Yes, it was always a blast. I loved and still love Infiltration for not only the game, but the community. Lots of good people here. I will definately be around.
Oh, forgive me Pipe, for not being able to pirate cpu cycles off my company's supercomputers, and for shelling out what money I can afford to keep my favorite game and it's best gametype alive. If you don't like playing there, then I'll go ensure you don't have that option.Pipe_Dream said:They have a right to hate it. I mean, look at <P^R>'s huge contributions to the community. If it wasn't for them nobody would ever complain. You gotta admit, their server rocks!!!!Kitty, you're with some real winners, not "trash" like N, DbD and VA. They are WINNERS!
Yup.Demosthanese said:It is time to move on. TDM is a decrepit game type, and as has been mentioned before, our TDM is actually TLMS. Do a quick check and see how many LMS servers are running in UT and UT2k4. Next, check how many assault and ONS servers are running in UT2k4. Objective based game play is the future. It should be what we strive for. TDM is just dumping two teams in an arena and having a fight to the death for sport and entertainment. I fail to see how that falls into the vision of "Infiltration: As Real as it gets"
Some of the good EAS maps ARE impossible to spawnkill players on without going to extraordinary lengths or map bugging.I do have an idea regarding a map that is impossible to spawn camp without the hack of sniper actors.
keihaswarrior said:2) Providing NA TDM servers attracts the wrong kind of gamer to the INF community.
3) The abundance of TDM servers combined with a safe havens (Clan territory forums, DBD, [^..^] ) for lamers, tkers, and idiots had a large negative effect on the INF community.
4) The refusal to properly Admin the TDM servers encouraged TKers and lamers to stay in the INF community where some still remain today.
--Note that I do not regard all current and former members of DBD and [^..^] as lamers, but these clans harbored such individuals.
My point is this: Stop using terms like "noob" and "lamer" to describe people that don't "get it" right away and maybe people will begin a migration toward EAS.
[PDX]StevenGarcia said:I may start putting up an after-10pm TDM server, sos I have somewhere to hang out while noone is online.