Bleh, I still like the idea of how to do everything being in the manual, and learning advanced implementation leaning on the community for.
I can see people moving hella fast strafe jumping through a quake level, and not ever figure it out.
I can watch someone do a nasty hard trick jump in UT2004 that I've never seen before, and do it within X amount of tries in IA, and be implementing into my game in days. I wouldn't even have to log onto a forum, or download a demo.
Also, the more complex the execution of the moves are, makes them more limited in use. Simple, but versitile moves, that can be combined in multiple different ways, make for more variety in moveing. Just like in 2k3, even small stuff like the differences between boost jump, dodge jump, and jump dodge jump, could be the difference between hit or miss with Shock beam or LtG, and could also be the difference between flight or fall, depending on needing distance, elevation, or compimise of both. Add a single tap shield pop in there, and the versitility get's nasty. You also don't need a prefabbed step, or lip to start it, a wallkick can happen off any verticle surface, including blocking volumes.
Any verticle movement techniques in quake seem reliant on much more specific map aspects, or weapon propulsion. The whole strafe beat thing is mostly just exploiting friction for horizontal speed, which can then be channeled retroactively into vert by, once again, very specific map aspects.
Also bearing in mind that the first ramp dodges weren't placed with such obvious intent, you could amost consider that a similar "movement technique" of UT. They are only really as maps specific as they are now because of how mappers have adopted them, and made them obvious. Where was the first time you ever used a slope to slide up to a higher elevation? I wonder if Q3 handles that in the same way... IIRC, I don't think vanilla does.