above is installed, start your server as you always would. Simple as that. When it first starts, VA will an entry in to your log file similar to this one:

ScriptLog: ____________________________
ScriptLog: #0.9# #
ScriptLog: # # # #
ScriptLog: # # #####
ScriptLog: # # # #
ScriptLog: # # BETA #
ScriptLog: ____________________________
ScriptLog: # aSuccess: Initialized! a #
ScriptLog: Client overrides: True
ScriptLog: Default player: botpack.tmale1
ScriptLog: Gesture interval: 3.000000
ScriptLog: Mesh and skin in-game changing enabled!
ScriptLog: ____________________________

Players can see that they are on a VA server by reading the message given in their console. In the final versions, this message will be more visible.

Setting up Valhalla Avatar

You may use the INI file included in the ZIP to set up Valhalla Avatar. Please note that there are options in the INI other than the ones that follow. However, these are NOT supported in the BETA (but will be in the final).

BadClasses=<64 lines to list models you do not want used>
Valhalla Avatar has the option of filtering out models the admin does not wish to have used on their server. Simply enter in the class name you do not wish to be used. For instance if you do not wish to have the Skaarj Trooperon your server, simply have:


Players will now no longer be able to play as a Skaarj Trooper (you may want to disable support for team games).

DefaultPlayer=<playerpawn classname>
Simply replace with the class you wish to have used if a model is filtered. For instance if you want all filtered models to become warcows, use:


This is perhaps the most important option in Valhalla Avatar. If this is true (default), then clients are free to use any model they wish to replace one that they do not have installed. While this does increase the custom models in game, there is a potential risk of CHEATING. If you are the paranoid kind of person, set this to false. The model reverted to on the client system will then be forced to the Male Commando with Blake skin.

GestureTime=<0-32767 8 digits after decimal allowed>
Gestures, everyone loves them! Or maybe not.... This option controls the delay between gestures. If a client tries to gesture before the delay has run out, the animation will simply not play. If you are a true tyrant, set this to 0, and no gestures will be allowed on the server at all. Note that this option is ignored when gameplay has ended.

Due to Valhalla Avatar only using one player class, it is now possible to swap modelsin game! However, this option controls that.

Settings Description
0 Players may not change their model or skin in game.
1 Players may change their skin, but not model, in game.
2 Players may change both their skin and model in game.

Valhalla Avatar has various console commands. Please note these will only work if you are a player, not a spectator.

Command Description
Help Help on the following commands or general command information.
SetDefault Specify the class name of the model you wish to revert to if you do not have one a player is using installed.
SetGestureTime Specify the delay between gestures. If you choose 0, no gestures will play. Ignored when gameplay has finished.
TeamSay Yes, it is the same command as normal UT (use key R). Yet, this one has enhancements to tell about info. Use the following switches and infomation will be insterted:
%H - inserts your health.

%W - inserts the name of the weapon you are holding.

%A - insters the amount of armor you have.

%P- CTF ONLY! Calculates what you appear to be doing and inserts it in.

ChangeMyTeam<team> This simply changes your team to the number you place in. I recommend using the CSHP commands however, if that is installed.
Who even made this?

Programmer: UsAaR33

DPMS Core: Ob1-Wan

Some code by: Psychic_313 and Dr. SiN

Special thanks to:

Mongo (for a lot of help)

Darkbyte (Testing/help)

The_Lamb (Valhalla portion of name)

Psychic_313 (Avatar portion of name)

Epicknights, PuF, and GTF (encouragement)


Nov 12, 2014
Oh look, sir Dagger even references it on his website in the server build section.
Here is a download link for the mod.

Below is the readme for reference.

Dagger's website sure is helpful! I remember that Valhalla mod, now. Ehhh I didn't like it then and still don't, because when you're wearing a skin it's for other people to see it, you certainly don't. I would prefer to MAKE people see them haha. And sometimes when you are wearing a certain skin, you might not like what people will see you as if they can't see the certain skin. That bothered me heh! I didn't want to be seen as the Male Soldier. :p Because of my opinion I had not thought of it! Buttt, I guess it's what I need right now! Thanks Sparky!


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Sounds like you have the power to set whatever the default skin is so you can make it Nali cows like you like.

Also, most of us have the old clan skins installed now or at least in our cache. Just remind everyone to install then from daggers site or run cache cleaner. In guessing Valhalla doesn't count skins in your cache as installed.

You likely won't get complaints cutting a skin out here or there to get under the limit. AEX , your skin is getting cut unless you make a comeback. ;)

Who wants to start the Friday frag fest thread this week?