Realistic weapons in FPS's

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Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR

That's it- you're skipping dinner pal- go STRAIGHT to your office and don't come out until 2.8 is finished..

dammit we don't have an office..

why am I always the last one to find this stuff out?


warren looks for his other pants


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Jan 26, 2000
San Jose, CA
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/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif You guys are sick and twisted.

Good thing you dont have any CHiP's on your shoulders, eh?

Edit: About the reason I didn't add alcohol, I have had prior experience with both marijuana and alcohol, and a few others, I am most definitely not proud of what I chose to do with my free time in those days; but I am proud that I eventually chose to stop smoking marijuana, and to stop doing illegal drugs at all. My reason: I found myself getting stupid; and I can watch my friends who still smoke get stupider every day. I am just lucky I guess, that I was able to quit with no difficulty. I think there are reasons that some drugs are illegal and others are not, messing with your mind being one of them.

Alcohol has effects on my motorskills, my mood, and my senses, but so far it hasn't made me dumb. In other words, it's not f**king with my mind like marijuana did. I have decided that anything that can make me paranoid or forgetful or just plain stupid is something that is extremely bad for me. I also quit smoking cigarretes because of a bad cough. I know I was addicted but I didn't have any problem stopping, just a slight craving when I saw others. I am glad I didn't have nicotine fits, like I have heard of. :tidE

[This message has been edited by Corin (edited 03-29-2000).]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Warren: There was also a case in Canada, where a man broke into a woman's house, and was bitten by a guard dog. He sued, and the dog had to be destroyed. A dog had to die for being trained to do what it was supposed to do. And the crown dropped the charges against him because of "trauma from the physical damages he suffered." In another travesty of justice, the courts of British Columbia ruled TWICE that it was unconstitutional to outlaw the distribution of child pornography, because it was against the right of freedom of expression. I felt like expressing myself by blowing up a courthouse or two... though restraint was a good thing in that case.

Also, consider the flip side of the coin to the terrorist's "balls-to-bones" theory. What if the South had won the American civil war, and slavery was still allowed in the United States. The Yankees would be nothing but a terrorist movement, some anti-government psychos. Or even deeper still, had the United States' War of Independence been won by the British, then the revolutionaries would have been nothing more than terrorists too.

You're only a revolutionary if you win. If you lose, you're a terrorist. Che Guevera and Fidel Castro, another fine example of revolutionaries-cum-terrorists.

Life is so abstract that you have to remember to see everything in shades of gray.

Corin: On the topic of marijuana, the predominant psychoactive, delta-9 tetrahydrocannibinol (more commonly known as THC) has resulted in fewer fatalities than alcohol or tobbaco/nicotine products. The facts are as follows: Marijuana is 1/2 as carcenogenous as tobacco. Marijuana contains no poison, unlike nicotine or tobacco. Marijuana does not damage your liver. Marijuana contains no long-lasting effects on mental synapses or brain cells (like alcohol does.) 97% of all motor vehicle fatalities involving marijuana have also shown that the drivers of the car(s) have had some alcohol in their systems. 42% of those people had alcohol over the legal limit. Marijuana is a gateway drug. If that's true, so is alcohol and tobacco. Its even more amazing (or sad, depending on how you look at it) that marijuana, along with hash, opiates, and other naturally occuring hallucinogens/stimulants were outlawed to keep import drug trade down. The domestic-grown cannabis, Hemp, was commonly used as a smoke product, and only outlawed and deemed controlled once the DuPont chemical company (in bed with the government) found a way to make synthetic rug fibers. Other governments soon followed suit. It depresses me, really, that a solvent that poisons your liver, kills your brain, results in a loss of inhibitions, and aids in vehicle fatalities, coupled with a smoking product filled with known toxic chemicals and active poisons, undiluted pesticides, that kills your lungs, throat, pallette, and colon can be sold on the open market, their taxed blood money paying much in the way of our children's educations, whereas an illegal product, supported by 51% of the North American population, with no extreme adverse side effects, no toxins known to man, no harmful bi-products, no lasting effect on neural tissue, responsible solely for a sense of euphoria is outlawed because corporations are to greedy to allow it to exist.

I'm not defending drugs or anything. Having done blow and PCP, that's a land I'm not going back to, and I'm glad I quit weed. But placing pot above alcohol and tobacco in the terms of legality or not, or how it makes you feel or not, is really, really not right.

I know, that's a helluva run on sentence. Shouldn't this go in the rants forum?

Mr. T

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Feb 20, 2000
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Mojo is right. It's gets worse when you consider the number of people in our jails and prisons with marijuana related offenses. Thus costing the tax payers more money, overcrowding the prison system etc.. It's something that affects everyone. Now, let me make this clear. I do not defend any of these drugs. I used to do that shit too, and would never go back to it. It is not good for your heart or your lungs - if smoked. And I don't recomend it to anyone.
Just Say NO! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


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Jan 26, 2000
San Jose, CA
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Oh, I definitely know that cigarettes are much worse for you than marijuana is health-wise, but any studies saying that it has no adverse side-effects on your brain and mind, are total bullshit. I would much rather be dead than to have my brain f**ked up alot, that's why I quit. One thing to point out though, all things effect you based on the degree of emersion. I drink a beer, mmm it tastes good. I drink 6 beers, I'm drunk as hell. Same goes with other drugs.


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Mar 14, 2000
Lexington, MA, USA
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Well, I'm coming into this subject late, so I'll just express my views on all of the things that were brought up.
On realistic weapons in games:
Have you heard of Rainbow 6, Rogue Spear, or Swat 3? Other FPS games like Half-Life and Soldier of Fortune use predominantly realistic weapons (if not damage). I sincerely doubt that realistic weapons mods such as Counterstrike and INF. has had much effect, if any, on the sales of Half-Life and UT. 95% of the people who bought them probably hadn't even HEARD of these mods.

On violence:
Leave video games, TV, movies, etc. alone and just take away the freaking second amendment. It is totally irrelevent today. I know a lot of you are "gun nuts" and might not agree with me on this, but guns are outlawed in Japan and they have an annual murder rate of like 50 or something. Keep theguns in video games and movies, there's no reason for the average person to have them in real life.

On drugs:
Anything up to weed is alright in moderation, other drugs will f-ck you up.
Just my own damned opinion.


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Oh jeez.

The Second Amendment is anything but irrelevent. In the modern world tyranny and crime preventable by self defense still exist. How much, you ask? Over 2,000,000 people defend thesmeslves with guns each year, and there are estimates that over 50,000 crimes are not even attemted because the criminal feared his victim was armed, each year- both dwarf the # of people killed by guns annually (35,000).

Thanks for insulting anyone who disagrees with you before they even speak, that's real mature. Why debate when you can just call the other guy a gun nut? Just keep listening to the talking heads on TV, they wouldn't mislead you about those who defend their constitutional rights as American citizens.

Japan had low crime before they passed any gun laws at all. That's just the way their country is. Ours is much more violent, and guns do not contribute to this- we have more murders with knives and blunt objects than they do, too. And in japan they convict over 99% of those prosecuted, usually the cops just beat the guy 'till he confesses, guilty or not.

You may not think YOU have a reason to own a gun, but when you say my rights should be taken away I am insulted.

[This message has been edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] (edited 03-29-2000).]

Mr. T

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Feb 20, 2000
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Disagree. The mod communities out there have grown significantly over the last few years. Mod developers are a lot more in touch with the consumer than the game development companies are. Sales can definately be attributed to the mods for these games. That we can be sure of.

Disagree. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

And concerning drugs. I thought the whole reason to use any of them in the first place was to get yourself f'd up. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Take away the second amendment? I don't think so! In the country I come from (Canada) guns are fairly well regulated and controlled (long rifles are the least controlled, handguns are more heavily controlled [very concealable] and assault and automatic weapons are banned outright from civilian use.)

HOWEVER, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. There will always exist illegitimate channels with which to acquire weapons, and anybody with enough balls to go through with a bank robbery, assassination, or kidnapping has enough balls to purchase high tech weapons stolen from military or paramilitary organizations licensed to use those weapons. I'd much rather have a safety-locked M4 in my home, key tucked away from prying children's eyes but still within easy reach. If somebody breaks into my house, I want to be able to stuff a gun barrel in their face and tell them to get the hell out. If somebody were to threaten my family with a weapon, I'd want to do the same.

We all have the right to personal defence.


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Mar 14, 2000
Lexington, MA, USA
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I didn't say to completely outlaw guns, I said to not give every person the right to have a gun. And guns may not kill people by themselves, but they are USED to kill people, and it's a helluva lot easier to cap someone than to try to carve someone up with a knife. And sure "outlaws" could still manage to get guns, but at least it would be harder for them. What the hell does the average American need protection against anyway? The only logical way I can see guns be used is for target practice, hunting, and law enforcement types.


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Jan 26, 2000
San Jose, CA
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MJACK, you said that we should "take away the freaking second ammendment", that would effectively take away the rights of all private citizens to bear arms. There is no way in hell, the democrats would vote for any kind of legislation to allow only certain people to own guns, and if you think about it, you already have to have a liscence to legally own a gun.

What else can you do to decide who gets guns? Psychiatric evaluation? That's just plain sick, and an invasion of privacy. Wear a patch on your clothes? Hmmm reminds me of Germany prior and during WW2, I'm sure the the jewish loved that law. Maybe we should all wear anklebracelets. Yea! I'm a criminal now! Happy Day.

The way I see it, we have had too many of our rights taken away in the name of "freedom". Bigger government just means bigger brother.


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Mar 14, 2000
Lexington, MA, USA
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Well, I doubt what I'm advocating has a realistic chance of being implemented, I was just saying that if there were less guns there would be less murders, and the average US citizen has no reason to own a gun. What are the chances of you're house being robbed?
Buy a freaking burgalar alarm.
Hmmm...touchy subject, 02:00 AM...been drinking Grapa (DiBrunello, straight from Italy, and yes it is f**king with my mind but I if it didn't I wouldn't drink it).
As for weed...if you like it smoke it. If you don't, well, don't. Just don't tell me what to do as long as I don't blaze a dubie in your house. Also don't sell it to my little brother (the one under 15) or I'll smack you in the face. (Not directed to anyone on these boards, unless of course you sell weed to my six year old brother in which case I will be forced to smack you ;-)The other three are old enough to make ther own decisions...
...which brings me to my point.

Someone else touched on this: Let people make their own decisions and hold them accountable. You shoot 10 people you are a murderer, plan and simple. But is it that simple? Don't we have to find an answer? So we can try to stop the violence? I say no, we don't. We are looking to create (through legislation) a perfect society. Something that I feel is impossible. Humans are too imperfect and emotional to live in perfect societies and violence, while heartbreaking at times, and necessary at others, is a part of life.

Only people who know how to use weapons should be allowed to own least this would help eliminate some of the really stupid accidents that happen. We will never be able to determine ahead of time the nature of a man. A dude with a totally clean slate, wall street job could be the most disgusting sociopath walking the streets. The nicest person in your office might be silently supressing his urge to let loose on the entire building with his new AK. This is a reality of life, but we should not let our Governement tell us why this is the case and how to deal with it. They need to spend their time thinking of better ways to spend our tax money and increase trade and foreign markets by helping our best private industries capture the telecommunications market, and alternative fuel industries (and this can go for any country). The second we let our freedom and our moral values be dictated to us is the second we need to start reevaluating our own roles in our lives.

What a cool totally off-topic thread...these message boards are almost as cool as the game. Where's my Bob Marley albums?

That would be me...gettin' fragged.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, the reason why you don't limit who gets a gun and who doesn't is really very simple, because while it may be quicker and easier to go out and get a gun and cap somebody than knife them up, its even easier, and virtually untraceable, to run out to a wooded area, get some fine wood such as Yew, carve it, make a decent bow, make some pointy, aerodynamic arrows, and put them in somebody's heart, if you really wanted to. And that's the point, I think if anybody really wants to, they will go and do it.

As for criminals having an easier time getting guns on the open market than the black market, I really question your judgment here. The black market is huge, and it exists because people make use of it constantly. The open market is for legitimate, private citizens to gather munitions for hunting, collecting, personal protection. The black market caters to criminals. Want a hot gun? Good, go there. A criminal would have to be very, VERY stupid to use his own licensed and registered, serial numbered, weapon to kill somebody.

As for the whole perfect world deal, I agree. A perfect world will never, ever exist. Face it, if people were perfect enough to have a perfect world, it would already be a Utopian society. Unfortunately, for all the ways we delude ourselves that man is superior to all other life, higher thought, sentience, and emotions are a dangerous, volatile mix. Do dogs wage wars? No, they kill when they need to kill, to protect themselves, their pack, or to feed. Does man wage war? Yes, and why? Because he wants one more oil field. Because this government doesn't agree with him on topics x and y. Ipso facto, man is stupid.

As for kids and drugs, yes, I smoke up, but I would never, ever smoke in front of a kid. Anybody 0-15 I figure is to influencable to make their own decisions on what's right for them. But as soon as you can drive a car (and consequently make the choice to run people over or not, and legally smoke if you so choose) then I waive all your rights of sheltered world and innocence. Time to make you grow up and face harsh reality.
ok, well i'm supposed to be writing my paper right now, so i won't get into the big argument here, but i feel i must comment about the bow. two objections to this
1. do you know how hard it is to go make a bow and arrows? my god, it's impossible, i'm making one right now. well, not right now, right now, but you know what i mean.
2. is a bow really a good murder weapon? you cannot conceal it, you have to be a really good shot to kill with one arrow, and you can't really be too far away. maybe if your victim lives in a secluded house by themselves or something, but then it'd be easier to just run up and knife em!
ok, well i think i'll comment on the pot too. i smoke up sometimes. haven't for a while, but i enjoy it. i even made my own bowl. like the bow. and the chain mail i'm gonna start soon. see a trend here? anyway, it may be an enjoyable experience and all, but i could easily do without it and i really don't have a problem with it because against the law. i wouldn't want everyone walking around high all the time. you don't work right when you're high. what would your boss say if you came into work high, couldn't concentrate on your work and couldn't remember what happened two minutes ago? pot should be against the law and that's that. it's fine to smoke cigarettes because they don't f*** you up. you can do anything when smoking cigarettes. that's why you are allowed to smoke them. and i'm sure they give the government lots of money or something too, but i don't know anything about that.
oh, and don't even think about outlawing guns, because it'll never happen, see all the previous posts about that. one simply should not try because it's impossible. plus, guns are fun! i love the shooting range and i'd like to get a gun when i graduate in another five years...ok, now i'm sure i said something stupid, but i don't feel like rereading my post, so just live with it ok!



de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
What about beer? Beer f***s you up too (as a matter of fact pot is safer per amount of intoxication), but it is legal. If you came to work high (or drunk), you'd probably just be fired. The government shouldn't be outlawing things just because they are bad for you, anything can be bad for you if you consume enough. The government should just end the war on drugs- boom, no more drug dealers, tons more money for the govt.(probably lower taxes), twice the police force available (we're using half our cops for drug enforcement now), who knows how much more prison space available, and *maybe* the street gangs won't be able to afford so many black market assault rifles.

[This message has been edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] (edited 04-02-2000).]

Mr. T

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Feb 20, 2000
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Actually, if pot is smoked regularly, every day, and in some sort of moderation, it becomes more of a relaxing agent, instead really f'n you up. Unless it's kind bud, Maui Wowee, or whatever the hell you want to call it.

Concentration can be maintained quite well, regardless of what mental activity you are attempting to perform. But I suppose it can affect people differently.

If you don't believe me, try smoking it once or twice a day, for a year, and then report back your results.

Oh, and it's not illegal everywhere you know.


Aug 14, 1999
Wow, look at all the former drugies /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I'd bet that every single one of you guys stopped when INF got started. Its the best drug anywhere: its free, it legal, short term effects. ahhhh
Couple of co-workers of mine went to the Hashbash that goes on in Ann Arbor, Michigan today. Its funny how most police won't do anything about its use up there today and yet it is still illegal.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!