Rate the last game you played

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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Crysis was the last new game I finished. I give it 9/10. It was an amazing FPS experience.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was the last game I played (just now.) I have to give it 11/10. That game is still incredible today in every aspect. After going through it almost 20 times I must consider the possibility that I might play through it more times than I played through FF7.


Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
Unreal Tournament 3 - 9/10 (Would be a 10 if it had Domination.)
Domination or Double Domination ? Anyway,I liked both gametypes,it was very funny to play these gametypes with some people,hehe good that I still play UT2004,but yeah it would be cool to see this gametype back in UT3.Perhaps somebody will make a remake of this gametype.:)

Seems like you really enjoy it to play UT3,isn't it.:D

Vers Vlees

Oohhh a custom title
Nov 30, 2002
The Netherlands
IL-2 Sturmovik (46): 9.3/10
The best combat flight sim, period. Sure you don't have fancy missiles or jets (well, you actually do have a few jets, but they are WWII-era), but the dogfighting is amazing. Few things are more exhilarating than pulling out of a Split-S and ripping a ****er's tail off.

Its a good game. I have IL2 forgotten battles Its a standalone expack of the original IL2 game.
If you like the WOII pacific theatre. I recommend (IL2) Pacific Fighters a game from the same creators as IL2. It uses the same engine but now you can fly zero's, corsairs and hellcats. Its one of those games I have for a long time but I never seem to get around to actually play it.

but seriously they need to make some good modern day flightsimulators again. The last modern day flight sim I played a lot was USNF 97. They say point and click adventures is a neglected genre but flights sims arent any better off.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
[VaLkyR]Anubis;2063683 said:
Domination or Double Domination ? Anyway,I liked both gametypes,it was very funny to play these gametypes with some people,hehe good that I still play UT2004,but yeah it would be cool to see this gametype back in UT3.Perhaps somebody will make a remake of this gametype.:)

Seems like you really enjoy it to play UT3,isn't it.:D

Plain old domination, like it's supposed to be. RoninMasta and his team are working on a Domination mod for UT3. And yeh I love UT since the day I first played the Ut-Demo.


Nov 20, 2002
Visit site
Portal 8/10. I really enjoyed it. I thought they did a pretty good job with the glados voice over work. Great concept for a game. I wish it was a little longer. Hopefully there will be a sequel or an expansion.


Feb 2, 2000
Citrus Springs, FL
Super Mario Galaxy


The best mario game ever. It made me see how much I love my Wii even though everyone gives me crap for getting it instead of pwning it up with them on Xbox live :D


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Recently picked up Guitar Hero III. I haven't finished it by any means, but I've been picking away at it here and there in between homework. I get pretty annoyed with it after an hour or so, but it's a fun little time waster.



Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass 9.5/10
Well this review was a long time coming. While its definetly not the best zelda, the presentation is just off the charts. First I will say that if it werent for some annoyances with some minigames(im looking at you archery game), and the controls having the occasional wack out, this game would have been so so perfect in my eyes
But anyway I dont know where to begin. I guess I will start with the puzzles. These are some of the best and well thought out puzzles I have ever encountered. Playing this game made me really think about how innovative the DS can really be if used properly. The touch screen controls do take some time to get used to and as stated before they can wack out on occasion, but it feels so natural once you start the first dungeon. Also the game is hilarious, at least to me. I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed this game, but that would take up like a whole damn page of posts so I wont subject you guys to that. Bottom line, if you havent played this game yet, do so immediatly. Now I just need to find a wii so I can play some Twilight Princess :(


With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
I've been playing Neverwinter Nights 2 for almost a week straight(see xfire).
It's one of the best RPGs I've ever played. 10/10.

I'm only halfway through, btw. :eek:
Last edited:


Wangosaurus Rex
Feb 26, 2002
In a Nuclear Missile Silo
Call of Duty 4: 8.9/10

Fun game. I like the new (less blatant) Halo Shield, and the more cinematic SP is nice too. Although, I still dislike the fact that you are the same character for all but a few missions. Was nice to see the war through the eyes of various grunts in the previous CoDs, rather than just an SAS. And I also like how the USMC were portrayed, although it would have been nice to have been able to get a bit of revenge (even if it was just playing as Griggs for one mission).

As for the MP, I am loving it. Haven't had this much fun since XMP. Sidenote: Does anyone know if any guns other than the M16 fire in bursts?


With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
As for the MP, I am loving it. Haven't had this much fun since XMP. Sidenote: Does anyone know if any guns other than the M16 fire in bursts?

The M16 is the only weapon that fires in bursts, but there are semi-autos that pretty much work the same way.


Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
Prey - That's a unique game,because I never played a game,which have the same story like Prey.When Prey wasn't released,I always liked it to watch the trailers,it looked amazing and later when I got the game,it was fascinating to play.The entire environment of the game is awesome,the visuell effects and ideas are incredible.When you play an SPG,you always think that the game has a kind of a happyend,first in Prey you believe everything goes in a good way,but suddently everything turns into the wrong way and it goes from good to bad.I really like this change of the story in game,because not many games have a similar story.The different weapons of the game are crazy and cool,organic guns,really a supa idea,like the design and effects.However,if you play Prey everyday in every minute it can be possible,that you played the game very fast through,but you have to look around you,not only to play the game,just enjoy the orgranic world around you.Another good point of the game are the different enemies,I really like them all,the keeper looks very strange at the first time,but somehow you like him,hehe.The feature of Prey,that you can't die,is excellent,you must collect the souls of your falling enemies to resurrect yourself again,just marvellous.The mulitplayer of game is good,good old DeathMatch fun,I played some games with my dad and brother and it was very funny,it isn't something special,ok,but it makes fun.I do really like Prey,it is one of my bettest and most loved games and it gets a score of 9.8/10 (98%),I recommend this game.:)


Aug 5, 2005
W00ting himself on CTF-AllYourW00T
Stalker Clear Sky -- 9 out of 10

Simply amazing game which has interesting gameplay and big open world with bunch of gangs fighting for territory, thats cool.

-1 because of permanent crashes , game crashed like 4 times for the last 80 of play.
Portal 8/10. I really enjoyed it. I thought they did a pretty good job with the glados voice over work. Great concept for a game. I wish it was a little longer. Hopefully there will be a sequel or an expansion.

Most of the HL fan boys i know have been talking aout glados being in episode 3

Last game I played was TES4 - Oblivion

The story line is good but once thats finished and you have done all the sub quests you will find that there really isnt much more to it ... the online community seems to be infatuated with boobs which i dont really mind that much and some of the mods that are out are actually really good. The gfx have been stunning from the start but the more you play it the more you realise that nothing much changes and your really the only one running around doing anything so it does get a bit lonely due to a lack of multiplayer

Story 8/10
replay value 6/10
GFX 10/10

Overall 8/10