Warren: There was also a case in Canada, where a man broke into a woman's house, and was bitten by a guard dog. He sued, and the dog had to be destroyed. A dog had to die for being trained to do what it was supposed to do. And the crown dropped the charges against him because of "trauma from the physical damages he suffered." In another travesty of justice, the courts of British Columbia ruled TWICE that it was unconstitutional to outlaw the distribution of child pornography, because it was against the right of freedom of expression. I felt like expressing myself by blowing up a courthouse or two... though restraint was a good thing in that case.
Also, consider the flip side of the coin to the terrorist's "balls-to-bones" theory. What if the South had won the American civil war, and slavery was still allowed in the United States. The Yankees would be nothing but a terrorist movement, some anti-government psychos. Or even deeper still, had the United States' War of Independence been won by the British, then the revolutionaries would have been nothing more than terrorists too.
You're only a revolutionary if you win. If you lose, you're a terrorist. Che Guevera and Fidel Castro, another fine example of revolutionaries-cum-terrorists.
Life is so abstract that you have to remember to see everything in shades of gray.
Corin: On the topic of marijuana, the predominant psychoactive, delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol (more commonly known as THC) has resulted in fewer fatalities than alcohol or tobbaco/nicotine products. The facts are as follows: Marijuana is 1/2 as carcenogenous as tobacco. Marijuana contains no poison, unlike nicotine or tobacco. Marijuana does not damage your liver. Marijuana contains no long-lasting effects on mental synapses or brain cells (like alcohol does.) 97% of all motor vehicle fatalities involving marijuana have also shown that the drivers of the car(s) have had some alcohol in their systems. 42% of those people had alcohol over the legal limit. Marijuana is a gateway drug. If that's true, so is alcohol and tobacco. Its even more amazing (or sad, depending on how you look at it) that marijuana, along with hash, opiates, and other naturally occuring hallucinogens/stimulants were outlawed to keep import drug trade down. The domestic-grown cannabis, Hemp, was commonly used as a smoke product, and only outlawed and deemed controlled once the DuPont chemical company (in bed with the government) found a way to make synthetic rug fibers. Other governments soon followed suit. It depresses me, really, that a solvent that poisons your liver, kills your brain, results in a loss of inhibitions, and aids in vehicle fatalities, coupled with a smoking product filled with known toxic chemicals and active poisons, undiluted pesticides, that kills your lungs, throat, pallette, and colon can be sold on the open market, their taxed blood money paying much in the way of our children's educations, whereas an illegal product, supported by 51% of the North American population, with no extreme adverse side effects, no toxins known to man, no harmful bi-products, no lasting effect on neural tissue, responsible solely for a sense of euphoria is outlawed because corporations are to greedy to allow it to exist.
I'm not defending drugs or anything. Having done blow and PCP, that's a land I'm not going back to, and I'm glad I quit weed. But placing pot above alcohol and tobacco in the terms of legality or not, or how it makes you feel or not, is really, really not right.
I know, that's a helluva run on sentence. Shouldn't this go in the rants forum?