Ok i will keep this a friendly conversation ..after all we are all just gamers...
They (England did rule the new world or parts of it just as Spain ,France, did .How you ask well i will tell you because the new people living in the new world depended upon trade from Europe to survive amost all manufactured goods were shipped by english ships to the new world and sold to the settlers their at huge profits ,and because the people living in the new world were still British subjects.Also to book passage to come to the new world many had to endure 7 years over servatude to pay back the passage from england to america.it was what the revolutionary war was all about gaining independence from England.
The Native peoples of the new world from Alaska to the tip of south america were defeated by many nations France Mostly in the north of what is now Canada,Spain,south America the Aztecs,Maya,etc North America mostly by the British or their decendants.Continully moved farther and farther from their original homes and in the end put on reservations,they were defated by shear numbers and the moderen at that time firearm.These were for the most part the Eastern tribes ,the plains tribes were the last to go to the Reservation and that was mostly carried out through the policy that is they could not defeat them in battle (due to the geography of the country it cost the US goverment almost $ 800.000 dollars to kill one Indian) that they would starve them out by killing off the Buffalo their main sourse of food clothing and shelter. the new Process of manufacturing (machines that used belt drives) made buffalo hides a huge comodity that is what they made the belts for the machines from.It was simply a case of more and more people moving west and occupying the land ,no different than any other occupation of any other land someone had to loose and in this case it was the Native Americans.
But the American Indian has still to this day kept their individual heritage no small task in the face of the sdbersity that they faced.is it a time in history we all people of the world are proud of ? of course not but it is just the way it happened.Some of the Reservations in this country land wise are larger than some european countries and the Native peoples are using their land in more and better ways all the time...History moves on and so we must move with it.
As far as wiped out yes to a degree the Native peoples were wiped out they had no imuune system to cope with all the european diseases,guns and different way of life a sad bit of history for sure but in all no sadder than the complete extiction of the mammoth ,dinosaurs,or any other living thing on this planet.sad but true it is just the way of this world some things die so others may live . But the Native people of this country still believe it is their land and so have fought in almost every war in defence of this country after all we are one nation of many....peace