I buyed mostly fighting games in the Christmas Season.
King of Fighters XI (PS2): Some nice old-school fighting action but as always with SNK, there is always that ludriciously hard boss (I'm looking at you Magaki!). I fight usually as: Oswald (L), Iori, either Kim, K' and perhaps some others i don't remember. (9/10)
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum (PS2): Even MORE old-school fighting action but i had to play some characters (Nakoruru mainly) differently because of some special moves changed commands... and 4 ludriciously hard bosses (the first is EVEN harder than Magaki!). I fight usually as: Iori/K', Iori/Kaede, Iori/Kim and more teams i don't remember. (8.5/10)
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (PS2): YET another fighting game, filled with some f**ked up characters (lol @ Faust, Eddie, Venom, Zappa and more), Heavy Metal music and some ROCKIN' FIGHTING ACTION with still some of the best graphics for a fighting game. I usually fight as Chipp, Ky and Dizzy. (9/10)
Big Bang Beat (PC): ANOTHER fighting game but for the PC this time. Take some High School students (including some badass guy with a bokken, some guy who fights like Bruce Lee on crack, numerous cute girls including a pair of twins and, not to end strong, a blue fish. ...WTF?!? ), insert complex but still straight-foward gameplay, insert head-exploding demon-related story line (lol Japanese) and add the fact that you must beat the crap out of your opponent like a pinata to boost your power bar. How did i find this? [insert grinning pirate smiley] (8.5/10, -0.5 for not understanding the story since it's in Japanese and i can't read Japanese and anyway, the story would be too confusing to me anyway.)