almost done.. the gamemake linked is the 3.3 version. goes to 4.7 version page too goes to 4.7 version page too
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ProAsm said:I have lost all FTP access to my ISP so I cannot update GameMake3.3 to 3.4 and cannot copy ut2vote48.html as ut2vote47.html to fix the problem till Socke gets here.
Now it seems my ISP is down so I cannot even re-direct the url to my site.
Everytime without fail when we release UT2Vote everything goes wrong - it has to be telling us something.
Please try and keep stuff like this off the public forum.Posted by Socke on the public forum
ok, i fixed the
could you please point the german help to:
and the manual to:
CVROY said:In the new 48 manual I see skinbright= and it's explanation. I do not however see it in the .ini file... does it still function if I put it in there myself? The bStandardServer is not in the ini either.