R.I.P. SG TDM Server

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Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
KW said:
but even I was new to the maps a long long time ago in a galax... err I mean I had to learn the maps like everyone else. I guess I just have more patience than some.

I think that is the difference between a hardcore Inf player and someone who just wants to play TDM with more realisitc movement and weapons. I had a lot of fun times playing EAS (ILCR matches rocked) because, with the right group of people, it was a hugely engrossing game mode and one that I think, when implemented correctly, was ahead of its time. Unfortunately, in my opinion, a community has to be able to support both the hard core player and those who just want to have fun if, for no other reason, than the hard core players like a good "relaxation" game much of the time. To be a really effective team in EAS, you need close communication when playing the game. Sometimes you don't want that. You want to spend your time on TS just chatting with your buddies.
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
KW, I was using sniper actors as an example symptom of the problem. Other examples include but are not limited to ladders, scopes, M16A2, MP5, old geezer maps, the Desert Storm map pack, and CTCD. On a related note, my misgivings towards the sniper actors is not do to them killing players.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Pipe_Dream said:
Come on, KW. I thought we were past all of this by now. You act as though this was an every day occurance and that you never enjoyed playing TDM. I remember a time when you were one of the coolest peeps to play INF with... no matter the game type. As for "some" members of DbD being lamers, thats BS.

Before I joined DbD, I thought clans were the gayest thing on Earth. What I had noticed is that P^R were f*cking bitches ("Note that I do not regard all current and former members of PR as f*cking bitches, but this clan harbors such individuals.[/") and GD was too 'elite' for my skill level(I wanted to apply, but didn't feel confident). This was all good with me because DbD turned out to be some of the coolest, non real life people I've ever known who didn't care about skill level... just friendship. So don't talk **** about any of them(even Mercie), just because you have a problem with me.

When I first started playing on a regular basis, when 2.9 came out(I really got frustrated with 2.86), I honestly didn't know the difference between TDM, EAS and DTAS. People used to get so pissed because I would just run around like it was TDM. Then, one night(about 6 months later) I was playing with NT(during his "bad guy" era), Taque and Ghost and they explained the difference to me. The problem was that most people were too busy being 'big faggot(s)' and not explaining the game.

EAS is the most challenging type of game play there is, no doubt about that. The problem regarding not having enough people to play, IMO, is that many of the new people don't understand the difference or the style. I never even knew the BUF and CT forums existed until a year ago.

My point is this: Stop using terms like "noob" and "lamer" to describe people that don't "get it" right away and maybe people will begin a migration toward EAS. I know, I know... this sh1t has been said a million times before, but it happens for a while and then the 'assholishness(not sure if this is really a word)' comes back out of the a$$holes. Remember, there are many Losus' out there who don't have very thick skin and will run away after the first insult(LOL, this is coming from me).

I wish I could shorten this up because most of it is not important, so this will be my final input in this thread.

Edit: My original post was just gonna be: F*ck' em all, Shan. They're just haters who lost their balls after you didn't feed 'em what they really want. Thanks bro, I'm excited about our new sh1t.

Easily the most serious post you've ever made - I gotta agree with most of what you say ;)
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It'll work, just not the right way.
Sep 18, 2005
It's ignorant to attack an entire group of people (ie clans) as opposed to targeting the key offenders. Please keep this in mind in your flames.

Regarding sniper class, I agree with KW's "warned when it's too late" thing. Mebbe a new thread examining the sniper class is at hand?

And how come whenever Shan double posts noone ever gives him the "edit button" herassment :p
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Lookin' down the iron-sights...
Aug 9, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
I don't play online, cause i don't have net access to my computer. (something that i wish to change before the new year). When I can play online, i'm gonna play all three gametypes and see what happens.

From what I play offline, the most fun games are EAS/DTAS, but a small part of that is from dodge bot support on TDM's part. At least with EAS, the bots have something to do.

This is all i'll say for now, until i actually get a chance to play online and really make up my mind.

Slightly off topic, but what are the most 'noob friendly' servers to play in?


It'll work, just not the right way.
Sep 18, 2005
Burger said:
Slightly off topic, but what are the most 'noob friendly' servers to play in?

Given the size of community and people playing, you're not going to find a 'noob friendly' server. You get one, sometimes two servers and you join 'em. People will know without you even saying anything if you're a noob or not so just kinda go with it and you'll catch on. Playing against humans is much much much much much (etc) different than bots. Humans rationalize their movements much differently (where things like hiding in a shadow and camping with a Robar, purring everytime someone walks into the crosshairs) and it requires a different level of thinking. Just practice, and see if you can't be on top mentally.


arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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Pipe_Dream said:
Come on, KW. I thought we were past all of this by now. You act as though this was an every day occurance and that you never enjoyed playing TDM. I remember a time when you were one of the coolest peeps to play INF with... no matter the game type. As for "some" members of DbD being lamers, thats BS.

Before I joined DbD, I thought clans were the gayest thing on Earth. What I had noticed is that P^R were f*cking bitches ("Note that I do not regard all current and former members of PR as f*cking bitches, but this clan harbors such individuals.[/") and GD was too 'elite' for my skill level(I wanted to apply, but didn't feel confident). This was all good with me because DbD turned out to be some of the coolest, non real life people I've ever known who didn't care about skill level... just friendship. So don't talk **** about any of them(even Mercie), just because you have a problem with me.

When I first started playing on a regular basis, when 2.9 came out(I really got frustrated with 2.86), I honestly didn't know the difference between TDM, EAS and DTAS. People used to get so pissed because I would just run around like it was TDM. Then, one night(about 6 months later) I was playing with NT(during his "bad guy" era), Taque and Ghost and they explained the difference to me. The problem was that most people were too busy being 'big faggot(s)' and not explaining the game.

EAS is the most challenging type of game play there is, no doubt about that. The problem regarding not having enough people to play, IMO, is that many of the new people don't understand the difference or the style. I never even knew the BUF and CT forums existed until a year ago.

My point is this: Stop using terms like "noob" and "lamer" to describe people that don't "get it" right away and maybe people will begin a migration toward EAS. I know, I know... this sh1t has been said a million times before, but it happens for a while and then the 'assholishness(not sure if this is really a word)' comes back out of the a$$holes. Remember, there are many Losus' out there who don't have very thick skin and will run away after the first insult(LOL, this is coming from me).

I wish I could shorten this up because most of it is not important, so this will be my final input in this thread.

Edit: My original post was just gonna be: F*ck' em all, Shan. They're just haters who lost their balls after you didn't feed 'em what they really want. Thanks bro, I'm excited about our new sh1t.



arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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Demosthanese said:
I am honored by your personal attention to the matter, Shan.

It is time to move on. TDM is a decrepit game type, and as has been mentioned before, our TDM is actually TLMS. Do a quick check and see how many LMS servers are running in UT and UT2k4. Next, check how many assault and ONS servers are running in UT2k4. Objective based game play is the future. It should be what we strive for. TDM is just dumping two teams in an arena and having a fight to the death for sport and entertainment. I fail to see how that falls into the vision of "Infiltration: As Real as it gets"

I hold nothing personally against you, only the game type that you run on your server.

Now, EAS as implemented in most maps as a simple CTCD game funneled and directed by mysterious sniper actors is just as flawed.

I do have an idea regarding a map that is impossible to spawn camp without the hack of sniper actors.

the problem with EAS , is , puting random actors or complicated things aint easy. maybe in future games theire will be graphical interfaces wich help people to set up missions.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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My experience with P^R is: Most of you guys are hardly ever willing to compromise.

I) Mao.Mak.Ma, Kalixt, EGM and me playing either DTAS or TDM and hanging out on TS. Seeing a few players on Odie's EAS, I persuade everyone to go there and join P^R playing. Since none of the euro servers is capable of running any BP maps and in lack of euro EAS since ILCR in general, none of us had any clue of the new maps and we keept begging to vote those we are familar with.

You basically told us we have to learn the new maps - and we eventually left after some pointless matches in a row, where nobody had a clue what to do or where to go. As if spending hours of offline maplearning is ever going to pay out for those once per six weeks occasions (at least for euro times) to play EAS at all - I hope you enjoyed your 2 vs 2 instead.

II) End of n1 public DTAS train: Thymus said he was interested in playing one more map - just not Randomy which was on - "pls vote something else"... 2 P^R's relply "Noooo!"

Since public vote didn't work we renounced adminvote and eventually left - some members got pissed and insisted to remove the map entirely - congrats for beeing so stubborn.

This goes in line with "better let INF die than share this game with those unworthy TDM'ers"-attitude and the exaggerated nitpicking exhibited by some former P^R betatersters for the IMT.

While I'm a tolerant person and had several good matches with you guys, I can understand why others get upset instead.

Kitty said:
It's ignorant to attack an entire group of people (ie clans) as opposed to targeting the key offenders. Please keep this in mind in your flames.

Your everlasting comments "all games involving clan/player x,y,z are sooo cool!!!" are at least as pointless and I feel sorry for everybody giving a rats ass


You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
shan said:
FYI, the server is going off-line in a few days. As far as Demo and Crack go, if I ever do run a server again, you guys need not worry because you will not have access...especially as far as Crack goes, I am tired of hearing you bitch and moan, and yet you were on the server all the time. Frickin pathetic hypocrits.

To the rest of you, sorry I could not keep it up for all of you. Keep in touch at ClanTerritory.com or shoot me mail at [email protected].

Thanks for all the good times.


It's a shame to see SG servers go down from a Fine Administrator. However, I do understand and hope at some point they'll come back [it's been know to happen ;) ].

If you *ever* need anything, I am just a email/PM away!

As for SG TDM killing EAS, that is just silly. As NTKB has said, EAS was going down hill fast before SG came online! Personally I like TDM, EAS, DTAS! Why? Because they are all Infiltration! :eek:

Oh, I believe TDM can be "Team" based. :rolleyes:


It'll work, just not the right way.
Sep 18, 2005

Nukeproof said:
Your everlasting comments "all games involving clan/player x,y,z are sooo cool!!!" are at least as pointless and I feel sorry for everybody giving a rats ass

There's a difference. But I guess you're too set on flaming to see it.

{GD}Odie3 said:
Oh, I believe TDM can be "Team" based.

Hell yes.

Semper fi, Shan


Feb 16, 2001
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It's the Eiffel Tower complex that the french have. :D The size of the tower is to make up for the shortage of ..... ah well.. heheh

N'est-ce pas Don ;)